Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
May 10,2021
Town Council Extends Temporary Permits to Allow Outdoor Dining, Retail, and Curbside Pickup

At their meeting on May 5th, the Town Council adopted two resolutions to extend the expiration dates of Temporary Outdoor Use Permits and Right-of-Way Agreements to allow restaurants and other businesses to continue to provide outdoor dining, other retail/commercial uses, and curbside pickup. The permits and agreements will expire by May 8, 2022. Applications are available online.
New Mandatory Water Use Restrictions 

With reservoir levels at historic lows, Marin Water’s board of directors declared a water shortage emergency and has adopted mandatory water use restrictions. The goal of the restrictions is to achieve a 40% reduction in water use districtwide. Please visit the Water Rules page for information. 

Photo Credit:Rod Milstead @rpmteacher
Hub Transportation Study Virtual Community Workshop
May 13th - 6:30-8pm

The Town of San Anselmo is kicking off a study to identify existing transportation and safety issues and develop a roadmap for short, medium and long-term solutions to improve travel to and through the Hub for people driving, cycling and using transit.

Please join us at this initial workshop to review the purpose of this study and to share your experiences and ideas.

Chipper Day door-to-door service will begin May 17th for Fairfax households. 

Each home in Fairfax will be serviced twice between May 17-September 27th. Please note: You need to pre-register for the pick-up service on one of the two days available to your neighborhood.

Please visit the links below for more information:

For instructions on how to prepare your materials for pick up: 

For a schedule of pick up dates, please go to:

NOTE: The website will ask you to enter your address. Based on your address, it will let you know the dates of the two Chipper Days scheduled for your area. You will need to register to receive the pick-up service on your selected date. Service is on a first-come, first served basis.
Rental Assistance Apply-A-Thon

Do you need help applying for the Marin County Rental Assistance Program? Come to one of the in-person registration events: Wednesday May 19th 4-8pm or Sunday May 23rd 10am-3pm

Upcoming Meetings & Events
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
May 10th - 7pm

Police Practices and Public Safety Alternatives (Subcommittee of RESJ) Meeting
May 13th - 7pm

Volunteer Board Meeting
May 17th - 6:30pm

Climate Action Committee Meeting
May 18th - 7pm

Planning Commission Meeting
May 20th - 7pm

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.
Fairfax Farmer's Market

Come to the Farmer's Market every Wednesday, from 4-8pm in Bolinas Park, now through September.
A Message from the Climate Action Committee

The Climate Action Committee, working with the Town Council to meet the Town’s resolution to get our emissions to zero by 2030, has closed our Public Comment Period for the proposed Climate Action Plan. We are now carefully evaluating the many thoughtful comments from many of you. 
We deeply appreciate the time and effort you have given to help us with this process. We will be posting the comments we received on our website.
We are working to answer all of the questions on our blog. 
Fairfax has always been a leader in protecting our environment. Thank you for showing that we continue to live up to that tradition.

Fairfax Recreation
Age Friendly Marin “Breakfast with Friends”
May 19, 9:30-10:30 am

Socializing is important for all and it's fun to connect. Join us for coffee, tea and/or breakfast and a friendly and enjoyable chat at Barefoot Café, in person

Art & Nature Camp
For children 4 -5 years 
Week of July 12th
Monday – Friday from 9am – 12noon 

This camp is designed for transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten child/ren to get them comfortable for the new school year ahead. The flow of each day will include morning circle, music, storytelling and movement, snack time, and a short nature walk and art activity before pick up at 12 noon. Children will learn how to work within a group of peers, enhance listening skills with music exercises and do hands on crafts and nature exploration with skilled teachers.
Peri Park
You can still support the park and show your Peri Park pride by purchasing tees and totes! 

Visit our website to purchase and arrange local pick up.
BioBlitz to Celebrate our Earth!
Sunday May 16th
9:30am until 11:30pm

Become a citizen scientist, wildlife and lands photographer, and help us document the diversity in our local nature! 
Join Fairfax Parks and Recreation in collaboration with Fairfax Open Space Committee (FOSC) for our first BioBlitz to celebrate our earth. 

A BioBlitz is an event where a group of people tries to document as many species as possible in a specific time frame. 

It's a great way to get to know a place, local animals and plants, and collect real scientific data.

This is an in-person event, adapted to COVID regulations, with social distancing, masks at all times, touchless sign up, and no equipment sharing. 

We will walk in very small groups, explore the space, and document all our observations using the free smartphone app iNaturalist. 
We will also be learning tips for taking photos in the great out of doors!

If this sounds like fun, join us! For more info, meeting location, and to RSVP:

Space is limited so make your reservations soon!
Photo Credit: “Northern Spotted Owl” by Stephen Keese
Join a Board or Commission!

Do you want to make a real difference in 2021? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on the Open Space Committee, Climate Action Committee, Volunteer Board and Planning Commission.

Spread the Word

We want to share the Town News with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe here.

You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
Town of Fairfax sitio web se puede traducir al español

El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.

Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.