DCAN Update | Sept. 22, 2020
DCAN is here to support you!
In this issue, we're sharing several updates, giving some heads up and providing you with the resources you need to help Detroit students succeed!

Have you connected with DCAN on social media yet? Make sure you're following along at @detroitcollegeaccessnetwork and @Detroit_CAN!

We've got your back,

The DCAN Team
Monthly professional development series launches soon!
Detroit STRIVES is a professional development series for those who support students with college access.

10 a.m.: College Application Month/Match Reach Safety support
11 a.m.: Financial Aid: Data Use Agreement/FSAID

  • Onjila Odeneal, Strategy Director, DCAN
  • Ashley Lane, Program Manager, DCAN
Last Friday was #WhyApplyDay -- here's why we apply!
#WhyApply DAY is a national effort to increase the number of first-generation college students and students from low-income families pursuing a college degree or other higher education credential.

The primary purpose is to help high school seniors navigate the complex college application and admissions process and ensure they apply to at least one postsecondary institution. Here's why we apply here at DCAN!
DCAN will continue to offer virtual 1-on-1 advising through the first semester!

Your students can meet with an experienced coach to support with mapping out their plans, completing requirements, navigating documentation submission and staying on track to reach their college/career goals.
Admissions Updates for Class of 2021

As we settle into the 2020-21 school year, DCAN is here to make sure that the class of 2021 is aware of any admissions updates that may affect their transition to postsecondary education.

Your students can visit the DCAN Admissions Updates webpage to view any changes in the enrollment process, new test score requirements, how to access virtual assistance, onsite admissions and more. The admissions webpage will be updated once a week on Thursdays so check back in weekly to see if new information or new schools have been added.
College Application Month Starts Oct. 1!

Michigan's College Application Month is part of the American College Application Campaign national initiative to provide every graduating high school senior the opportunity to apply to college and for financial aid.

The goal is to make sure that 100% of your seniors can apply to postsecondary opportunities whether that be a 4 year or 2 year college, trade/technical school, or the military.

To ensure you're signed up to receive all information and resources related to application month, make sure that your school or organization is registered to participate in College Bound Michigan.

For a more in-depth walk through of College Application Month, attend the October 1, 2020 session of Detroit STRIVES by signing up here!

If you are in need of application month support you can request support from DCAN by completing our support request form. All requests are subject to approval. Please allow 48-72 hours for a response to a support request. 
College Prep Checklist

Be sure to download and share the College Preparation Checklist with your students!

Activities start this month and go all the way through next summer.
Help your students get the SAT score they want!
Virtual SAT Bootcamp:
Oct. 10

D​ate: Oct. 10, 2020
Time: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m
Cost: $20
SAT Test: Statewide Oct. 14
SAT Vendor: Doorway To College
Location: Virtual!
CONNECT: Detroit College Access Network