Trinity Trumpet


Approaching the Last Sunday After the Epiphany

This last Sunday in Epiphany is "Transfiguration Sunday." We bear witness to the Transfiguration of Jesus. With striking similarity to the Exodus narrative, Jesus’ identity as the Messiah is affirmed in his physical transformation on a mountain.

Bible Study: Last Sunday after Epiphany (C) – February 27, 2022

Leah Wise

RCL: Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 99; 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2; Luke 9:28-36, [37-43a]

Click Link Below:

Bible Study: Last Sunday after Epiphany (C) – February 27, 2022 – The Episcopal Church

Bishop Scanlan’s Weekly Video 2/18/22

Dear Members of the Episcopal Church in Central PA,

Bishop Scanlan explains that being Shaped by Faith is a key component of the work that we are doing together. Watch below.

Mother Pat's Message

There was a time when Lent meant nothing more to me than “giving up chocolate.” This practice was not transformative. It did not draw me closer to God. It made me miserable and solely fixated on food, not my Lord. Looking back, my Lenten “discipline ” was exactly that. It felt way too much like punishment.


I am sure more spiritually balanced people undertake such abstinence and find it a healthy way to reinforce their reliance on God and to celebrate God’s unmerited favor (grace). Whatever they “give up” becomes the means by which they plunge deeper into God’s purifying depths, where self-centeredness is burned away by unconditional love. God will work through anything, even a Hershey bar, to get to us and draw us nearer to his heart.


I have found that giving “out” (not “up”) can be another wonderful way for God to pull our theology and spirituality out of our comfort zone and into the world. Refraining from chocolate pales in comparison to serving breakfast to people you are afraid of in the Parish Hall. Sometimes Jesus “dares” us to find him in places we would rather not go. He will literally drive us out of his Father’s house to broaden and reorient our spiritual worldview. This is always a cause for celebration— we were lost, and by God’s grace, we are found.


Lastly, sometimes my  life circumstances are my Lent. Sometimes someone else’s life circumstances are my Lent. This year, the Ukrainian’s hell is my Lent. By God’s love and grace, my self-centeredness and my soul’s edges are to be honed with God’s pain, the pain of God’s children, and the evil in the world. This will most assuredly draw me nearer to God and God’s people, which is a great and joyous gift.


So, go wherever God leads you. God will give you the Lent and the grace you need.



Once the first Snickers passed my lips, I simply gave up that kind of Lent for Lent.

Pancake Breakfast 2-26-22

Remember the Pancake Breakfast is Saturday the 26th starting at 8am and ending at 11am!

Many thanks to those who are volunteering and have helped out with funds and supplies to make this happen!

We will collect photos and news of it to send out on Monday the 28th!

Journey with Jesus to Jerusalem is the theme for our LARC (Lutheran, Anglican (Episcopalian), and Roman Catholic) midweek Lenten worship services.  We will gather together to worship our Lord on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. on March 9 (Trinity Lutheran), March 16 (Corpus Christi), March 23 (First Lutheran), March 30 (Corpus Christi), and April 6 (First Lutheran.) Trinity Episcopal will be participating, but not hosting due to covid and closer quarters in their worship space. Following worship, you are invited to a time of fellowship where beverages will be served. In this season of Lent, we will abstain from serving food with the beverages as part of our Lenten Sacrifice. Also – due to covid, we will not be having Soup Suppers this year.

Bible Study Opportunity

LENTEN BIBLE STUDY First Lutheran (43 W Washington St, Chambersburg, PA 17202) invites you to join them for a Lenten Study of Scripture. This is time to reflect on God’s word as we are inspired God’s living word and Christ’s preaching and teaching. We will meet Mondays at 1:00 p.m. in the Parlor at First Lutheran to discuss the Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday. The study will be led by Pastor Charles Kampmeyer.

Please call First Lutheran to register. 717-264-2015.

