July 2020
The Fruit of Discipleship
“Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.” Joshua 1:7

Many of you may not know that I am now back in Uganda! Though the Ugandan airport is likely to remain closed to commercial flights through the end of the year, I flew home on a repatriation flight from Washington DC. Uganda has become home to me after the 25 years of serving here, of which 21 years has been with HUM. The words “be strong and courageous” have always been there in my mind and heart, keeping the Lord’s commands of loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. I am very happy to be here, though I am in quarantine for 14 days, which was expected! The Lord has always been with me – and as it says in Joshua 1:5, he will never leave us or forsake us, and He has never. 

It has been a strange time, one that should be a concern to all of us, especially as Christians. I had a lot of time to pray while I was in the States, spent more time than usual in the Word of God and thinking about many things. Most of you know I arrived in America the day before the flights from Europe were closed and I had my surgery done the day before the hospitals closed to all cases except life and death situations. I thank God that my wrist was worked on and is working now. I still do therapy every day, and now on my shoulder as well. I request your prayers as I continue the work of the Lord.
I want to tell you a bit about a woman who has been faithfully helping as an AWANA volunteer since we first began. She is also a widow and part of the women’s ministry. I met Elizabeth in my second year in Uganda (1996) when I was evangelizing. She accepted Christ and even went through the one year of discipleship classes that I was able to teach with 26 new converts. I am blessed to say that they are all still strong in the church and some of them are now teaching Bible studies.

Elizabeth and her granddaughter Helen

Elizabeth has been a widow for a long time and struggled to raise her five children and a few of her grandchildren. She married in a different tribe and was living in his home when her husband died. There were a lot of attacks in that area from the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) at that time (the Invisible Children story – Joseph Kony). She fled quickly and returned to Kamonkoli to live in her parent’s home compound in which she grew up. She struggled to build a mud hut, which when I first met her was leaking every time it rained. Through prayer I was able to secure contributions, before HUM was established, to help her build a more stable home. She now has very bad knees and it is hard for her to walk, though she walks about 3 miles to the church (when it is opened!) for services and Bible studies. At this time, all five of her children have grown up and three were sponsored through HUM. She is still caring and raising two of her grandchildren. What an amazing woman she is. Please pray for her as she ministers to these children and those in our AWANA club.
Elizabeth teaching her class at AWANA club

God bless you all and lots of love!

Meet Olive and her family!

Olive has been a sponsored child through HUM for several years.   She attends our Genesis Primary School and AWANA club. Her impoverished parents struggle to support their children and recently their home caved in during a rain storm. We would like to see if we could help this family replace their home. We can build them a small, strong home for about $3,500. We could use some help to fund this project and show Christ’s love to this family in a very practical way. Please mark your gift for “Olive’s Home.”  
Thank you for the continued generous response to the need to feed village families. We’re still going strong and will continue as your special gifts allow until kids return to school. $30 for each food basket.

We accept
If you would like to set up a recurring gift or make a larger electronic donation without
credit card or bank fees for you or HUM, you can donate directly from your
bank account through Zelle. Set this up at your bank’s website. Zelle your gift to us at giving@hineskids.org
Email us at the same address if
you need to cancel a current
recurring gift first.
Hines Ugandan Ministries   

P.O. Box 620727, Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa