The Heart of Every Lover:
Weekly Offerings

August 21, 2020
ECPPA collection
"My center is the heart of every lover. 
Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center."

Meher Baba 
Meher Center, 1956

Dear Meher Center Family and Friends,

A loving Jai Baba to all from your family at Meher Center.

I wanted to share Meher Baba’s delightful first meeting with Filis Frederick and Adele Wolkin, two very beloved Baba followers, in 1952 at Meher Center in the Lagoon Cabin. The following account is taken from Lord Meher.

He spelled out to them both: "I heard so much about you both that I feel so happy that at last I have seen you. Are you not nervous?"

"No," they said.

"I am overjoyed. Are you happy?"

"Very happy."

"No more happy than I am in seeing you. When you know me, you will love me like a little child. I am a child — grown up!

"I love humor, I love to tease and work hard here, and at various places, while talking to you now. And when you love me with pure, simple love, there should be no barrier. Love, pure and simple, then all doubts will vanish until the mind gets tempted to doubt. Even if love is there, the mind goes on working. But love does not bother; it loses its all in the Beloved. Do you love Baba honestly?"

"Yes, Baba!" they replied.

"What can I do for you?" asked Adele.

"What more can you do for the Beloved? I want love, nothing else! Love me, and let God love us.

That is what I want. When you love Baba, God will love you, and God's loving means everything. So, Baba is very happy. One who really is the humblest of the humble is the greatest of the great. But it has to be in all honesty, in all truth. So, let us love, love, love; all else is illusion. So, Adele and Filis, what more can you do if you really love me? Do you love me?"


"Do you know where that love is coming from? When you love Baba, God's love means everything."*

In Baba’s love and service,

Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff

*Lord Meher Online, pp.3056-3057.
Lovers' Offerings
Billy Goodrum
Ward Parks
SJ Ursrey

"I never come, I never leave"
This is an audio recording by Mike Loftus of a meeting that took place in the Barn one day after Meher Baba’s 1958 visit to the Center. In the glow of Baba’s continued Presence, Marion Florsheim encourages many of Baba’s lovers to share about their experiences, including Margeurite Poley, Darwin Shaw, Fred Winterfeldt, Elizabeth Patterson, Andy Muir, Charles Purdom, Fred Marks, and others. 

Audio, 1:22:17
Meher Center, June 1, 1958
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives
"Love means obedience"
Bill LePage is an author, storyteller and a close Australian disciple of Meher Baba. He first met Meher Baba when he was chosen as one of the western men to attend the Three Incredible Weeks Darshan in India in 1954 and had close contact with Baba over the years. In this video, Bill recounts the story of Baba's visit to Australia in 1958, interspersing profound details with gems of wisdom from his time around Baba and the Mandali.

Video, 1:10:48
Meher Center, December 2, 1995
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives