💚Community 💛Creativity 💙Connection
Alan Koch & his wife Carol
Board Chair Update
Here at the Carpinteria Arts Center, the Board, Staff and Volunteers had to quickly pivot to supporting our community in a totally virtual manner during the pandemic.  Thank you to the community for coming together as only Carpinteria can to support the wellness and wellbeing of our little unique town during these challenging times. As your arts and community center, let us be here for you, now more than ever. Looking forward to when we all can meet in person at an Arts Center activity.
Alan Koch
Board Chair
Volunteers Still Needed
Sept. 3, 4, 5
FREE Fall Virtual Art Classes
Only 8 Days Left To Submit Art
Featuring original prints made using hand and press printing techniques such as etching, drypoint, monoprint, woodblock, collagraph, linocut, clay, lithography, screen printing, transfer, and photopolymer plates.
September 10th Deadline
The Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center | 805-684-7789  | www.CarpinteriaArtsCenter.org