IPUL Logo with Engage Educate Bridge Lead

IPUL's E-News for December 8, 2022

Here are the highlights of our upcoming events and recent activity online. Not everything is included due to timeliness.

If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.

Questions And Answers With You in 2022
Idaho Parents Unlimited
Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

For Question 487 we asked: 

What pressing issues do you want to see the most advocacy around in the new year? 



Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

What pressing issues do you want to see the most advocacy around in the new year? 

"Direct Care Workforce - Reimbursement Rates and Training for the Workforce"

"Children's Mental Health- failure to implement HB233"

"Adult DD Waiver Services"


"Direct Care Workforce - Reimbursement Rates and Training for the Workforce"

"Children's Mental Health- failure to implement HB233"

"Adult DD Waiver Services"


"Bridging the gap of care for children with developmental delays, from 3 to school age. There are a lot of free supports for children under 3 and after entering school, but kids 3-5/6 need Medicaid to afford most supports."

"To me I think it would be helpful to make it mandatory parents are required to attend a What is an IEP, How to Advocate, and what does Procedural Safeguards actually mean, even what does accommodations mean before the child is first put on an IEP and then required class every 3 years."


Here are some good ways to advocate for the issues important to you: 

Prepare for the upcoming legislative sessions.

Get involved.

Listen to the legislative sessions.

Here is the link for where you can stay updated on the upcoming legistlative sessions, starting January 9, 2023.


Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


Things We Shared

a heart made out of multicolored puzzle peices with paints around it

Content Standards Review for Social Studies, Arts & Humanities

Members of the public interested in learning more about Idaho Content Standards for social studies, arts and humanities will have the opportunity to listen to the review committees’ meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 13 and 14. 

You can listen to the review committees’ meetings on Zoom by calling (346) 248-7799 or (253) 215-8782 then entering the meeting ID code: 

Social Studies K-12 Standards – 4 to 7 p.m. Mountain Time, Tuesday, meeting ID 962 6588 1751

Arts and Humanities K-12 Standards – 4 to 7 p.m. Mountain Time, Wednesday, meeting ID 965 1817 4473

Idaho Content Standards, reviewed for each subject area on a six-year rotating schedule, detail the minimum knowledge a student is expected to know and be able to use at specific grade levels. School districts across the state adopt curriculum to meet or exceed those content standards. The reviews are conducted by committees of subject-area experts from across Idaho. 

Members of the standards review committees, nominated by stakeholder groups, include K-12 teachers and university faculty members as well as legislators and representatives of the Idaho Historical Society, Idaho Charter School Network, PTA, Junior Achievement and Indian Education. 

They will review the state’s existing standards for each grade level, study standards from other states and review best practices before drafting new proposed standards. A draft of the new standards is expected to be presented to the State Board of Education in 2023, followed by a public comment period before the final proposed standards are submitted to the State Board and then to the Legislature in early 2024. Learn more about Idaho Content Standards and the standards review process on the State Department of Education website:

December Lunch and Learn

Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

Lunch and Learn

Learn about all the programs our libraries throughout the state have to offer and how to access them.

Our guest speaker will be Amanda Bowden, Librarian at the Portneuf District Library.

December 14th, 2022 from 12:15-12:30 PM MST

Live on Facebook!


Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


2023 Parent Leadership Development Institute Applications are OPEN

Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

April 24 - 28th, 2023

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Parent Leadership Development Institute 2023

All expenses (lodging, travel, and meals) to attend PLDI are covered by Idaho Parents Unlimited.

- Do you live in regions 1 & 2?

- Do you want to influence change or policies affecting services for children with disabilities?

- Can you see yourself, as a parent, sharing your story to a professional group?

Participants will be asked to:

- Attend the 4.5 day, in person, overnight institute

- Participate in bi-monthly follow up calls and activities

- Establish mentors and set goals

Application deadline: February 1st, 2023. Candidates will be contacted following submission of their application to schedule an interview. Selections will be notified via email by February 14th, 2023.


"For the past 15 years, IPUL has been supporting parents in becoming strong leaders in their communities through its Parent Leadership Development Institute"

*If you need to know what region you live in please contact our office. 

Contact us:

Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


What Is IPUL Doing in December?

What is IPUL doing? December 2022

12/01/22 - PLDI 2023 Application Opens *Regions 1 & 2 only*

MW 12/13/22 - Dispute Resolution Services for SPED in Idaho

12/26/22 - Closed for the Holiday!


MW- Monthly Webinar

LL- Lunch & Learn (Facebook Live)

PLDI - Parent Leadership Development Institute

December 2022's Workshop

Dispute Resolution Services for Special Education in Idaho

flyer for december showing text and a drawing of six people at a table from above

Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

Monthly Workshop

Dispute Resolution Services for Special Education in Idaho

We will discuss the Dispute Resolution section of Idaho's Procedural Safeguards and options for families when they feel their child's IEP services are not being met.

- Overview of Procedural Safeguards

- Key issues that lead to disputes

- Different options for dispute resolution

December 13th, 2022 12:30-1:30 pm MST via Zoom

Registration required:

Contact us:

Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


Contact Idaho Parents Unlimited!

The best method to reach us for assistance is through our website: . You can also shoot us a question using the abbreviated version of that form at the bottom of every page on our website, although we may need to get more information from you.

We monitor our intake phone line (208-342-5884) during the workday, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. We use an automated intake phone system, so you will be leaving a message. (Please be sure the number you are leaving us can accept text or voice messages.)

For questions that are not about something in our scope of work, you can still leave a phone message as above, send the question to the form on our website, or shoot us an email at

We keep our website updated with new news and events, and maintain a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
IPUL's programs are funded in part through grants and contracts with the following:
logos for F2F Family Voices and Ideas that Work
Programs and services offered by Idaho Parents Unlimited are supported in part by the U.S. Department of Education (H328M200033) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Affordable Care Act Family to Family Health Information Center (H84MC12896), opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions of either department, endorsement is not assumed