Youth Ministry
Next Sunday connect, study, serve, and have fun!
Join us next Sunday!
Sunday School @ 10:00 am
We'll be back in full swing on Sunday, a youth only class at 10.00 am.
Youth Group @ 3, 4, 5 and 6 pm
See below.

All online youth activities (Sunday School, Youth Group, Confirmation, Youth Council and any extras, will now all use the same Zoom link, below.)

New Zoom Link - Password RUMCYouth
Youth Group
Given the current limit of 10 people for any non-worship group we are trying something new this week! There are 4 small groups planned, meeting on the hour for 45 minutes each, in the picnic shelter (for maximum ventilation), and I'll be going to Lowes to pick up plenty of firewood ahead of time. We've set the groups up as follows:

3 pm - Middle School Boys
4 pm - Middle School Girls
5 pm - Coed HS Freshmen and Sophomores
6 pm - Coed HS Juniors and Seniors

As was the case before Christmas, pre-registration is required for all these groups, the Signup Genius link is the same one we used previously, available here. Registration closes at 11.30 pm Wednesday. Each group will start with a game or two and then there will be time and space for conversation, prayer and encouragement. Given the lack of wifi in the shelter it's not possible to offer a Zoom option for these groups, and please do get in touch if you have questions.


Please look out for a specific confirmation email tomorrow morning about this Sunday.
Sign up for Remind Texts
Get friendly reminders for all our activities by signing up for our texts through Remind app by texting @rumc-youth to 81010. This is particularly helpful for last minute changes etc.

Please complete an online youth permission form for each youth (sixth to 12th grade) in your family. The form is required for participation in youth and music ministry activities. Complete form
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Reveille United Methodist Church