                                                                                    July 2020
General Assembly Important Information
Board of General Superintendents statement on 30th General Assembly
After studying the current impact of COVID-19 globally, the General Assembly Commission has postponed the 30th General Assembly to 2023

The world has been impacted by an unexpected pandemic that has affected every area of life, including the health, safety, finances, and mobility of the global church. As a result, the Board of General Superintendents (BGS) called for several entities to review plans for the upcoming 30 th General Assembly and Conventions, scheduled for 23 June - 2 July 2021 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. This review has considered the purpose of the General Assembly, the options available to achieve the purpose, and the implications of convening the General Assembly on the scheduled dates.

To read the full BGS statement, choose a language below.
NMI - Nazarene Missions International

We are people united in our belief that our involvement changes lives worldwide.
Carole Eatock
District NMI President
We are Vision.
We are Action.
We are Impact.

NMI - Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
We live in a world who has leaders that ra ise up and meet the needs of their communities. It is honor, to be a part of a globa l church who are intentional helping people and communities around the world. I encourage you to get involved with missions at your local church. Here is one story that shows that stewardship and commitment in Africa.
NCM' s initiatives and projects are ongoing, as the ministry is a responsive one.  " We don 't initiate  programs, we respond to needs " , says NCM ministry coordinator, Rev. Cosmos Mutowa. This means that NCM responds to specific needs in specific communities as they arise. The ministry ' s role is that of equipping communities to solve existing societal issues in practical and sustainable ways.
The NCM ministry ' s efforts are focused on five key areas, namely: water and sanitation, child development and childcare, food security, HIV/AIDS awareness, and human trafficking. One example of the far-reaching benefits of some of NCM ' s social projects is that of the provision of wells in communities that do not have water. The projects have positive ripple effects such as allowing for girl children to go to school instead of being confined to their homes by the responsibility of fetching water from rivers. Missions International (NMI) is the organization responsible for engaging and mobilizing the local church to engage in missions in the Church of the Nazarene and is the denomination ' s representative for missions on the district and in the local church.

NMI - Southside Community Center
Are you looking for a way to bless someone during these difficult times? Southside Community Center in Peoria, IL are in need of face masks and other items to hand out to the community. If you or someone you know are making masks, would you prayerfully consider donating to this incredible organization?

masks (all sizes)
hand sanitizer (all sizes)
*travel size to give to day camp kids
lysol wipes
lysol spray
liquid hand soap

Mail or drop off:
Pekin First Nazarene
3514 Broadway St.
Pekin, IL 61554

SCC social media

Like me on Facebook
View on Instagram

Leadership Academy is held every week of the summer. The children are taught how to love their community, serve in their community and what it looks like to be a leader. They take care of the Urban Farm, harvest the fruits and vegetables and are taught how to cook and can the produce. They also distribute the harvest to the community and sell it at the local farmers market to help fund their program. 

So far this summer they have cleaned streets, school yard, parks and the Harrison Homes. Delivered food to the Harrison Homes and talked with their neighbors. Bible lessons and singing are a part of the weekly academy. They are not only learning about Jesus, they are showing Jesus to their community. 

Carlee Smith, Junior at Olivet and member of Pekin First is the Leadership Academy Director. This is her third year serving at SCC and enjoys every moment of it. If you are interested in volunteering with Leadership 
Academy, Moms Group, Dinner Church, Gospel Cafe or any other event SCC hosts, please contact Austin Smith, SCC assistant director.


NYI - Nazarene Youth International



Global NYI
Calling our generation to a dynamic life in Christ

In Evangelism, we are called to BE God's light in the dark and ignored places of our world. We are to BE a faithful example of God's unconditional love. In BEING in Christ and BEING with others, we allow the Holy Spirit to work through our lives and we trust God with the results.

Through Discipleship, we journey together with other believers as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus. As we DO life together, we learn what it means to talk together, serve together, sacrifice together, fall and get back up together. We DO the hard work of becoming more like our Savior, living surrendered lives in community.

In Leadership Development, we challenge and empower youth and their leaders to GO out into their communities as models of Christ's servant leadership. We cannot afford to wait until we think we know enough; we must GO now, learning along the way.

Nazarene Youth  RESOURCES
Be. Do. Go. Resources are available for download in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Korean. 

2020 Teen Camp has been cancelled due to COVID-19.

Teen Camp 2021. Final date and information coming soon.  
NYI - Young Adult Ministry
Y oung Adult Allies, NYI sees all of you and has heard you and we want to do everything we can to keep you connected. Not just connected to us, but more importantly to God. In order to do that we need your help. If you are a recent high school graduate, 18-23 years old, or you know someone in your church that fits into that age group, please send your information to us.

