
Happy New Year! Although it feels like months ago, as we are catapulted in to 2021 with much, let's just say, activity. For those of you who are new here, please note these missives are not usually this long or seemingly political or pointed....To me, however, everything is connected and sometimes I get a little fired up about current events!

There are so many things wrong right now with our country that have nothing to do with politics. As an expert on personal growth, healing, and evolution, I see the increasingly toxic political situation as a manifestation of what’s built up over hundreds of years and the result of our own ignorance and refusal to look at hard stuff both individually and collectively or to understand patterns, deal with, be accountable for, process and heal our past; our lack of concern for the well-being of all citizens (not corporations), no matter how different they might be from you, as well as the pervasive/mainstream lack of trust in and/or reliance on something greater than ourselves other than fame, fortune or some magical pill.

It's about the perversion of values and deterioration of our culture as a result of mass media manipulation of all types, from every spectrum of political, socio-economic, entertainment and religious (or lack there of) belief systems, perspectives and platforms. What we saw in our nation's capital this week did not happen in a vacuum or overnight; and I believe that we are all responsible. All of these things combined are the real pandemic in my opinion, and this pesky pathogen situation is the cherry on top wake up call to the error of our ways.

And as I often say here and in many videos you can find on my YouTube channel, what you do, how and what you think, how and what you feel and the overall integration and state of your mind, body, and spirit adds to the overall state of your environment, the country, and the world. You are that important and matter that much. We are all interconnected and are projections and mirrors of each other. Our dysfunctional government is a reflection of our internal dysfunction. So no matter what "side" you are on - which is a problem in the first place - we need to stop "othering" and blaming everyone. PeriodT. (Yes, I'm hip to that spelling ;)

Please check yourself often for this and use it as a tool for reflection. We are all humans, and we're mostly operating from different levels of unresolved pain and frustration. Can you try for a few minutes to put yourself in the shoes of someone you find detestable or "less-than" and see if maybe you can understand WHY they might behave or believe a certain way, or listen to what they have to say without automatically judging, dismissing or canceling them - even if just in your head? We all better start practicing before we self-implode.

The point is that we have got to get it together people. As we move through this new era, I will continue to share my observations, challenges, experiences and perspectives to perhaps shed light on yours, as we are all we got and it's not easy being human! We must to zoom out and gain a wider vantage point to see the big picture rather than focus on pettiness; most people have been unwilling or unable, and of course no one in power would benefit, so why promote that? But that is an essay for another day....

Today's PGG is an excerpt of what I wrote the day after the 2016 US Election. Sadly, in re-reading it I find that not much has changed, and in some ways has gotten worse - and yes I do believe on both sides. So I ask that you read it from the lens of 2020 no matter who you voted for, especially the second half of the essay, because much is just applicable today as it was four years ago. It doesn't matter who is in office, we need to learn to coexist in the most peaceful, healthy way. This will be confronting for sure, but I encourage you to try, otherwise we are doomed to more of the same or worse. This is an SOS.

Today's PGG Video of the Week talks about thinking for yourself to save democracy and the Instagram post has two great quotes to help you start the year right. If you're looking some of my thoughts in long-form, this podcast style interview with Rick Young of What's in Your Hand Radio Show.

BONUS LINKS: Check out this post about my client's podcast where she talks about how our sessions helped her makes some major career pivots and another client testimonial here. Btw, I would love for you to help me get to 500 followers on Instagram by Jan 13th, so be sure to follow me there if you aren't yet - I post some good stuff :)

Lastly, if you look forward to and benefit from these weekly missives and PGG essays and want to show your gratitude, any donations for my efforts are welcome and appreciated here: And as always, please feel free to contact me with any comments about anything.

Big hug <3

P.S. Want to get unstuck and on track in your career and life in 2021 and beyond? Check out the website for my individual coaching services.

Also, if you missed my The Year that was 2020: Review, Revel & Recalibrate celebration on 12/15 but would like to get the worksheet and the 25 minute portion of me speaking (group sharing was not recorded), you can register here to receive it.
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"I love your PGG newsletters - one of the only ones I actually read in its entirety. They are excellently written, and spot on. Thanks for being so inspirational and reflective!" ~ Tom D.
Bubble Burst
Originally published November 11, 2016

For me, and in my observation of so many, the day after the election was a National Day of Mourning. Because although the GOP candidate technically won, our country as a whole lost, not just because of how close it was, but how split apart and divided we are as a result. Amplified by technology and media, we feel this more viscerally than ever.

Unlike many of my friends and others who opposed and then were shell-shocked by the announcement of our new President-elect, I had seen this coming since the summer, slowly and steadily building with a ferocity and stalwartness that you would have never guessed if you only went by the mainstream media. I paid close attention to the backstory and aftermath of Brexit, recognizing a mirror image of ourselves across the pond, and had a terrible sinking feeling in my stomach when it happened. I paid attention to the worldwide trend towards nationalism. I opened my ears and eyes as wide as possible, kept coming across non-stereotypical supporters and noticed traditionally assumed liberal outings and locales were populated by more “Make America Great Again” t-shirts and hats than I would have imagined.

