As one of the most preeminent and comprehensive blood centers in the world, New York Blood Center operates under a four-part mission. Specifically, NYBC exists:
  • To provide the highest quality blood and stem cell products and related medical and consultative services to hospitals and patients primarily in the greater New York metropolitan area
  • To conduct the highest quality, novel and innovative research in the fields of hematology, blood banking and transfusion medicine, and cellular therapies, thus advancing these fields and positively impacting the public health
  • To develop products, technologies, and services in the fields of hematology, blood banking, and transfusion medicine and cellular therapies, with the potential to have worldwide humanitarian impact
  • To train the next generation of leaders in each of these fields
Town Hall, in conjunction with Supervisor Kenny, will host a Blood Drive on Thursday, October 29, 2020 from 9:00am through 8:00pm.
The schedule will be available shortly to sign up on-line to donate blood at Town Hall.

In most cases, you are eligible to donate every 56 days - depending on what your last donation was for.
Not sure if you can donate? Have questions? Please review the New York Blood Center FAQ Page.