We want to help you get connected to a group that will help you and challenge you to continue growing in your faith whether you are attending school far from your NWIL district family or you are working within a NWIL community. 

We, your NWIL family, love you and want you to know you matter and you are needed to accomplish the goal God has set before us. So if you are a college aged student or a church leader/pastor would you please give Ronda Hollars a call or send an email with young adults (18-23)name(s) and contact information so that we can begin connecting them with resources to help them continue maturing in their faith with a body of believers surrounding them. 
Ronda Hollars: NWIL NYI College/Career Rep.  or  815-878-4719
NYI - Teen Bible Quizzing 
Schedule 2020-2021

09/19/20 - Smithfield
10/17/20 - QuizFest - Olivet
11/21/20 - Rockford First
12/4/20-12/5/20 - St. Louis
01/16/21 - Pekin First
02/20/21-  Sterling Invitational
03/20/21 - Galesburg First
05/13/21-05/1521 - CL- Olivet

Shawn McClain, NYI Quiz Director
Click to Like us on   Facebook
Bible Quizzing is about "guiding our youth into God's Word and the Word into their lives."

Global Center Links 

Click here  to access free Bible Quizzing materials for the books listed above.* These materials contain devotionals on the text, study guides, sample questions, and a variety of other resources.  Rather than just helping youth memorize the text, these devotionals provide a conversation starter to help your youth engage the text, discuss its meaning, and ultimately its application in their lives.
SDMI - Sunday School Discipleship International


Ellyn Book
District SDMI Director
" Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."   Matthew 28:19-20
As you are going,
THINK BIG: Every relationship, every interaction, all inclusive.

And make disciples,
START SMALL: You. Be one. Be a Christ-like disciple. Re-present Jesus.

Baptizing them, immersing them in Jesus,
GO DEEP: Pray. Empty yourself. Sacrifice.

Subscribe to SDMI Connections: SDMI
Current SDMI Connections Newsletter:   July
SDMI - Children's Ministry
Brian Eatock
District Children's Director

Children's Ministry Workers 
If you're on Facebook, check out NWIL Children's Ministry and request to join! We will be sharing children's ministry ideas, curriculum ideas, VBS, online meetings, bouncing ideas off one another and encouraging each other as we all seek to point kids toward Christ. 

July 15-18

Details coming soon! 

SDMI - Children's Quizzing

Schedule  2020-2021

11/14/20 - Eureka Grace
02/13/21 - Pekin First
04/17/21 - Galesburg First

Rosie Furston, Children's Quizzing Director

Please join our Facebook group  NWIL Children's Bible Quizzing .  
Information will be posted regarding  upcoming meets and events.

Lay Ministry Studies
Lay Ministry Studies

Here you will find the studies needed to pursue th e Cer tificate of Lay Ministry. While anyone is welcome to take these stu dies, these studies are specifically designed for those who have gone through the steps as outlined by the Manual for the Church of the Nazarene and have already received the certificate to become a Lay Minister. For more information, be sure and visit our Requirements For The Certificate of Lay Ministry
page. Here you will find information on the process to become a Lay Minister.


Communicating the Gospel 

History and Polity 

John Wesley's Theology 

New Testament Study 

Old Testament Study 

Spiritual Formation 

How to Study the Bible 

Global Ministry Center

The Global Ministry Center has given us a great resource. 
Click on for Stories, Find a Church, Grow in Faith, News, Announcements, Resources, Region News, Global News and so much more.

Click for Global Ministry Center contact information: GMC
Social Media

As you communicate online, please keep in mind the guidance from the Church of the Nazarene Manual. 

Use of Social Media. First and foremost, the content that we share should be respectful. As in all interpersonal relationships, we believe that the content of our social media should also be a reflection of the sanctified hearts for which we strive.  Clergy and  laity alike must be mindful of how their activities on social media affect the image of  Christ and His church and impact its mission within their communities. Our activities should be life giving and affirming and should seek to uplift all persons. (2017)
(Proverbs 15:4, 15:28, 16:24; Ecclesiastes 5:2-4; Matthew 15:11; Galatians 5:13-15; Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 4:62; 2 Timothy 2:16; James 3:1-13)
Manual 2017-2021 Current Moral and Social Issues paragraph 933 page 403

Funding the Mission
For generations, Nazarenes have supported the World Evangelism Fund. Working together, we accomplish so much as the Body of Christ. Become a part of missions work and partner with the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. In the Funding the Mission plan, the World Evangelism Fund is the vehicle through which we deliver the message of hope - and your church drives that mission.  JUNE REPORT

Great Commission

The General Church 
has suspended reporting attendance numbers
during the pandemic.

