En Espanol

The 22nd Sunday after Pentecost ~ Nov. 6, 2022

7:45AM | 9:00AM | 11:00AM | 1:00PM (Spanish)

Children's Chapel during the 9am & 11am service.

Children & Youth Sunday School and Evening Programs Resume

LINK FOR LIVESTREAM at 9:00am, 11:00am, & 1:00pm (Spanish)


"Fall Back"

Remember to set your clocks back on Saturday night/ Sunday morning.

Enjoy your extra hour of sleep!

Requiem Eucharist

This Sunday, Nov.6 @ 4:00pm

An observance, when all the faithful departed are prayed for & remembered with grateful hearts.


Childcare available. Livestreamed.



Commitment Sunday

Nov 13 @all services

Your pledge helps us prepare a budget and plan for our ministries and vision for 2023.

Let us walk faithfully In His Steps

Father Child Retreat 

Nov. 18-20 @Camp Allen

All Father/child and Grandfather/child combinations are welcome - DEADLINE NOV 10TH

Click here for application form

Click for more info/ pay now

NAM Christmas Bags


Please return NAM bags either to the church or directly to NAM by Nov. 27

Disenchanted Movie Night

Wednesday Nov. 30

Hot dogs @6:00pm, movie begins @6:30pm

Bring a pillow, blanket, chair & join for family fun!


Wednesday, November 23 - Thanksgiving Eve at 7:00pm Holy Eucharist

Join us as we give thanks at the Lord's table before Thanksgiving Day. Praise God from whom all

blessings flow. Livestreamed.

Sunday, November 27 - Advent 1 Campus Decorating 10:10am

Celebrate the first Sunday of Advent by helping the Christmas season come alive on our campus! Meet in the Price Fellowship Hall.

Saturday, December 3 - Christmas tree farm 6:30-8:30pm

Join us at the Old Time Christmas Tree Farm for hot dogs, hot cococa, a hayride & fun!

Contact Sarah Quiroga

Sunday, December 4 - The Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols 4:00pm 

Hear nine Lessons which tell the story of a God who prepared a great Messiah to be with us and save us from our sins, so that we can be with Him forever. Sing the carols of the season, pray for the world, the Church, and the poor. Cookie Reception following.

Childcare available. Livestreamed.

Saturday, December 10- Breakfast with Saint Nicholas 9:00am-11:00am

Enjoy food, holiday crafts, & a visit from Saint Nicholas. FREE—invite friends for some holiday Fun! Bring donations for our Seafarer’s Outreach Project

Thursday, December 22 - Grief Service 12:00 noon

Take a special moment in prayer in Holy Eucharist to remember lost loved ones during this holiday season.




Here for you...
Prayers during This Time
It is always a privilege for us to pray for you. Contact us online 24/7 or call us during business hours M-F 8:30am-4:30pm
Online Prayer Request
Online Giving
Questions for the vestry or Fr. Roman
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