Events and Announcements

Friday, March 11th

Hey Everybody! Our new website is up and running checking it out!



March click HERE

April click HERE

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: "Evan Almighty" Friday, March 11th at 7:00 PM. Snacks and fun provided. Bring a blanket and something to drink. RSVP to Emmy at emmy@trinitylindstrom.org or call the office.

Altar Guild Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 13th at 10:00am in the Lounge. Hope to see you there!

Council Conversations: We want to hear from you!.. The Council is working hard to increase communication opportunities with out members as we transition out of the pandemic. Join us Sunday, March 13th after worship in the Library for conversations! We look forward to seeing you!



Coffee and Conversation with the Pastor will be meeting every Friday at 9:00 AM

8th Grade Retreat   Friday, March 18th. 6:30pm to Saturday, March 19th at noon. Contact Linda for  details.


First Communion Class: Sunday, March 20th at 10:15am. Makeup day is Wednesday, March 30th. Contact Emmy for details.

Celebration of Life:

Sunday, March 20th for Kelly Severson. Visitation at 2pm, service at 4pm


6th & 7th Grade Retreat: Friday, March 25th. 6:30pm to Saturday, March 26th at noon. Contact Linda for details. 


BOOK STUDY ! Join us Thursdays at 1:00 PM at Northwoods Roasterie Coffee House on Hwy 8.  Books available in the office or you can buy them online.  Anyone can join in at any time, each session stands alone. Any questions see Pastor Karri.

March 17th Chpt. 23

March 24th Chpt 24

March 31st Chpt. 25

GIVING THROUGH THE VANCO MOBILE FAITH ENGAGEMENT APP: is an easy and convenient way to donate to our church. It only takes a moment to set up an account:

1. Download the free Vanco Mobile app from the App Store or Google Play.  

2. Find our church by ZIP code or by searching Lindstrom and clicking on Trinity Lutheran Church.

3. Setup an account

4. Donate!

Thank you for your generosity.

Endowment Fund 2022:

The TLC Endowment Committee will be accepting proposals for the 2022 Endowment Grants beginning February 24. Our congregation has been abundantly blessed and has generously given to many worthwhile projects in our previous grants. The Endowment Committee is looking for projects that continue that tradition as well as share our abundance through new initiatives and projects.


The authorizing by-laws for the TLC Endowment fund lists four major areas for grants to be awarded. LOCAL OUTREACH is for programs and projects such as The Isaac Initiative, Fraser Children’s Mental Health and LifeSource. These projects are to help our own members as well as projects for the local community where we live and work. GLOBAL OUTREACH extends our abundance to the larger community for programs such as the Partners 4 Hope, Uganda Christian University and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. These projects touch unknown lives in our country as well as around the world. In addition to the kinds of proposals we have funded in the past, we would like to encourage proposals that break new ground in sharing our abundance. The third area for grants is for CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS on our house of worship. We have provided money for battery operated candles, new cabinetry in Linda’s office, and a new lawn tractor. The fourth area is for EDUCATION, specifically religious career opportunities. In the past we have primarily funded scholars actively seeking an educational degree in a religious career. However, funds have also been provided for the Youth Leadership, Luther Seminary and Adult retreats. We would like to continue to encourage applicants who need education or training for their religious career that is not necessarily leading toward a degree.


In all cases, we want to encourage potential projects that continue our rich tradition of sharing our abundance as well as projects that break new ground in our sharing.  Feel free to talk to any member of the Endowment Committee about your idea and how to make it become a grantable project. Committee members for 2021 are, LeRoy Mitchell, Mike Leadholm, Cheryl Fish, and Todd Peterson.


Application forms are available on the Church Website or in the Fellowship Hall exterior entrance vestibule. Applications are due by March 31. Place completed forms in the Endowment Mailbox in the Fellowship Hall, mail to the church office, or email to the TLC Business Administrator. Thank you. 

A Short Synopsis of the Green Space Survey Late last Summer, Trinity members were asked to share their “hopes and dreams” for the Green Space. In looking at the information collected, the data fell into 5 main categories: 1). Steps and Ramp, 2) Flowers/Garden (there was a variation in theme here from regular flowers to pollinating/butterfly garden to memorial garden to vegetable garden), 3). Permanent structures such as Pagoda, Band shell, Worship space, a Beer Garden, a water park, Columbarium, Marquee sign along Olinda, Benches, and Playground equipment., 4). Some type of structure along Olinda. Suggestions ranged from a permanent sound barrier to changing the trees/bushes that are presently there, and 5). Other ideas/moveable parts such as a fire pit, a Gaga Ball pit for youth. Council is looking at all ideas, will be forming a Task Force through the Special Projects Committee and organizing Information Sessions for additional input from the Congregation. For more information, contact David Johnson, Cathy Johnson or Coke Guilfoile.


The Trinity Building Renovation Committee met on March 10th. We reviewed the architectural plan from Progressive Architecture, made changes and additions, and sent it back to the architect to update. Our next step is to meet with the architect to go over our building requirements in order to come up with some budgetary costs. The Trinity building energy audit being done by the non-profit EnerChange is expected to be started soon. The energy audit may also provide us with the feasibility for installing solar panels. We are still waiting to hear back from the County building inspector as to whether expanding the building footprint will require the installation of a fire sprinkler system? Committee members are Cathy Johnson (communications director), Jon Meredith (building coordinator), Brian Nielsen (building coordinator), Matt Mitchell (technology consultant), Gail Seaver (chairperson/secretary/financial liaison) and Jenna Wojcik (communications director). Craig Martin serves as the Church Council liaison and Pastor Terry Nordheim as the Staff representative.



[651-257-5129]  [office@trinitylindstrom.org]  

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