February 28 Luke 4:1-13              The Temptation of Christ

March 7        Luke 13:31-36         Pharisees Warn Jesus about Herod

March 14      Luke 13:1-9              Report about Herod Murdering

Galileans, Parable of the Barren Fig Tree

March 21     Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 The Prodigal Son

March 28     John 12:1-8              Mary of Bethany Anoints Jesus

April 4           Luke 19:28-40         Jesus Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem

Thank You Cheryl Stearn for Sharing

Your Project and Talent!

Recently, I took a three-week online course, Building Community Through Music from the Stevenson School of Ministry. A music-based project was required to complete the course. For more information on courses go to  

 I am intrigued by a German Benedictine abbess, Hildegard of Bingen, who was born in 1098 in Bermersheim, Germany and died on September 17, 1179. She commemorated on September 17th. She was a mystic, preacher, writer, natural healer and copious composer of Gregorian chant music. She had a great deal of influence in the spiritual community at that time. 

Her written works Scivias  (Know the Ways of the Lord)Liber Vitae Meritorum (The Book of the Rewards of Life)Liber Divinorum Operum (The Book of Divine Works) have survived nearly a millennium. Nearly 400 letters written to popes , emperors, abbots and abbesses survive.

Hildegard’s surviving musical works include the "Ordo Virtutum”, an early example of liturgical drama and the oldest morality play. Sixty-nine other musical compositions, each with its own original poetic text, survive, and at least four other texts are known, though their musical notation has been lost. This is one of the largest repertoires among medieval composers."  Hildegard used the musical notation of the time, neume. To play or sing her music, it is usually translated to modern musical notation.

Here is the short (5 minute) composition of Hildegard's, O Magne Pater, I recorded for my SSFM, Building Community through Music class. The music and text translation is done by Creative Commons and is used with permission.


Cheryl Stearn


Volunteers needed!


There are opportunities present for Trinity members interested in helping with our various ministries. 

First, we need help with our joint program with WellSpan Health in the COVID vaccination clinics. The next two are scheduled, for March 12th and April 23rd.  Both are from11:30 am until 3:00 pm. Not difficult work just being nice which is an easy task for Trinity people.

·       Unlock doors at 11:30, turn on the lights

·       Put out on the same table used for Sunday coffee hour the snack basket (marked for WellSpan) of goodies, water, paper cups and juice

·       Put an extension cord and three prong plug next to or on the back table near the altar (both in a bag marked WellSpan on kitchen counter with the snack basket)

·       If you wish to learn we can show how to load a movie for the kids on the DVD player and big TV. Start the movie at 12:00 the official start of the clinic. This is optional

·       Lock up turn off lights and wipe down tables at 3:00 pm when clinic is over

As is obvious there is no heavy lifting and just being nice and helpful for this very important inner-city ministry.

Second opportunity is helping with the Good Samaritan Garage on Tuesday’s from 1:00pm till 2:30 pm. And on the Saturday’s when the covid vaccination clinics are scheduled. The next two are March 12th and April 23rd

 Again, these volunteer opportunities involve no heavy lifting. Just being nice and helpful to those who come to the store for the free merchandise.

·       Involves unlocking the Samaritan Garage door (key in the lock box on the wall next to the door)

·       Turn on the lights and if there is a small box or pile of clothes on one of the chairs, please hang them and place on racks in the appropriately marked size area. 

·       Otherwise sit and wait for guests and keep track on the sheets about the number of guest and what they are selecting (not detail needed). This bit of record keeping is for grant reports later.

So, another easy, yet necessary volunteer job to help further this ministry.


For either of the above contact Sharon Holoviak (717 658-6555) or Justin at the church office.

United Way News

A thank you goes out to United Way for including us in their recent community drive. We photographed Alex Ruquet and Karen Johnson who kindly made the delivery to our Parish Hall. We received personal care items which we immediately put into the Good Samaritan Garage. We are grateful for the help and recognition of our outreach. --

Sharon Holoviak

Thank you, Alex and Karen! It all goes to help our neighbors.




