Cyndi Wineinger & Darcy Bien have been working for the past year on
Stretch Strategic Leaders
to help companies stretch to the next level. We have decided to combine our efforts into one newsletter. Our programs and trainings integrate strategy and organizational development for mid-size, growth-oriented companies. Both Cyndi and Darcy continue to serve their current clients as well through The Wineinger Company and Partners in Change.
It's been a rocky couple of months with lots of crisis management. But, it's also been amazing to see our clients rise up and manage with grace and confidence. Most transitioned to remote work quickly with few interruptions. And, we are impressed with the amount of communication happening – both internally with employees and externally with clients.
Business will have to be reinvented
Review your current strategy – get rid of anything that doesn’t make sense AND determine what needs to be added. Focus on the positives - brainstorming Possibilities – Opportunities, ideas, and innovations. Your leadership team and employees need energy right now; figure out how to end the year stronger!
The article mentions Hubert Joly at Best Buy. Mr. Joly once likened his strategy to riding a bike the first time: You don’t want to go too fast, but it’s a lot easier to make course corrections once you’re moving.
Reset your Goals
We all know our 2020 goals have all changed; for the past 8 weeks we've been fire-fighting and managing the crisis. Take time as a leadership team to face the reality, discuss possibilities, and agree on your 2020 goals.The article describes the traits of amazing leaders.
In his book
Good to Great
, Jim Collins found that most executives who led super-growth companies were much like Deng: quiet, reserved and self-effacing. They possessed “indomitable will” but directed their ambition toward the organization and its goals, rather than themselves.
Show Enthusiasm
Everyone is tired; we are anxious, and most of us are downright scared with a predicted recession looming. How will your company weather the next wave, and how can you approach this with optimism and strength? The article mentions Marc Andreessen, co-founder of the venture-capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, and the most difficult skill he had to learn as a chief executive. It “was the ability to manage my own psychology.”
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