Team Day
Since district churches are at different stages at regathering including some who will s till not be meeting indoors during the month of July. We have decided that it is ill-advised to gather from all over the district for Team Day. 

Team Day that was scheduled for August 8, 2020 will not take place. We look forward to regathering the district for a great celebration at The Summit, April 10 2021. 
NWIL Handbook 2020
Since we were not able to have District Assembly, please find attached the Handbook 2020. 

NWIL Online Church Services
Don't let social distancing stop you from worshipping. Click one of the links below to worship with one of the churches on our district. May God give you peace and hope during this time. Have a joyous worship time. 
Cactus Nazarene Ministry Center

Due  to the COVID pandemic, our ministries look quite different right now compared to our normal programming. We are not receiving ministry teams on a regular weekly basis and cannot run our normal summer Blast program. Like many other non-profits and even businesses throughout the world, COVID changed the way we receive the financial backing specific to Blast and Ministry Team ministry.
But, through these difficulties God has shown us favor! We have been blessed by friends of Cactus who are willing to match dollar-or-dollar all financial gifts up to $12,000! This is great news and we are incredibly thankful! That said, this is where you, our partners in ministry come in. We need to raise at least $12,000 in donations so that we can take full advantage of this gift and raise as much as we can for the Lord's ministries! Your financial gifts will help us adapt how we do ministry during this time. Your financial gifts will help Revs. Todd & Raqui minister without interruption or worry. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in this fundraising endeavor as we continue to love, serve, educate and preach the gospel to the people of Cactus, TX. 


We want to thank you for your faithful giving in this fundraiser!
To donate you can mail a check to:
Cactus Nazarene Ministry Center
PO Box 990
Cactus, TX 79013
Donate through our PayPal 
Please earmark donations as "Challenge"
Go ahead, reach out to your friends, Sunday School classes, local church NMI or Missions Council, Church District, Work Place, local businesses, etc. and help us reach our goal! Together, we can serve and love the people of Cactus and show them the love of Christ!
(Make sure to leave address details in PayPal so we can send your gift and get you tax credit)

$50+ receive a Cactus Magnet
$150+ receive a  CNMC Journal
$250+ receive both the journal & Magnet
$500+ receive a CNMC T-shirt
$1,000+ receive a Handcrafted Pottery CMNC Mug 
$2,000+ receive a Mug & a T-shirt

COVID-19  cases are  very high in Texas. Hospitalizations and cases are on the rise. Many people in Cactus do not have masks or the means to get a mask.  CNMC is in need of masks to bless their community.  If you or someone you know makes mask, would you consider donating to this community. 
Please mail to: 
Cactus Nazarene Ministry Center
PO Box 990 
Cactus, TX 79013

The Well Health Center at CNMC has a need. They are currently running very low on disinfecting wipes and rubbing alcohol . Friends of Cactus will you help? If you would like to send these items please send to: 
200 Palo Duro Dr. Cactus TX. 79013. Ya'll are awesome!

ONU - Ministry Teams
First, let me say, we MISS YOU!!! We miss seeing you at District Assemblies, we miss being with your students at camps, and we miss being in your churches. I cannot wait until we all get to meet together again!
We have some incredible opportunities to partner with the church through our Ministry Teams. Attached is a "menu", if you will, of options that we would like to provide to your local churches. I f you are interested in booking something like this for your church or zone.
Ultimately, we love you, your pastors, and your churches! If there is anything we can do to support and partner with you during this odd season, please let me know.
God bless you all!
Carlos Lonberger, Ed.D.
Director of Church Relations | Alumni Center
Director of Graduate Programs | Burke Administration | Phone: 815.928.5670 | Cell: 773.849.5188 | Fax: 815.928.5796

Olivet Nazarene University's Ministry Teams provide energetic, heartfelt worship for groups and congregations of all ages.
As a partnership ministry between the Office of Church Relations and the School of Music, the University Ministry Teams are comprised of students who are servant leaders with a heart for worship and a passion for spreading the Gospel across Olivet's four-state region.

Looking for more info?
To request info about bringing a ministry team to your church, camp or retreat, contact:
Anne Whalen
Associate Director of Church Relations

ONU Ministry Teams cover our Olivet region which includes the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan & Wisconsin. Two of our very own from NWIL District serve on a Ministry Team. The Narrow - Ayana Rayfield from Crossbridge & City on a Hill - Brooke Sherwood from Pekin First. 

The Narrow

City on a Hill

ONU - Preaching & Music Ambassadors
Greetings from Olivet Nazarene University! We hope this finds you doing well!   

As we  wrap up another school year   and look toward next  year,  we are beginning the scheduling process for our Preaching and Music Ambassadors. We would love to partner with you in ministry by sending a Preaching or Music Ambassador to your church during the  fall  semester.    

You can select a date that works for your church and we will send a student or students to preach and/or lead worship. There is no financial obligation to the local church - Olivet is taking care of all the travel expenses with the help of individual donors. However, it would be helpful if someone from the church could house the student on Saturday evening and provide a lunch on Sunday after church.  Your  congregation  is also welcom e to take a love offering for the student (s).   

If you are interested in hosting a Preaching or Music Ambassador, please visit  this link   to fill out a request form b y July 27 th .  Once all the requests are in, we will work on the  fall  2020 schedule and send that out to you by  August 24 th     

This program is committed to the mentoring and transformation of the lives of the students that are a part of the program, and we believe that a major part of that mentoring and transformation happens when our students are given the opportunity to come to your churches. We are beyond grateful for the pastors and congregations that have welcomed our students over the years and have certainly made an impact on their lives!   
If you have any specific questions, please email us at  or call 815-936-3992. We look forward to working with you!    
Grace and Peace,                                                  
Dr. Carlos Lonberger II
ONU Church Relations, Director

Anne Whalen                                          
Associate Director of Church Relations  Director, Preaching and Music Ambassador Program  

Global Ministry Center
Due to the current coronavirus concerns, the Global Ministry Center has suspended onsite staffing and a temporary telecommuting.  We thank you for your patience. If you have any questions, please send us an email or phone message. phone: 913-577-2800 phone: 913-577-0542

Global Ministry Center phone: 913-577-0500

The Board of General Superintendents and additional Church of the Nazarene leadership continues to closely monitor the spread of COVID-19 and its impact on the church and people around the world.   READ MORE 
2019-2020 Schedule
9:45 am
Arrive and Gather with our District Team
10:00 am
POPS begins  Worship - Word - Prayer - District Information

September 17 - Pekin First
October 8 - Crossbridge
November 12 - Canton First
December 10 - Summit
January 14 - Freeport
February 11 - Bridgeway
March 11 - Rock Island First
April 8 - Peoria Nazarene

08/15 - ONU Graduation
08/18 - DAB 6:30pm
08/20 - MST/ZF online 9:30am-11:30am
09/17 - POPS - Pekin First
09/19 NYI Quiz - Smithfield
09/25-09/26 - Red Carpet Days - Olivet
10/3 - Auxiliary Meeting NMI, NYI, SDMI
10/6-10/07 - Board of Trustees - Olivet
10/08 - POPS - Crossbridge
10/08 - Prime Time/Grandparents Day - Olivet
10/10 - ALLIES Fall Party
10/16-10/17 - ECM/BOM
10/17 - NYI Quiz Fest - Olivet
10/22 - MST/ZF Meeting 9:30am-2:00pm

Quick Links
NWIL District Prayer Force

Prayer Force Moving Forward!

The District Prayer Force Strategy to pray for every person living in Northwestern Illinois is moving forward.  Five Prayer Force leaders have been identified allowing us to move forward in 17 of the 30 counties across the District. These leaders, their counties and contact information is as follows:
Chuck Cobb - Mason & Tazewell 
(309) 642-0244 
Judy Davenport - Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, McDonough, Schyler & Warren (309) 259-9042
Ronda Hollars - Bureau, Lee & Whiteside
(815) 878-4719
Debbie Lyons - Winnebago
(815) 399-1355

Patrick Lovell - Woodford, Marshall & Putnam
(309) 229-0003 

Tammy Shane - Henry, Knox & Mercer
(309) 678-8364

If you live in one of the above counties  and are interested in being a part of the Prayer Force or learning more about it, please contact the above indicated Prayer Force leader. 
2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." Therefore, every person deserves  and must be prayed for by name.
If you live in one of the remaining 13 counties  (Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, Jo Daviess, LaSalle, Livingston, McLean, Ogle, Peoria, Rock Island, Stark, Stephenson) and are interested in being a part of the Prayer Force or learning more about it, contact: 

Ray Barker -  (309) 645-7716 (phone or text) -

Church Multiplication Endowment Fund
Give a GIFT that doesn't stop Giving!  
Would you give $1.00 a month if it never stopped giving, never wore out, never changed its usefulness or purpose and transformed lives?
How many times do we give a gift to someone only to see it discarded at a later date or discover it was never used as intended? Have you ever wanted to give a gift that would never grow old or wear out, that would always be used for good and made a difference for eternity? NOW you can!
Jesus said "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
Would you partner with your Northwestern Illinois District's vision to plant churches?  You might wonder how you can make a difference or even be a part. Everyone can. We need some to plant, we need everyone to pray and we need many to invest.
The Church Multiplication Endowment Fund is designed to reach unreached people living on the NWIL District for Christ. Every dollar given will continue to give in perpetuity. An endowment fund uses the interest from the principle to do kingdom work.  Will you help fund this goal? 
Currently, our district property funds have been invested in planting 22 new churches these past three years and the district is in need of capital to continue to plant more! We need your help. Presently, there are 36 more potential church plants in various stages of planning which will require additional funding support.
Help us reach our GOAL of planting 300 churches by 2030.  We see 300 churches as 3,000 disciplemakers who disciple 15,000 disciples gathering with 30,000 worshippers.  Every dollar you give will continue to reach people for Christ your whole lifetime and beyond.
Would you consider a GIFT of $1.00 a month?  We are not trying to take money from your local ministry where you give your tithes and offerings. We are asking for many to give a little.  Our initial goal is 5,000 giving at least $1.00 a month. Would you be one of those 5,000 making a commitment to create a movement to plant churches that change lives?  Here are ways to give:
 1. You can give to your local church by marking your check or cash gift "NWIL CM Endowment" and your church treasurer will take it from there.
 2. You can also choose to give online if you want to set up one time or reoccurring payments using debit/credit/Electronic Check on the district website at On District Church Planting or direct  CM Endowment Giving LINK. Or scan this QR code at the bottom of this article.

3. You can send a check or cash to NWIL District, 3520 Broadway St., Pekin, IL 61554 (please indicate CM Endowment on check memo)
We are also looking for those who might like to make greater kingdom investments!

You can give cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, livestock, grain, or other personal property.  Basically, any asset of marketable value can be used to help fund this endowment. There are also charitable gift annuity options that allow you to specify the endowment fund or another ministry of your choice while allowing you to receive income for your lifetime and when you pass, your gift goes to the endowment fund or specified ministry. CLICK HERE to see other ways to model generosity. Gifts can be given in memory or in honor of someone.  
Large or small: Why not leave a lasting legacy that lasts more than your lifetime. 
For more information or confidential consultation please contact NWIL District Administrator, Jim Book 309-678-2357; NWIL District Treasurer, Ray Barker 
309-645-7716; or the Nazarene Foundation directly at 913-577-2983.
Scan for CM Endowment Fund Giving

Every gift is tax deductible

District Leaders
NWIL District Advisory Board
                  MINISTERIAL                    LAYMAN
                  Rev. Scott Sherwood          Ken Roat
                  Rev. Bill Clark                    Carole Eatock
                  Rev. Lloyd Brock                Keith Peachey
                  Rev. Kevin Donoho             Kevin Singletary
                  Rev. Mark McCall

ONU Board of Trustees
                  Rev. Scott Sherwood          Rev. William Clark
                  Rev. Lloyd Brock                Cheryl Sherwood
                  Ken Roat 
Zone Facilitators

                        ZONE                     FACILITATORS & E-MAIL
                        Bloomington           Mike Stipp
                        Fox Valley               Kevin Donoho
                        Galesburg               Harold Berrian
                        Lincoln Highway      Scott Sherwood
                        Pekin/Peoria            Lloyd Brock
                        Southwest               Harold Berrian
                        Spoon Rive            Denny Owens
                        Quad Cities              James Book
                        Blackhawk               Scott Sherwood 
NWIL District Team

District Superintendent
Rev. Scott Sherwood
Jim Book
District Secretary
District Administrator
Rev. James Book

District Treasurer
District DCPI Coordinator
Rev. Ray Barker

NWIL Office Manager
Pamela Smith

Board Of Ministry
Dr. Bill Clark

Course of Study
Rev. Karin Orwig

We are pleased to announce that our District Administrator,  Rev. Jim Book, has been certified with the Myers & Briggs Foundation as a Certified Practitioner of the MBTI step I & step II instruments. We look forward to using this training in our ministerial preparation program and other applicable ways. You can contact  Rev. Book  if you would have interest in using these instruments and training in the ministry of your local church.