The Charlestown Coalition News: 

Issue 66

February 2022


TURN IT AROUND Civic Engagement

This month, we welcomed Gabriela Coletta and Tania Del Rio to our TURN IT AROUND Thursdays - where they both shared their missions and passions for running for City Councilor for District 1. A Special Preliminary Election will be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, followed by a Special Municipal Election on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. Learn more here.

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Gigi Coletta speaking to the TURN IT AROUND Youth during circle; Gigi listening to Elsie's questions and concerns.


Tania Del Rio shares her passion for serving others while Coalition Director Sarah Coughlin listens in; TURN IT AROUND posing for a photo with Tania.

February Race & Equity Dialogue

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Our second Race Dialogue meeting of the year included a great discussion about what Black History Month means to us and our communities. We look forward to highlighting Black history every month of the year. Thank you to GiGi Coletta for joining in and helping us carry this monthly meeting for nearly two years!

Turn It Around New Member Orientation


On February 3rd, we held our new member orientation for TURN IT AROUND and welcomed many new faces!

Community Race & Equity Discussion

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Join us on Tuesday, March 15th, at 5:30pm for our monthly Race & Equity Discussion. This series explores important topics about the impact of race, policing in urban settings, and equity. It is open to all members of the Charlestown community and the general public. Please note we will be meeting on Zoom until further notice.


This forum is being co-sponsored by the Charlestown Coalition, Turn It Around Youth Program, Senator Lydia Edwards and her team.

Boston Resident and Employee Survey

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Do you live or work in Boston? Then we want to know what you think are the most pressing health issues in your community. Where should there be more investment?

Give us your views by taking this short survey, and enter to win a $100 Visa gift card! The survey is available in multiple languages, so feel free to share with friends and neighbors! 

Click here to take the survey!

Community Partner Highlight: Smart from the Start


We are so grateful for our community partners and could not do this work without them. This month we want to highlight our long-time partnership with Smart from the Start which is "a trauma-informed, multi-generational family support and community engagement organization with a mission to promote the healthy development of young children and families living in the most underserved communities of Boston". Throughout the years, Smart has provided much need services to Charlestown families ensuring that young children are school ready, and parents have the skills and support they need to help their children thrive.

We also want to send a huge thank you to Jessica Gonzalez and her team for their continued partnership and involvement with our Turn It Around Youth Program. Jessica and some of the youth she works with attended our zoom talk on financial literacy with young adult graphic novelist, Ty Allan Jackson (pics below). The Justice for youth program and Jessica, have attended multiple restorative justice circles, and Race Dialogues, in conjunction with the TURN IT AROUND Youth Enrichment Program. Additionally, Jessica and Smart from the Start Staff have served on the Family Support Circle Task Force for years helping inform and support trends effecting families in the community.  


Smart from the Start was instrumental in supporting families during the pandemic and acknowledging the impact of structural racism on the most vulnerable communities. They are leaders in Boston working to bring awareness and support social justice for all by advocating for fair and just policies. Smart from the Start is an amazing organization, positively effecting the lives and futures of so many. We want to thank them for all their hard work and dedication to the Charlestown community. 

To learn more about Smart from the Start go to

Meet the Trauma Team

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The Charlestown Coalition’s Trauma Response Team was formed in July 2016 through a grant from the Boston Alliance for Community Health (BACH). The Trauma Response Team initially started as a group of residents who wanted to learn more about trauma, its impact on the community, and how they could best serve residents during traumatic situations. 


Over the past several years, the Trauma Response Team has served as an important part of the Charlestown Coalition by supporting the community and connecting people to treatment concerning issues around loss, community violence and substance use disorders. Our Trauma Response Team consists of dedicated and passionate people who are leaders in their community. 


This month we want to recognize Sean Boyle, who is a long time resident of Charlestown and joined our team over a year ago. Sean is one of the youngest members, who is wise beyond his years, has a huge heart and love for his community. Sean exemplifies what it means to be a true townie.

Over the years, Sean has shared his story of recovery, offering hope and support to members of the recovery community and their families, while also supporting mother's who lost their children to addiction. He is actively involved in organizing and participating in community events like the Charlestown Holiday Stroll, Pride Day and Pride Week. For many years he has partnered with the Charlestown Coalition and Turn It Around, participating in our annual take back day, race dialogue meetings, overdose awareness day and our annual vigil. Not only is he a huge asset to our trauma team but he is also an incredible florist and business owner of Baby Boyle Bouquets. We are so grateful for Sean want to thank him for his years of serve to the Charlestown community.

To learn more about Sean Boyle or our trauma team, go to our website.

Upcoming Coalition Meetings

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Trauma Response Team

March 1st at 5:30 PM

Meetings are held virtually until further notice. Contact

Phenice Zawatsky to learn more.

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Charlestown Family Support Task Force 

March 1st at 12 PM

Meetings are held virtually until further notice. Contact

Phenice Zawatsky to learn more.




Charlestown Adult Education is now hiring for a CAREER ADVISOR.


This 30hr/week position offers a starting salary of $25/hr.


To apply, click the link below to upload your RESUME.


The CAREER ADVISOR will assist adult education students and Charlestown residents with professional development services and structured employment search support. This is a 30hr/wk position.

The responsibilities for this role include but are not limited to the following:


·       Meet with students and residents individually to assess their readiness to effectively launch and manage a job search or career advancement process.


·       Provide ongoing coaching individually to ensure that students and residents are effectively prepared for hiring process interactions including interviews, site visits, networking events, job fairs, and corporate information sessions and are on track to achieve their career goals.


·       Ensure students and residents are prepared for industry employment by providing mock interview opportunities, resume workshops, career advising sessions, and job search techniques.


·       Manage communication between CAE and MassHire


·       Plan and coordinates career fairs, employer visits, expos, virtual employer sessions, and other employment events in order to provide opportunities for students and residents to connect with employers and understand the variety of entry-level positions available to them in the industry.


·       Provide students and residents with information on such topics as college degree programs, admission requirements, financial aid opportunities, trade/ technical schools, and apprenticeship programs.


To apply, click below to upload your RESUME.

Apply here!

Where Are They Now?


Guess Who? It's Melissa!

Find out what she has been up to and how Turn It Around has impacted her life!

Read more here


Youth of the Month

We’d like to congratulate Rosilda Andrade for being TURN IT AROUND’s February Youth of the Month!! Rosilda has been a member since the beginning of the school year, and has not missed a group, OR an opportunity to do any of our community service projects. Most recently, she was one of 5 TIA members that we took to the Huntington Theatre to see “The Bluest Eye”, a play based on Toni Morrison’s highly acclaimed novel, by the same name. Rosilda is one of our brightest lights at TIA! She always has a smile on her face, and has a quick, and witty sense of humor. We’re thrilled to have Rosilda as part of the TIA family!!

-Mswati Hanks,

Youth Program Coordinator


Voices of Recovery


This month, we interviewed town poet and historian Robert "Bobby" Powers on his journey to recovery.

Read the whole interview here

To learn more about our programs, our staff, community partners, resources, upcoming events, TURN IT AROUND, program impact, and more, click below:

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