Weekly e-Epistle
St. James' Mill Creek
Wilmington, Delaware
December 27th 2020

We'd love for you to join us!

We would be pleased if you joined us online from the comfort of your home for church services via Facebook Live at 9:30am.

Here is a PDF of this Sunday's bulletin for you to enjoy.
Christmas is approaching and we are pleased to offer the following worship and fellowship opportunities.

Thursday, December 24, 2020
Christmas Eve worship
 Choral prelude 7:00 p.m.
Liturgy at 7:30 p.m.
on our Facebook page
Following the 7:30 Christmas Eve service, instead of chatting after the service is over, please join us on ZOOM!

Merry Christmas Eve
Log on, bring your eggnog, and join us.
"See" the smiling faces of your fellow parishioners without masks and share a moment or two exchanging Christmas greetings!
To join the Zoom Meeting click on the link below:
Meeting ID: 931 3438 8448
Passcode: 362682
Dial by your location
       +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
       +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
Friday, December 25, 2020
Christmas morning at 9:00 a.m.
Please come back to our Facebook page to view a joyous Christmas Message and service featuring the St. James' four graduating seniors from the senior high youth group and other special moments.
Sunday, December 27th
at 9:30 a.m. Lessons and Carols

Bishop Brown's Christmas Message 2020

— A Christmas like no other —
Bishop Brown delivers a peaceful 2020 Christmas Message

From Faye Hart:

What Did You Come To See?

This light that's beckoning downward upon us could be the overseer of your soul and sustain us to the end.

God cordially summons us; come-see-witness for yourself.
He choose his willing servant Mary;
to conceive-bear "the Holy Son of God!"
Set your eyes, glimpse at the one who came down incognito from Heaven
Did you comprehend the reason for the birth of the precious wee babe?
Or could the real reason be unbeknownst to us.
Or do you see only a stable born babe, born of Mary and a carpenter Joseph
wrapped in swaddling clothes, "the Messiah!"
skin wrinkled, cry that's weak, a gentle humble spirit
Someone who is fragile-vulnerable as we
A babe who is absolutely dependent on Mary and Joseph for his care...
as we are absolutely dependent on Him for our salvation.

One day we all must trek to the stable door or the hill at Calvary
So I will make my trek to see the wee one,
"known as Jesus, the one who can purify my soul!"
Be glad, rejoice in the wee babe born in a stable
He came to offer us a "reprieve!"

Come-see-witness the "Risen Lord."
Meet the wee babe on your journey, let him be your Morning Star.
Light the path on which I might find-know the "Prince of Peace!"

Written by Faye Hart
on Nov. 11th 2018 10:15am

Special Christmas Gift Offering!
We are pleased to offer a special edition of the
St. James' classic story—
Jesse's Gift
Written by Fr. Jim Bimbi
Illustrated by members of St. James'.
We have a limited quantity of
the soft cover (paperback) book available for sale
 at $15.50 per book
First come First served! 
All proceeds from the book sales will go to the 2020 Bazaar. 
To purchase your copy, please contact Nancy Patterson email: 
call/text Nancy @ 302-668-5932

HOPE for Street-Level Homeless
Winter 2020-2021 Code Purple Plan for Wilmington

·        The county has purchased the former Sheraton Hotel on Airport Rd (now named the New Castle County HOPE Center) and Friendship House will run Code Purple programing out of this location to house street-level homeless daily this winter. The address of the hotel is 365 Airport Road, New Castle DE 19720.
·        Code Purple will begin December 15th and run through the end of March. At such a point, the County will take over trying to get folks into more significant housing. The County is retaining the hotel management staff to keep the place running.
·        Code Purple will be every day and night this winter (not just when temperatures drop below freezing). Being able to offer 24 hour/ 7 day a week winter shelter during the pandemic is a huge gift and opportunity for our friends living on the streets.
·        Although the hotel will hold about 400 people, they will start with about 70. Suites and adjoining rooms will be given to families – right now there are no families on the list but this might change as folks lose their homes. Individual rooms will be assigned, with households being able to stay together.
·        FH and Code Purple partnering congregations will not host street-level homeless at normal Code Purple locations; all guests will be placed at the hotel.
·        However, Andrew’s Place, the Sunday outside breakfast giveaway, and the Empowerment Center will continue to function at Saints Andrew and Matthew, following COVID protocols.

How you can help:

They will need hygiene items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste and soap (regular and travel size). In addition, they will need non-perishable food items such as bottled water and individually wrapped snacks (pretzels, granola bars, fruit snacks, etc.) As well as new socks, underwear, and winter items (coats, gloves, and hats.)

Financial support will also be needed by sending a donation to:
Friendship House, PO Box 1517, Wilmington, DE 19899.

Please visit for more information.
A Prayer for the First Sunday after Christmas

Almighty God, you have poured upon us the new light of your incarnate Word: Grant that this light, enkindled in our hearts, may shine forth in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Find more Morning Psalm and prayers please visit

Join us for ZOOM Coffee Hour

You are invited to a virtual coffee hour following worship at St. James’ Mill Creek, beginning approximately 15 minutes after service concludes. So after service is over, grab a beverage or snack and connect to your church family. All are welcome.

For those who have not used Zoom previously, this page has a video and instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting from various devices (PC, Mac, iOS device, Android, regular telephone with a toll call, etc.): . You do not need to sign up for a Zoom account to attend.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 931 0834 7195
Password: 766583
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,93108347195# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,93108347195# US (New York)

Dial by your location
       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
       +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
       +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
       +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
       +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
       +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 931 0834 7195
Find your local number:
Message from Christiana Hospital

If you have a loved one in the hospital at the moment Christiana Hospital is asking for you to refrain from personal visits. Only phone calls or cards are permitted. There is more information on their website.
For Access to the News of the Diocesan Publications
St. James' Mill Creek
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE 19808