In an effort to understand how this was happening, I observed and sometime interacted with people outside my circle, read articles and watched un-sarcastic straightforward reporting of why they were for this individual; I read the often pain-filled, hateful comments and tweets on articles with biases on every side of the spectrum, and as heartbreaking and difficult as it was, and now even more so continues to be, chose not to un-follow, block or delete any of my FB friends and family who posted about the then Republican nominee, (many of who are now coming out of the shadows and gloating in their win without any empathy for the fear that so many are experiencing as a result). I made an effort, and will continue to make an effort, to engage thoughtfully with them when possible – because if we can’t reach out and be civil to the people in our own sphere of influence, the rest of the nation is doomed.
After gathering all of this “data”, and seeing that the debates and late-breaking scandals did not change their positions an inch, to me, the writing was on the wall, and if it was not going to be an outright win for them, this would be very, very close. Like with my mother’s illness, I was not surprised at the outcome, but held out hope and stayed in a little denial in order to keep myself from really going there until I absolutely had to. And here we are.

Obviously, if you voted for the person who won, you are likely not experiencing this, and I’m sure are more than content with your candidate’s victory. As I wrote on my Facebook page on Wednesday though, regardless of why you might have voted that way, this change indeed came at a very big cost, because the man elected also carries with him the promotion, glorification and inflaming of bigotry, racism, misogyny, sexual assault, xenophobia, Islamophobia, bullying etc., and if you were one of his supporters I implore you to please do your part to mitigate the horrendous side effects and collateral consequences your vote has set in motion by speaking out often and with conviction against these things, and demonstrate the opposite of what he exemplified and modeled in his campaign.

I learned a lot in my “research”, and was reminded that no voting block is a monolith, especially since we are such a diverse nation; with traditionally only two parties, this in itself was understandably the cause of much discontent and frustration. There are legitimate reasons for everyone to have wanted change. If I was a career coach working exclusively in many of the rural areas or depressed industrial towns, it would indeed be more difficult for me to do my job. Other folks succumbed to fear-mongering and scapegoating. Others were just disgusted with the whole process. The media did not offer equal, broad or totally impartial coverage, nor did they make it easy for anyone to get the straight story about anything. People on the left, right, and in everywhere in between expressed themselves through anger, sarcasm, name-calling, and even violence, and are continuing to do so.

Most people found it more comfortable and comforting to stay in their own bubble and feel good about themselves in their own echo chamber. What I did took time, intention, and much restraint. It did not feel good being exposed to so much I find distasteful or flat out wrong, but as a citizen living in (what will still hopefully be) a democracy, I felt it was my duty, and will continue to stretch beyond my choir, and at the very least listen, not respond by yelling or attacking, and either politely agree to disagree, and at best find a way to some mutual understanding and acceptance.

Those on every side need to understand not everyone is like them, nor thinks the same way or wants the same way of life, but that does not have to come at each others’ expense. We must call out our own when they are being intolerant or feeding into stereotypes. And we must make sure our rights are not violated or suppressed. This will take vigilance and courage. But then again, we are the home of the brave, right?

The reality is that we cannot go backwards, we must move forwards and come to some compromise as to what that forward should be. How are we going to do that? What can you to make yourself stronger and more perceptive? Your community better? Yourself more accepting of anyone who is different or “other”? How can you become a master listener? How can you use your career to serve others simply by doing what you are meant to do and brings you a sense of peace and fulfillment? How can you step out of your bubble, especially on social media, and when you can, in person?

Last month I wrote about the end of an era and a sense of displacement in my PGG Stranger in a Strange Land. Things now feel as strange as ever, and it’s about to get even stranger. I’m hoping that this is the breakdown our country needs in order to have a breakthrough; how poetic it is that Leonard Cohen, who I quoted in Let the Sun Shine In, died yesterday: “There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” It’s up to us to create a new reality that deems everyone equally valuable and allows each other to thrive.

My apologies to any of you I may have offended by offering my viewpoints on such a personal matter, but more than ever we need to share our experiences and perspectives with one another in a safe, grounded and open-minded manner, because that is the only way we will find out that we actually have more in common than we think. This is a revolutionary act that is not partisan, it’s patriotic.        

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Remember, you can always see PGGs from any month or year going back to 2010 on my website at and visit my social media pages for more inspiration throughout the week! Want to share my PGG? Use my Medium page for friendliest posting version.

If you're looking for some compassionate candor and a dose of tough love, Kristina is the coach for you.... I came into this really lacking clarity and walked away with a sense of relief. Can't recommend her enough. ~ Kevin R.

Now is a great time to use this time to take stock of and get on track with your career and life with clarity, balance and direction.

Kristina’s coaching expertise is phenomenal — all-encompassing, inclusive of the mind, body & spirit, nonjudgmental, insightful and deeply involved in providing solutions and tools to be a better version of yourself. ~ Audrey N.


"Kristina patiently helped me to discover and embrace my true north. I was stuck in a past identity that blocked me from the person I wanted to become."


The Year that was 2020: Review, Revel & Recalibrate
Articulate what you’ve learned and what you want to see in 2021

Watch Past Talks Here:
Navigating times of transition for healing and personal growth

Using the Great Pause for Personal & Professional Development

Staying Motivated Throughout the Job Search Process

Authentic Branding: Letting the Real You Shine in Any Situation

Who Are You & What Are You Supposed to Be Doing with Your Life?

Stepping Stones for Success

Kristina's Books:

Read Kristina's Career & Personal Growth Articles:

"Since I last spoke with you, I've had some pretty dramatic changes - New Job, a Big Move, Healthy Dating Relationship. It's been pretty awesome. Emotionally, I've done a 180, and my life is certainly a reflection of that. My last session with you spurred a lot of wonderful life changes."  ~ Palanda B.
"I can honestly say that speaking to you was one of the most important events in my life. It is almost unbelievable how a 2-hour conversation can have that effect." ~ Bozhanka V.

Thank you again for opening my eyes to a new future! ~ K. Handa
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