
In this rapidly-changing-instant-everything-distraction-galore world we live in, it's often hard to track our life's progress in a realistic way. And on top of that, looking at and comparing yourself to everyone else's life on social media is yet another way to distort your reality and what accomplishments and experiences make sense for YOU.

But as long as you are in action in some way, shape or form - which includes rest, self-reflection and play - the Universe will conspire to help move you along in the right direction on your unique path. It just has it's own timeline! Today's PGG essay reflects some of these themes, and I hope that it helps you be accepting of where you are and trust the process of your own life is unfolding exactly as it should.

And 'tis the season to be jolly, but we should make this a goal all year long! No matter how stressful things are, laughter is a powerful tool to help get us through. So let's discuss all things funny and celebrate the holidays at this month's CONNECTING WITH KRISTINA online gathering where we'll be talking about HUMOR on Tuesday, December 13th at 7pmET via Zoom. Hope to see some of you then for meaningful and merry conversation! Click here for details and registration.

Today's PGG Video of the Week is about how the acorn doesn't become an oak tree overnight, or this one about feeling your feelings, and this week's Instagram post is a reminder that comparison is the thief of joy or this one about how being productive can look. Today's PGG Vibe of the Week is Tame Impala's relaxing groove, Patience.

Looking for holiday gift ideas? Say It To Make It: Affirmations to Empower the Heart, Mind, Spirit and Soul is a great one to spread some potent positive vibes this holiday season! Also, Amazon has my first book Personal Growth Gab Volume One (131 of the first 5 years of PGG essays) on sale for over 50% off!

Check out this video with some of the folks who have SITMI, and read additional reviews and purchase on Amazon here. If you have a copy - thank you! - and please consider writing a review and/or posting on social media with the hashtag #sayittomakeit. Click here for all the IG posts so far and scroll down to learn more and read what others are saying.

Lastly, THANK YOU for being here and for being part of my community! If any of my essays, coaching, talks, videos or posts have helped you along your career/life journey, here are a few ways you can show your appreciation and support my work:

And as always, please feel free to contact me with any comments about anything.

Big Hug <3

P.S. Want to get unstuck and on track in your career and life in 2022 and beyond? Check out the website for my individual coaching services.