The Tri-State Development Regional Report
news & updates
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Tri-State Development's monthly newsletter—your hub for all things regional and rural. Our goal is to keep you informed, engaged, and connected with the people and projects moving our region forward. This is a space to bring together news of our 36-county region that contributes to our one collaborative voice. Read more
The Tri-State Development region encompasses 36 counties in Northeast Missouri, Southeast Iowa, and Westcentral Illinois.
The mission of the Tri-State Development Summit is to bring together stakeholders to identify challenges and opportunities within the 3 State region of Northeast Missouri, Southeast Iowa, and Westcentral Illinois to work collaboratively toward regional outcomes that will encourage investment in our communities and enhance the lives of our citizens.
in the tri-states
Each month we will include a feature article spotlighting a project, program, activity, or meeting that provides significant support to the tri-state development region. This is the section to click on if you’re looking for inspiration, dedication, or optimization. These are celebration stories! We won’t mind if you play a little background music while you read, perhaps the opening bars to the “Rocky” theme or maybe a little “Wind Beneath My Wings”? Whatever your jam, we want you to feel encouraged, motivated, and proud of how you and other regional stakeholders are making a difference.
This month, in celebration of National Rural Health Day, we are highlighting the work of the Tri-State Development Regional Health & Wellbeing Task Force. There has been a fair amount of headline generating news recently as hospital systems across the nation are operating in a highly competitive and stressful environment. Our regional systems are not immune and if you’ve been paying attention, you’ve probably heard a thing or two. But get a load of this…
Share Your Spotlight Story
We want to shine a light on the Tri-State region! Tell us about the great things happening in your community! Please help us spread the word about the activities, projects, programs, and collaborations that positively impact our region. We want to thank you for all that you do!
We've been hard at work to identify resources that will help support the work that you are doing in your community. We have purchased access to a data aggregator package that will allow us to pull together statistical data for our tri-state region.
This aggregator will provide data at the census tract, zip code, county, and state levels. Up-to-date data can inform grant applications, marketing narratives, publications, and more. We will be using it to share insights into our region. Please let us know how we can help you. Data requests can be submitted to
Tri-State Development Website
The Tri-State Development website is in the process of a build-out, providing stakeholders with additional information on the projects, programs, activities, and plans throughout the year.
The new website will include content on task force activities, meeting dates, and registration links and will contain resources, photos, data sheets, and more.
We plan to launch the new website by the first of the year and look forward to providing you with an easy way to stay connected and engage with us.
As a stakeholder-driven organization, Tri-State Development achieves great things when we all come together to move priorities forward. By collectively applying our talents, ideas, resources, and passion for our communities, we can impact our region in significant ways. Read More
Wishing you a very
Happy Thanksgiving
Please join us in showing gratitude to our Sponsorship Partners who generously support Tri-State Development at the Presenting and Program levels. Their investment helps support the annual Tri-State Development Summit, investments in stakeholder resources, as well as programs and projects throughout the year.
Tri-State Development Summit at Culver-Stockton College | []