FRWA eNews
September 1, 2020
Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
Flushing Signs
Upcoming Training
B/C Wastewater Certification Review/Punta Gorda
B/C/D Drinking Water Certification Review/Tavares
Water and Wastewater System Training/Cairo GA
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Pensacola
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Bradenton
B/C Wastewater Certification Review/Tavares
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/West Palm Beach
Online Training
On The Road Again
Rural Waters Across the Nation Respond to the Needs of Small Systems

Last week FRWA was in emergency response mode for the second time in two weeks.  Generators were loaded in anticipation of Laura which was threatening Texas and Louisiana.  The loaded semi tractor trailer left the warehouse in Cairo on Thursday morning after Laura made landfall near Cameron, Louisiana as a Category 4 storm on Wednesday.

The storm, which later weakened to a tropical depression, tore apart homes and businesses and knocked out power to nearly one million customers in Texas and Louisiana.  Winds were so strong that trains were literally blown off their tracks as seen in the photo below taken by FRWA staff.

The Louisiana Department of Health tweeted that more than 220,000 residents were facing water system outages, meaning their community "can't access water." The department said that Hurricane Laura was to blame for 67 water system outages due to loss of power.

Rural Waters from across the nation joined efforts to be sure that the citizens affected by Hurricane Laura would have access to clean water.  Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Arkansas Rural Water Associations responded to the situation with generators, bypass pumps and other equipment and manpower to Louisiana and Texas Rural Water Associations.

At the time of this article, the City of Lake Charles was the largest affected system.  The city is now online with 6 water plants, a wastewater plant and 140 lift stations.  Forty of the lift stations are on line power with 100 relying on generators.  Rural Water is now focusing its attention on smaller systems around Lake Charles and all systems distribution isolations south of the city.  Generators that were previously in the north of the state are being cleared to bring south to assist other systems.

The health department in Louisiana is very happy with Rural Water's response and the with the expeditious way that systems were brought back online.  The list of water systems needing assistance is down to seven smaller systems. FRWA spent Monday, making sure that all of the remaining smaller systems are being supplied with generators.

For more information related to response efforts in the aftermath of Laura, click here.

The joint efforts of Rural Waters from across the nation prove once again that there is power in association.
National News
Federal Court Case to Require EPA to End Fluoridation of Drinking Water Plaintiff argues fluoridation presents an unreasonable risk of neurotoxic effects and federal toxics law requires EPA to ban the practice. more

Cyberattacks Against Utilities Increased Five-fold in Last Two Months As the societal disruptions of 2020 continue to pile up, cyberattackers have taken advantage of the chaos, with certain types of attacks against utilities spiking five-fold in recent months, according to data provided to Morning Consult by the analytics firm NETSCOUT. more

Ransomware attackers demanding larger payout from local governments The average ransom demanded of a local government in a cyberattack grew from $30,000 to $380,000, according to one cybersecurity firm. more

New Study on COVID-19 In Wastewater Ben-Gurion University report indicates that contaminated sewage might lead to infection via airborne spray and crops irrigated with wastewater not properly disinfected could also be an indirect infection route.  more

Hurricane Laura's path almost identical to Rita's in 2005, but devastation may be worse | KXAN Hurricane Laura is following an eerily similar path to Hurricane Rita in 2005 - a storm that had a devastating impact on Texas and Louisiana. more

Hurricane Laura's ferocious winds, storm surge could be 'unsurvivable' along Texas, Louisiana coast | Telegraph  Hurricane Laura, a monster of a storm that picked up ferocious intensity as it traversed the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, threatened a large swath of Texas and Louisiana with what authorities said could be "unsurvivable" flooding and catastrophic winds. more

NRWA Comments to EPA on Approval of a Variance to
Denver that Allows for Alternative Compliance
 We were not able to file comments during the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) public comment period concerning the granting of a Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) variance to
Denver Water earlier this year. more

Missouri Rural Water Celebrates Water & Wastewater Treatment Workers Week with Daily Photos more
Vice President Biden Includes Drinking Water in Acceptance Speech Pipes that transport clean water to every community. more
State News
Boil water notice issued for some homes in Fellsmere due to water main break | WPTV North Magnolia Street from New Your Avenue to South Carolina Avenue is closed to repair road damage. more

Source of irrigation water influences how much of it you conserve | Okeechobee News Whether you get your water from a public utility, a well or recycled water, the source will influence how much water you save, a new University of Florida study shows. more

Higher utility bills coming for Sarasota County | Herald Tribune Sarasota County doesn't have enough money to address its aging water and sewer infrastructure.  more

Septic tanks could damage water quality of this Punta Gorda neighborhood, officials say | NBC-2  A neighborhood in Punta Gorda could soon make the big move from septic tanks to the sewer system. more

Century Applying For $312K Loan For Wastewater System Repairs. Most Won't Be Repaid. | North EscambiaThe Town of Century is applying for a state loan to make wastewater system repairs, but they won't be required to repay most of it. more
Longboat Key expects to face penalties following major sewage spill near Sarasota Bay | WFLA Following one month of water sample testing from a third-party consultant, Longboat Key officials were pleased to learn major sewage had little impact on the short-term health of Sarasota Bay. more
This Week in Water History

August 25, 1909:  Municipal Journal and Engineer article. Surface Water in Reservoir Causes Typhoid. "Waverly, Kan.-Professor Hoad, Engineer of the State Board of Health, who is investigating the sanitary condition of Kansas towns, says the worst place he has seen for many days is Waverly. The town has a population of about 500 or more people, and for the last two years typhoid fever has been practically continuous. Professor Hoad said that he and Dr. Crumbine, Secretary of the Board, had studied carefully all the probable causes, eliminating them one by one-even Dr. Crumbine's fly-until finally it was narrowed down to the city water. The city gets its water from a large well or small reservoir, and this had been continually polluted by surface washings. Professor Hoad made the statement that if at the present time the same per cent of cases to the number of population existed in Topeka as now exist in Waverly there would be about 550 cases of typhoid in Topeka. He and Dr. Crumbine appeared before the City Council and ordered them to cement the outside of the wall, which is to be raised three feet. Then the water is to be pumped out and the inside of the wall plastered, after which the well is to be thoroughly disinfected. When this is done Professor Hoad will inspect the work and make a test of the water."  more

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here.
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309