Issue 29|December 2, 2021
Special thanks to Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement Bettina Shuford for being our guest writer this week.

Student Affairs Curricular Approach Status Update 

As we prepare to launch the new Student Affairs Strategic Plan in January 2022, concerted efforts are already under way to enhance our approach for centering student learning. The Curricular Approach was identified as the framework to evolve the Carolina Excellence Initiative to a more intentional, connected, and integrated learning experience for students where learning progresses as students engage with different programmatic touch points and services across the Division and beyond. 

Bettina Shuford
Carolina Housing
Skyfactor Student Feedback Survey with V.I.A.

VIA stands for Voice Into Action. VIA is an assessment branding campaign that communicates one clear message: We heard your voice and are making changes. This brand allows us to quickly communicate with our stakeholders that we have heard their voice, share key data points, share data-driven changes, and continue to encourage our stakeholders to share their perspectives.
The Fall 2021 Skyfactor Student Resident Survey is currently open until Dec. 6. We have launched our “18 Days of Giveaways marketing campaign to entice students to fill out the voluntary survey and help us get their feedback! Amazing prizes are given away daily with a Grand Prize on the last day! So far, participation numbers have proven to be amazing!
Campus Health
Get Your Flu Shot Before Winter Break

An increase in influenza, “flu,” activity has been detected nationally in recent weeks, and we have diagnosed a number of cases already this semester at Campus Health. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting vaccinated each year. 

New Student & Family Programs
2022-2023 Parents Council Grant Award Applications Deadline Dec. 10

You still have time to apply for a 2022-2023 Parents Council Grant award. Applications are due Dec. 10, 2021. Each year UNC departments and student organization apply and pitch their ideas for programs and new initiatives that can enhance the Carolina student experience. This program is a longstanding tradition of the Carolina Parents Council, and since 1985 has allocated over $1.85 million to new and innovative ideas to meet the ever-growing needs of undergraduate students. Learn more about the program, timeline, eligibility requirements, and more at these resources:
Student Affairs Development
Pantry Bowl Winners Announced

Congratulations to the Carolina Cupboard for winning the Pantry Bowl against NC State by 28 gifts. Together we raised a cumulative total of $96,561.96 and 1,376 gifts to fight food insecurity on both campuses!
Thanks to all who took the time to give! Thanks to you, our students can count 702 more reasons to be grateful this holiday season. While the Pantry Bowl is over, you can still make a gift to the Carolina Cupboard any time !
Keep Holiday Stresses at Bay

Please join Paula Paula Huffman, BS, RN, ERYT on Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021, from 10 a.m. to noon, for this online workshop hosted by the UNC Program on Integrative Medicine.

Learn more about how the practice of Mindfulness can help to ease the stressors of daily life and can improve acute or chronic health issues such as insomnia, anxiety, pain, and more.
Morning of Mindfulness Workshop
  • Identifying Stress Triggers, Manifestations and Coping Mechanisms
  • Using Mindful Breathing to Tame the Stress Response
  • Practice the Mind Body Connection through the Body Scan Practice
  • Seated Mindfulness Meditation with Attention to the Breath
  • The Breathing Space Practice for encouraging living life OFF Auto Pilot

After registration, you will receive a Zoom link and instructions.
  • The Well: With holiday season approaching, check out the University’s holiday calendar to help you plan.

Want to send a special thank you to a staff member who went above and beyond? Send your Kudos to
Thursday, Dec. 9
1–2:30 p.m.

Register for the Dec. 9 R3 symposium “Interventions to Advance Racial Equity,” which will highlight scholarship by Carolina graduate students, research scientists and faculty from the School of Government, the School of Education and the Gillings School of Global Public Health.

Friday, Dec. 3, 2021
  • 11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Check In
  • 12 p.m. - Participant Meeting
  • 12:15 p.m. - Run/Walk Starts

Join Campus Rec for 31st Annual Jingle Bell Jog for UNC-Chapel Hill employees! This fun walk/run kicks off the holiday season by staying active. In previous years, over 300 members of UNC faculty and staff participate in the Jingle Bell Jog each year. The event promotes physical activity, health and well-being, and provides employees with the opportunity to contribute to the Glenwood Elementary Family Assistance Program by making canned food donations. In addition, pet donations will be given to the Orange County Animal Shelter.

Please email your newsletter submissions to by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays to be included in that week's newsletter