Re-Opening Saskatchewan Step Three Guidance
The Province of Saskatchewan confirmed the move to Step Three of the Re-Opening Roadmap for Sunday, July 11 when all public health orders will be removed. This includes the removal of the province-wide mandatory masking order and the removal of limits on events and gathering sizes.
As noted within the announcement, The Province of Saskatchewan will continue to provide health protection guidance and resources which will be uploaded to their website.
Additional information for businesses and workplaces is available here.
For updated versions of the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan, please click here.
Your Golf in Saskatchewan allied association remains committed to working in partnership with the Province of Saskatchewan, Public Health and the Business Response Team as we move forward through the 2021 golf season. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require clarifications.
Yours in golf,
NGCOA Canada - Prairie Chapter
Tel.: 866-626-4262 extension 42
Local dial-in: 204-832-6842