Weekly news & announcements
July 1, 2021
Your faithful giving supports our mission and serves Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves. Give online.
Worship will live-stream on ZOOM at 9am this Sunday.

Service will NOT stream on our website or Facebook.
Nick is on Vacation starting July 5
From July 5 through August 2 Nick will be on vacation. If you have a pastoral emergency during that time, please contact the Wardens: Dusty Hecker and Brian Mukherjee, or call (781) 444-1469 ext. 113.
Welcome the Reverend Lise Hildebrandt in July
The Reverend Lise Hildebrandt will preach and preside at worship on the four Sundays Nick is on vacation (July 11, 18, 25, August 1). Lise (pronounced Lisa) is an Episcopal priest who is happiest living in and making connections between different disciplines and worlds, especially between our life with God and everything else.
Lise is a musician, bread-baker, transportation cyclist, martial artist, and activist and serves as co-convener of the Creation Care Justice Network for our Diocese. Her current call is to develop a faith community focused on Creation and climate change, especially on nurturing our physical and spiritual relationship to soil, growing food and restoring habitat. She received an MDiv from Yale and a Master’s of Public Health from BU. She has two delightful adult daughters and lives in a Quaker-based community in Arlington.
B-LOVE 30 Grocery Bags Needed in July

We are looking to get families to make grocery bags for the B-Safe program.  We have been given the opportunity to provide 30 bags on July 26Download the shopping list and sign up here.

MANNA Monday Lunch Program urgently needs volunteers. Sign up online here.
Ask a Pastor
Nick took part in our Cathedral’s “Ministry of the Steps” last week.
His experience was that people have just as many things to tell the pastor as to ask!
Summer Lectio Divina on Wednesdays
Join us on Zoom Wednesday at 7pm for Lectio Divina. Get the Zoom access info here. Contact either Claudia Yapp or Heidi Fieldston if you have questions or are interested. ALL WELCOME!
Bible Study Fall 2021
This Fall, Wednesday Bible Study will begin at the beginning with Genesis. We will spend September through May reading the text in order to understand how foundational this book is for the entire Old Testament.
Why does Genesis not even mention the people Israel until more than halfway through it? What is the purpose of stories about a flood, a tower, family feuds? What does it all mean to us as Christians? How does it apply to our world today?

Classes meet 10-11:30 AM and 7-8:30 PM. We understand that schedules vary, so weekly attendance is not a requirement. It is discussion-based which allows a wonderful exchange of ideas, a way to formulate your own understanding. Please join us. Depending on COVID restrictions we will meet in person, over Zoom, or in a hybrid model. Please contact Tracy Rubin if you’re interested.
News from the Christ Church Community Concerns Committee
Our ministry requires a very small commitment of time but does a tremendous amount of good. At one annual meeting, we vote to allocate all the Committee's budgeted funds for the fiscal year. In this second pandemic year, when so many are still hurting, we have again changed the weight we assign certain causes based on how the pandemic has upended lives (for example in the areas of health care, food security and homelessness). Last year, we doubled our grant to the Needham Community Council food pantry and donated $1000 to the MA COVID-19 Relief Fund. The latter fund has closed as Massachusetts has thankfully coped well, but we re-directed those funds for 2021 to help with the tragic rise of cases in the third world (particularly India). You can see a complete list of our 2021 grants here.
The differing backgrounds, input and enthusiasm of each of our members are all essential to the work the Committee does in helping the less fortunate, both locally and around the world. We welcome the participation of new members, so please contact any of us if you feel called to this very important ministry!
Joanne Neale, Chairperson
Memorial Garden Care
Please consider volunteering a week or two this summer to help care for our lovely Sanctuary Garden. The tasks include light weeding, dead-heading and keeping walkways and benches clean. No watering or lawn care is required. Please contact Winnie or the office to sign up. Your help is much appreciated!  
Beyond the Parish
Sign up for MANNA and B-LOVE here.
If you or someone in your family is in the hospital or in need of pastoral care, please call the church office so that our clergy or the Pastoral Response Ministry team may be notified and tend to the need.
The office number is (781) 444-1469, and you can reach Nick at ext. 113.