Staff in the Spotlight
Amanda Freeman
About Mrs. Freeman: I’ve been a third grade teacher here at NWS for the past four years! I grew up in NH and attended UNH to earn my teaching degree. Besides teaching I have a few different interests: spending lots of time with my family and friends, traveling, taking long walks with my dog Poe, watching football, and eating delicious foods.
What do you love about working at Northwood School?
I love working with all of the amazing faculty and staff at NWS! Our school is very welcoming and supportive when it comes to both things that take place in our building and in our personal lives. I’m so thankful to be able to have such strong friendships with many of my colleagues.
Who has had the greatest influence in your life/career and why?
My mom has had the greatest influence on me. She showed me that strength comes from within and that you can conquer anything you set your mind to. My aunt has had the greatest influence on me when it comes to my career. I have always looked up to her and therefore followed in her footsteps in education. She is still a great resource that I collaborate with frequently to make sure I’m challenging myself as a teacher!
Do you have any quotes or words of wisdom you’d like to share with the Northwood community?
“Have Courage and Be Kind”