Newsletter: May 2021
Click HERE to read a letter to the public written by
David Gadaire, President and CEO
Summer Youth Work Opportunities
This summer, MassHire Holyoke’s Youth Team again expects to place 150 or more youth in full or part-time virtual, hybrid, or on-site summer jobs through the Youth Works and other summer job opportunity programs. This is important work and we appreciate all the local businesses and organizations that provide work sites or funds to help support this effort.
According to an Atlantic article, studies show that students who enter the workforce early are far more likely to secure better, high-paying jobs later in life. Work boosts self-esteem, and can even reduce crime...”

As the Boston Globe reported, “Teens who work end up with better adult jobs and higher incomes; Teens who work have better soft skills –dependability, confidence, communication. Teenagers working regularly in high school are more likely to move directly into career jobs after high school, particularly helpful for those who don’t want to go to college; Those with poor grades and low education goals were almost three times as likely to acquire a college degree if they worked consistently… Because poor and minority teens start so far behind, the odds are more steep for them to find jobs.”
Employers can participate by making a donation, becoming a worksite, or directly hiring a youth. To learn how to participate in this very successful effort, please contact Yaritza Cruz-Baez, Youth Services Director,, 413-275-7363, or Jaeden Alejandro,, 413-437-0408, or Imanol Cruz,, 413-561-0305.

Yaritza Cruz-Baez
MHH’s New Youth Services Director

We are delighted to announce that in April, Yaritza Cruz-Baez began as MHH’s new Youth Services Director. Yaritza is a dynamic professional with a deep passion for assisting youth in Holyoke and surrounding communities. She brings enthusiasm and many ideas to broaden the work of this important program. Most recently, she was the School Operations Director for Veritas Prep Holyoke. Yaritza’s contact information is, 413-322-7141. 
We Want to Help Your Business Grow

Need help attracting new staff? Our Business Service Representatives and Talent Acquisition Specialists, in partnership with the MassHire Springfield Business Team, provide the following no-fee services to help local businesses and organizations grow and succeed: job postings, virtual job fairs, labor market information, workforce training incentives, and pre-screening, matching, and referring of job applicants through the MassHire Business Solutions Regional Talent Bank.

For a reasonable fee businesses can participate in specialized job fairs, contract for advanced screening of applicants, or schedule customized computer or workforce training workshops for your employees.

To learn more about the above, please contact either Yolanda Ruiz-Klopfer, 413-322-7136,, or Marlene Corales, 413-322-7186,  For more information on the "Spring Your Job Search" Job Fair click on the picture below.

Ticket to Work

If you are living with a disability and collecting SSI or SSDI Benefits, please be aware of the Ticket to Work Program, a free voluntary long-term program that helps Social Security Disability Beneficiaries to be become financially self-sufficient in a very safe and secure way. To learn more about this helpful opportunity, please contact Ivie Cordero, 413-322-7133,, or Frank Martinez, 413-322-7163, Ivie and Frank have assisted many folks move on more positively and successfully with their careers

MHH IT Staff Expands
Ashley Bonilla, IT Specialist
MHH’s remote and virtual services have continued to grow, and Ashley Bonilla, our new Information Technology Specialist, is helping to meet the expanded needs of various programs, and especially the Access to Recovery Program. Ashley is a very creative and tech savvy professional, and we are super happy she has joined the MHH Team. She can be contacted at
Hopefully You Are Well Aware!

MassHire Holyoke Services are Available Remotely
Thank You!