31st Edition • June 30, 2021
Step 3 of BC's Restart Plan Effective Thursday, July 1
Yesterday, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that British Columbia will enter Step 3 of the 4 Step plan to restarting BC as of tomorrow, Thursday, July 1. Step 3 details can be found by clicking here.  
Highlight of July 1st Changes
Mandatory mask order is lifted. This means that masks are not required in indoor spaces, however Dr. Henry does recommend masks be worn by those that are not fully vaccinated, which are those people that have not had their 2nd shot for at least 2 weeks.

British Columbians do not need to prove they are fully vaccinated, the onus is on everybody to be responsible.
Safety Plans
COVID safety plans are no longer required and are replaced with Communicable Disease Plans. Click here for more information.

Important points to remember when drafting these plans: handwashing, personal hygiene, proper ventilation and staying home when sick.
Public Health Orders
Most health orders will be rescinded and replaced with targeted restrictions and guidance.

Updated details, when posted, should be available through these links:
Indoor organized gatherings now permitted for up to 50 people or up to 50% of capacity, whichever is greater with a Communicable Disease Plan.

Outdoor organized gatherings now permitted for up to 5,000 or up to 50% of capacity, whichever is greater with a Communicable Disease Plan.
Inter provincial recreational travel is now permitted.
Outdoor spectators for sport activities permitted for up to 5,000 people or 50% capacity, whichever is greater. Indoor spectators are also allowed for 50 people or 50% capacity, whichever is greater.
Restaurant & Dining
No limit to the number of guests seated at a table for dining, however you cannot socialize between tables. Some safety measures will be needed including physical barriers.

Events are allowed in a restaurant setting.
Liquor Service
Liquor service returns to normal as per liquor license
The earliest start date for Step 4 is set as September 7th however this depends on vaccination levels (70% of adults single dose), declining case counts, and hospitalizations.
Your Association continues to monitor Government announcements, seek clarification, and provide updates. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Regional Director, British Columbia
Tel.: 778-726-1200
515 Legget Drive, Suite 810 | Ottawa, ON | K2K 3G4