News & Updates
April 1, 2021
CMS Updates Medicare COVID-19 Data Snapshot
New in this snapshot are additional data on COVID-19 case and hospitalization rates by race/ethnicity. Other highlights in the report include:
  • Since the last snapshot released in January 2021, COVID-19 cases increased by more than 790,000 and hospitalizations grew by more than 206,000.
  • The rate of COVID-19 cases in rural areas (4,271 per 100,000) is higher than in urban areas (4,151 per 100,000) for the first time since CMS started releasing this snapshot. 
  • Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) spending associated with COVID-19 hospitalizations grew to $10.3 billion.
  • American Indian/Alaskan Native beneficiaries continued to have the highest COVID-19 hospitalization rate (2,393 per 100,000), followed by African American (1,937 per 100,000) and Hispanic (1,617 per 100,000) beneficiaries. The new breakdowns by race/ethnicity and age show this pattern continues across all four age groups included in the snapshot.
April is National Minority Health Month
Join the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) in honoring National Minority Health Month by learning more about 10 highlights from the past decade.
Why experts say the information blocking ban will be game changing for patients
The new information blocking and interoperability regulations will open up an app ecosystem that enables patients to engage with healthcare on their smartphones and through health apps. The rule also enables digital health companies and app developers to access patient data to advance new innovations in healthcare. Over time, the policy could enable patients to integrate all their health data from medical records, fitness trackers, smartwatches and apps to have a more complete picture of their health, industry experts say. 
Dr. Micky Tripathi, Ph.D. National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, HHS will be kicking off the event at 10ET on April 28th. We'll have experts on hand to discuss the requirements, patient perspectives, exceptions and creating your compliance plan. FREE Virtual Event
2021 Special Enrollment Period Access Extended to August 15 on for Marketplace Coverage
This action provides new and current enrollees an additional three months to enroll or re-evaluate their coverage needs with increased tax credits available to reduce premiums.
Accelerating Value-Based Care Transformation Today and Post COVID-19
One year into the COVID-19 pandemic and healthcare leaders are taking a hard look at all operations – especially innovative reimbursement models that best meet the needs of their business, providers and patients. No doubt these leaders are finally paying closer attention to value-based care.
Increased Medicare Payment for Life-Saving COVID-19 Vaccine
This new and higher payment rate will support important actions taken by providers that are designed to increase the number of vaccines they can furnish each day, including establishing new or growing existing vaccination sites, conducting patient outreach and education, and hiring additional staff.
AHRQ Seeks Public Input by April 16 on Clinical Algorithms
That May Promote Bias in Medical Decision-making
AHRQ is seeking public comments on clinical algorithms used in medical practice that may introduce bias into decision-making or negatively affect access, quality, or health outcomes among racial and ethnic minority groups. Following public input, AHRQ will undertake an evidence review of commonly used algorithms to assess whether race and ethnicity is explicitly included.
The deadline for providing comments is 11:59 PM ET on April 16.
Episode 29: The “Art” of Interoperability with HL7 Da Vinci Project’s Program Manager Jocelyn Keegan
The next Claims Subworkgroup meeting will be April 8th at 11ET.
During the last meeting, the group discussed the No Surprises Act. We are looking forward to an update and a discussion of next steps for the subworkgroup.

WEDI workgroups provide thoughtful leadership and common-sense approaches that enhance the exchange of clinical and administrative healthcare information. They collect input, exchange ideas, and make recommendations that inspire impactful and far-reaching change in our industry.