Our President and CEO, Brenda Campbell, reflects on the current financial literacy landscape and looks ahead to what comes next. What needs are still unmet? Where are the signs of hope and progress? What do we envision for the next 15 years of financial education?

There are so many ways to support teens who are striving for financial capability, from contributing financially to volunteering your time to spreading the word about our mission. Will you choose one simple, high-impact action to take today? Check out our "ways to help" guide to become part of the solution!

We had the honor of nominating Dr. Keith Posley, Superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools, for the Governor’s Financial Literacy Award, which he received this month in a special virtual ceremony with Governor Tony Evers and First Lady Kathy Evers. We’re so grateful for Dr. Posley’s partnership and visionary leadership in working towards our shared goal of equipping every MPS student with the financial education they need to succeed. We were also excited to see other SecureFutures partners recognized with the award, including Marti Diaz, MPS Financial Literacy Teacher Mentor, and Tony Capozziello, educator at Beloit Memorial and Money Path champion. Congratulations to all the winners!
Save the date for our Light the Hoan celebration!

Thank you to Light the Hoan for selecting SecureFutures as one of their featured nonprofits this year! On March 31st, the Hoan Bridge will be lit up with SecureFutures colors. All are invited to join us that day at Boone and Crockett from 6:30 - 8:00 pm as we celebrate and watch the bridge lighting. On the day of the event, you'll also have the opportunity to sponsor a bulb on the lighted bridge in support of SecureFutures. More details coming soon - mark your calendars!

We're so grateful to be one of the nonprofits benefitting from the new "Making A Difference" initiative from MLG Capital, which bridges the gap between real estate investing and social impact. Visit their website to learn more, or sign up for their webinar taking place this afternoon!

We're seeking volunteers for a number of large, in-person programs coming up this spring, including programs in New Berlin, Racine, and Waukesha! No experience needed - we provide all the training and materials you need to change lives through financial education.

Take a look at our current volunteer opportunities page to learn more, or contact our Volunteer Manager, Maria Fuller, at

Each April in honor of Financial Literacy Month, we invite our friends and partners to participate in our #FinanciallyFearless campaign, an opportunity to help people in your network learn more about SecureFutures and support our mission. Will you consider being a peer fundraiser? We give you everything you need in our campaign toolkit! Sign up by March 31st! Look for additional information in the coming weeks.
Thank you, corporate and foundation partners!

We are honored to count MGIC, the Frank and Lucille Puncer Foundation, and the HF Foundation among our corporate and foundation supporters. Thank you for investing back into the community by supporting teen financial literacy!
710 N. Plankinton Ave., Suite 1400
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(414) 273-8101
There are dozens of incredible companies, foundations and individuals who make our teen financial empowerment mission possible. Along with spotlights of those supporters in this newsletter,