All Critters Micro and Mega Veterinary Service - Mogul
On the edge of Scholarton as you enter New Bradford, you will find another historic building that used to be the New England Women’s and Children’s Hospital. This old building has been remodeled for a newer use. It is now the All Critters Micro & Mega Veterinary Center.
All Critters Micro and Mega Veterinary Service (ACMAM) is an animal hospital catering to all critters, regardless of size or shape. It is perfectly suited for Titan’s City’s amorphous population.
Cats, dogs, birds, fish and the expected critters of any city can find care here. But mutant binary creatures, over-sized fur-balls, and dragon-related gorgons of every kind can also find the specialized care they need here - Care that probably can’t be found in any other institution in the United States.
Titan City planners were happy when ACMAM stepped-up to make use of the 19th-Century New England women’s and children’s hospital that was falling into disrepair. This alternative hospital for Titan City’s furry residents has become the perfect use for the old building. (And while it’s primary function is care for animals, it has a very nice old patio on the back of the building that is ideal for a superhero afternoon tea.)
Make sure and visit All Critters Micro and Mega Veterinary Service in New Bradford to see some of Titan City's most exotic furry friends!