21 August 2020

Le Journal

from the head of school

Welcome Back to School!  

Dear AL Community, 

Welcome Back! Even though the 2020-21 school year will start virtually because of the pandemic, I always feel great pleasure to welcome back all our students and staff on Tuesday, August 25. Our staff and teachers have been working very hard to set up their Google Classrooms and to be ready to welcome their students. This week has been used to train all our personnel on diversity, equity and inclusion, best practices in online teaching and learning, as well as using our new student information system Tyler. Our IT department is working around the clock to finalize that setup. 

The K-1 student schedule has been revised to be centered around the student cohorts in small groups. The French, Math, and Science/Social Studies classes will now be grouped together. Due to the large number of classes, we were not able to integrate English time into those blocks but did our best to keep them close. K-1 students will have live English class twice a week plus a live story time on Friday. Please look for an email with your child's homeroom small group schedule on Monday. 

As we start back online, let's all work together to practice good online learning behaviors, such as having a dedicated, quiet space in your home to "go to class", arriving on time to virtual class, muting the microphone when joining, and sitting up ready to learn. Please encourage your student to actively participate and to ask questions. Academic labs and office hours will be devoted to supporting small groups of students who need extra help in the afternoon.

Last, but not least, it has been a long journey to reach the goal of AL to provide another opportunity of free, high quality education to the students of Kansas City. We are thrilled to welcome the inaugural class of the Académie Lafayette International High School. I would like to say a big thank you to the high school committee who worked so hard and all those who contributed one way or another to making this bold vision a reality.

I would like to invite you to be patient as we implement our reopening plan. We will continue to collect parents, teachers, and students feedback to make necessary adjustments. 

Thank you for your strong support, let's all have a fantastic year!
Elimane Mbengue
Head of School


In This Edition:


Upcoming Events

August 25
First day of online classes, Phase I (All students)

September 2
Cherry Student Success Night, 6pm virtual

August 27
Diversity Committee Meeting, 6pm online link in calendar the day of event

September 3
Armour Student Success Night, 6pm virtual
September 1
Oak Student Success Night, 6pm virtual

September 7
No School-Labor Day

Access the 2020-21 school calendar by clicking here


Technology needs surveytechneeds

Dear Parents,

If you did not fill out a technology needs survey to indicate your needs please use this waiting list survey. Click here. You will be automatically entered into a waiting list and will be contacted as we are receiving our devices.

Thank you


Kinsa FLUency programNurseFlu

Dear AL families, 

As we approach the school year, the nursing and social work teams would like to help support your families as much as possible.  This program is only available for our K-5 families. 

Académie Lafayette has once again been granted a spot in the Kinsa FLUency program for the 20-21 school year. This program, which normally starts in late September, has added a waitlist feature this year due to COVID-19 which allows families to sign up for the program early.  The FLUency program gives one free Kinsa thermometer to interested families in the community and provides a community illness tracker in their app so families can see what illnesses are going around the school community.  All personal information is kept completely private while notifying the broader AL community of communicable illnesses. 


AL Pre-K new start date Sept. 8thPreK

AL Pre-K parents,
The new start date for the Pre-K seats at Emmanuel has changed to Tuesday, Sept. 8th. Due to the current circumstances, this date is subject to change. Please contact Emmanuel immediately to complete your registration if you have not.  
For questions contact Robyn King at


19-20 Yearbook Delivery DelayYB

Our yearbooks have been ordered but like all businesses in the world, LifeTouch is experiencing some delays in production. This is due to their factories being affected by COVID. Click here to read the letter from LifeTouch. 


Textbook ReturnBookreturn

If you have any textbooks or novels from last school year at home, please drop them off at Armour between 12-1pm on Tuesdays or Thursday.  Come to the east door on McGree Street.



It is with heavy hearts that we share that Randal Chestnut, father of Lauren and Madison Chestnut, passed away on July 20th.  Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.  If you would like to help support the family through this extremely difficult time, please visit his memorial website and make a donation.  


Social Work and Counseling CornerSocialCorner

Food pick up changed to Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 to 1pm.  The location is the east door of the Armour campus on McGee Street. Deliveries will also take place on that day. Please contact your school counselor or social worker if you need deliveries. This is available to all families.  We want to say a special thank you to the volunteers from St. John's Methodist Church for helping us with deliveries.

Check out our AL Counseling and Social Services Department website!


Fall School Supplies OrdersSupplies

school_supplies_tool.jpg Dear Parents,

Our school is participating in a school supplies program with this year. When you purchase your school supplies on, our school will receive 50% of the profits!

* One-click ordering makes back-to-school shopping simple!
* All lists are teacher approved
* Parents can customize orders (buy only what you need)
* Quality, name-brand products you trust
* Low prices and next-day shipping to your home
* The school gets half the profits!

Register for a coupon code here. Visit Yubbler to order today! 


Technology and EquipmentTech



  • To help answer your questions, we have created our Covid-19 webpage, which will be updated as we have more information to share.  If, at any time, you have a question, concern or information to share, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teachers, counselors, principals or Mr. Mbengue.
  • We will continue to communicate with families and students through emails, all-calls, website and social media updates. We are also exploring the possibility of text messages with families.
  • Looking to build your community? 
    Get going today by joining our private Facebook group here. You will need to answer the three security questions before being granted access. 


Diverse Charter Schools Coalition (DCSC): ResourcesDCSC


Oak Street Campus
6903 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO 64113
Armour Campus,
201 E. Armour Blvd, 
Kansas City, MO 64111 

Cherry Street Campus
3421 Cherry Street
Kansas City, MO 64109