
COVID-19 Vaccine Update:

On Friday we sent out a memo addressing Special Olympics Ontario's efforts alongside the Down Syndrome Association of Ontario advocating to improve access to the COVID-19 vaccine for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers.

We are working with government and other stakeholders to improve access to the vaccine for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Visit to:

  1. Find where to book a vaccine appointment or
  2. Complete a form to request help to book a vaccine appointment.

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities who do not have access to the internet AND who have tried to book an appointment, but have not been able to, can call 1-888-333-5515 ext. 329 and leave a message to request support.

The goal of this website and phone number is to connect YOU and YOUR FAMILY with your Public Health Unit and a vaccine appointment in your region.

We’ll be here to help and support you every step of the way!
We LOVE seeing your awesome post-vaccination photos!
Please continue to share your photos with us and with your community but we want you to be aware of sharing your personal information.

If you plan to share a photo with your vaccine piece of paper, be sure to blur or hide any personal information to keep you safe online!

To share your post-vaccine photo with us email us by clicking here.

Registration is now open for the 2021 Ontario Virtual Torch Run!

  • 34 Days (May 3 to June 5)
  • 34 Kilometres
  • $34,000 Fundraising Goal
  • 34 Years of Torch Run in Ontario

Register for FREE!

Fundraise to support the athletes of Special Olympics Ontario! There are amazing incentive prizes to be won!

To support fundraising efforts for your local Special Olympics community, create a team and indicate the community of choice in the Team Name. 100 % of funds raised will stay in your community!

Order your 2021 Torch Run Ontario t-shirt today ($20)! click here to use the shirt order form (there will be a $5 charge added to cover shipping).

Run/Walk/Ride 34KMs over the 34 days of the Ontario Virtual Torch Run. Whatever the activity of your choice is, please consider joining us!

Share a photo or video of your activity during the 34 days of the Ontario Virtual Torch Run on social media! Wear your 2021 Torch Run Ontario shirt, tag our account (@TorchRunOntario) and use the hashtags #OVTR and #TorchRunON.
If you have missed any sessions, click on the link YouTube video below to take you to our Volunteer Conference YouTube Playlist:
Final two weeks of the Virtual Volunteer Conference are here! If you haven't signed up for any to date, consider joining us! Lots to learn and prizes to be won.
May is here, the weather is getting warmer and we want to have some virtual fun!

We started with athletics and bowling - now we are continuing by adding new sports for the entire month of May!

May 3 - May 21 we are starting by kicking the ball for Super Soccer Virtual Games and we will get the ball rolling for the Bocce Blast Virtual Games

Register, complete the Healthy Athletes and sport challenges, submit your results and most importantly - have fun!

Make sure to keep your eye out on the Calendar of Games section on the website!
What to look out for? May 17 - June 4, Rhythmic Gymnastics and May 24 - June 18, District Challenges!

Register - Train. Compete. Experience - TODAY! #SOVirtualGames

Set Goals, Achieve Greatness, and then set New Goals
On our goal setting page we will have a variety of activities picked out that go along with the monthly theme. Are you ready to get started? Click here.
The next prize draw for MyPAHL is May 15th. Make sure to log your steps, sleep, mood and fruits and veggies for some extra points. Bid on your favourite items in the Rewards Store for a chance to win! 

Haven't signed up for MyPAHL yet? Don't wait any longer!
MAY 18
We are excited to have our Opening Eyes Clinical Directors host an Education and Screening session for SO Athletes all about Eye Health! The Clinical Directors will cover eye health topics, answer questions from athletes and offer suggestions for follow-up care when needed. You do not need to wear glasses to attend this session - it will include helpful information for everyone

Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Time: 7:00-8:00 PM ET
Location: Zoom 
MAY 19
Wellness Wednesdays is back with some new faces - Rebecca and Maryanne. Join us for some new and old health topics and for a chance to connect with athletes from across the province and country

Date: Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM ET
Location: Zoom 
MAY 20
Morgan is back for another Yoga session. All abilities are welcome and no prior experience is required. 

Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021
Time: 5:30 PM ET
Location: Zoom

MAY 21

Date: Friday, May 21, 2021
Time: 7:00 PM ET
Location: Zoom

Share With Us On Social And Stay Connected
We want to see what you're up to!
So remember to tag Special Olympics Ontario and use #SOHealthyAtHome

Your photo/video/story could be included in a future
Healthy @ Home newsletter!
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Please note that clicking the unsubscribe link below will remove you from ALL newsletters and emails from Special Olympics Ontario - this means all communications related to Special Olympics Ontario and Ontario Law Enforcement Torch Run, including related major games, events and updates etc.