Near Southeast area plan community workshop

Reminder: Another chance to discuss your draft plan coming Wednesday

Thank you to the more than 80 community members who came to the Cook Park Rec Center to talk about the draft Near Southeast Area Plan! We heard some great conversations and received a lot of thoughtful feedback.

If you were not able to attend or would like to another opportunity to share feedback, register for the upcoming virtual workshop this coming Wednesday.

Virtual Community Workshop

6-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 14

Register on Zoom

The draft plan in a nutshell

You told us what you love about your neighborhood, you shared your concerns, ideas and priorities, and you shared your thoughts on draft recommendations. Now, all of that input has been put into the first draft of the Near Southeast Area Plan.

The draft aims to provide a long-term vision for Goldsmith, Indian Creek, University Hills North, Virginia Village and Washington Virginia Vale through the following goals:

  • Modernize centers and corridors in terms of land use, design, and mobility
  • Balance housing affordability, options, and preservation in neighborhoods
  • Improve sustainability through mobility, infrastructure, and greenery 
Download the executive summary
Review and comment on the draft plan

Other ways to get involved

If you are not able to attend the virtual workshop, there are multiple ways to review the draft plan, talk to city planners and share your voice:

Participants will be entered for a chance to win a $20 gift card.

Visit the plan webpage for details

Thank you, Near Southeast!

We are grateful to everyone who participated in the in-person community workshop to learn about the draft plan and share feedback. Take a peek at the meeting materials:

About the Near Southeast Area Plan

The Near Southeast Planning Area is made up of the neighborhoods of Washington Virginia Vale, Virginia Village, Indian Creek, Goldsmith and the area of University Hills north of Yale Avenue. It includes a variety of housing types, significant commercial corridors including Colorado Boulevard and Leetsdale Drive, and amenities like sections of the Cherry Creek Greenway and the Highline Canal. Several major redevelopment projects in the area have highlighted the need to work with the community to update outdated neighborhood plans or provide planning guidance in areas where no neighborhood plan exists. As part of the Neighborhood Planning Initiative, this project provides an opportunity to create a long-term vision for these neighborhoods that furthers citywide goals and priorities while addressing local neighborhood needs.
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