On Wednesday the 23rd two Buddhist monks visited Trinity! They are Theravada Monks originally from Sri Lanka but now have a temple on a mountain top near Breezewood, PA.  Justin and Stephen have attended meditation sessions at the temple in the recent past. The shorter pictured one is the head monk at the temple. His name is Bhante Chandrawansa, and his companion is Bhante Ariyawansa. Bhante is a respectful title used to address Buddhist monks and the superiors in the Theravada tradition. For those interested, Theravada means in Pali the “way of the elders”.

On the way back from Long Island they took the opportunity to tour our campus and chat with Steve. They are very interested in attending a Tuesday healing service and Steve said he would make the arrangements. The history and beauty of the facility did impress them But, what grabbed their hearts was the extensive outreach to those in need in our community that Trinity provides.

As luck would have it, Ann Dortch stopped by to drop off muffins for the Thursday breakfast and was able to meet and chat with them.

Online Stewardship

Donate in a safe and secure manner through the Diocese of Central PA. Click this link and follow instructions:

Donate to Your Parish | The Episcopal Church in Central Pennsylvania (

Service Times

Sundays: Holy Eucharist Rite II 9:30am

Sunday School (Teens) 9:15am

Tuesdays: Healing Service with Eucharist

1:00pm in the Parish Hall

Wednesdays: Compline via Zoom 7:00pm


Special Note- Those of you that attend compline. Please start thinking about an alternate time to meet for five weeks that LARC is active in mid-week Lenten services as they exactly overlap compline. We could do Thursday for example or Tuesday instead. See the LARC article for the dates, starting March 9th.

Prayers for Our Neighbors:

Julie and Kevin; August; Liz; Chris; Richard; Nick; Rose; Ross; Marion W.; Lois and Paul H.; John; Helen; Marion S; John D.; Larry; Aaron; Sophia; Marian; Fred L.; Peggy; Dottie F; Gale; Ashley and Abigail; Doug; Ben; A.J.; Evie K.; E.J.; Paul; David S.; Susan F.; Jane and Odetta; Matt and Megan; Linda M.; Maryann; Steve and Dana; Emma H.; Tim and Cassie; Brian; June D; Beau H.; Dick; Jennings L.; Bill and Nancy S; Mark S.; Burr and Ann L.; Janelle; Lillian B. and Sally W

At a Diocesan Level (copied from the Diocese of CPA website):

Please pray for all those suffering from Covid-19, those who have died, and their loved ones.

Prayers are requested for The Rev. Larry Hofer.

Please pray for Will Hansen.

Prayers are requested for Deb Burgan.

Please pray for The Rev. Dr. William “Will” Lawbaugh.

Prayers are requested for The Rt. Rev. Charlie McNutt and his wife, Alice. Bishop McNutt has been given a diagnosis of dementia.

Please pray for Sandy DeLauter.

Prayers are requested for Jo Mitchell.

Please pray for Alan.

Prayers are requested for Stephen, Marian, Carl and Robert. 

Parish Cycle of Prayer: Pray for Church of the Good Shepherd, Upper Fairfield

Anglican Cycle of Prayer:

Friday 25 February 2022: The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Diocese of East Kerala – The (united) Church of South India

Saturday 26 February 2022: The Diocese of South Kerala – The (united) Church of South India

Sunday 27 February 2022: Sunday next before Lent, The Anglican Church of Kenya

March Birthdays!!!

 June Dalby (3/6); Bill Fasnacht (03/26); Paula Frey (3/24); Linda Gabler (3/5)

Bill Schaefer (3/13); Sandra "Sandy" Snyder (3/19); Ricky Stoy (3/3)  

*Do not see your birthday? Please let us know. This information comes directly from the directory and there have been lots of information gaps in birthdays.

Trinity Episcopal Church

58 South Second Street

Chambersburg, PA 17201


Main Office Email:
