June 9, 2020
North East Oklahoma
What's Inside...
  • 2020 Sine Die
  • MC&T Webinar June 12th
  • 2020 Mayors Summer Conference Roll Call
  • Online New Officials Institute June 25th
  • OMJA Membership Drive
  • 2020 OML Annual Conference
  • Jeff Shockley Memorial Project
2020 Legislative Session Sine Die
Sine Die  identifies and summarizes those laws that impact Oklahoma’s cities and towns. This includes a section of bills that may impact municipal departments, as   well as   bill summaries including the bill number, principal authors, a description of the bill, and the effective date. It also provides a link to the bill for you to access electronically.
Announcing the first ever  MC&T Webinar!
June 12, 2020
The MC&T year is coming to an end 
June 30th. This is the last training to be held to receive your 2019/2020 certification.

Registration deadline is Thursday, June 11th, 4:30 p.m.
2020 OML/MCO Mayors Summer Conference Roll Call
Are You Attending? Let Us Know!
Plans are now underway for a fun, educational, and safe summer conference. To assist us in our event planning, we would like to know if you are going to attend.

MCO, OML, along with our host city, Lawton, are taking special precautions to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable time.

Please email Sarah Lingenfelter at  to let her know your plans. We hope to see you on July 29 – 31, 2020!
OML New Officials Institute Online June 25th!
The NOI teaches the statutorily required topics such as Municipal Budget Requirements, the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, the Oklahoma Open Records Act, Ethics, Procedures for Conducting Meetings, Conflict of Interest, and Purchasing Procedures.
Remember, you don't have to be new to attend. Everyone is welcome!
Oklahoma Municipal Judges Association Membership
Now available online!
It is again time to register for membership in OMJA. Our workshop evaluations indicate the OMJA program is getting better every year, which is one good reason for you to either renew your membership in OMJA for the coming year, or join us if you are not a member. We also now have I.D. Badges for paid members. Please see message from OMJA Board President, Joel Porter:   Read more
2020 OML Annual Conference
September 15-17, 2020, Oklahoma City, OK
Make Plans To Attend!
Mark your calendars for September 15-17 as plans continue for the upcoming OML Annual Conference and Exposition in Oklahoma City!
Please make plans now to join us for three days of amazing educational, networking, and social opportunities! OML Conference Website
Jeff Shockley Memorial Project
To honor former Poteau Mayor, Jeff Shockley, Connie Shockley and Tyler Shockley have started a fundraising campaign for the Jeff Shockley Memorial Project. The funds raised will help purchase flags and lighting for the Donald W. Reynolds Community Center. More Information 

Thank You To Our Corporate Partners
For Their Continued Support