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Girls High School Scholarship Program in Pakistan

In order to help Barakat school graduates, our Scholarship Program for High School Girls is working to provide financial backing as well as social support to girls like Nazish. They in turn will serve as role-models to others in their own Afghan refugee community in Pakistan. The program serves not just to support financially, but also to encourage the girls and their family members with regard to continuing their education. It gives that extra push to girls who are dreaming of pursuing their education but face both financial and societal pressure to stop school as soon as they start approaching adolescence.

Nazish graduated from Barakat Elementary School in 2021 and has since been going to Government Girls Higher Secondary School which is close enough to her house to be acceptable to her family. She is now in 10th grade and reminisces about her time at Barakat, by pointing out:

"In Barakat School all the class fellows were from our community. There were less students in the classes as compared to government school. The teachers in Barakat School could give us individual attention. In government school, the classrooms are over-crowded with 60-80 girls per class."

COSTS for sponsoring a girl going to government high school are $150/annually and include exam fees, notebooks, uniform and transportation charges.

Support from donors like you gives them wings where otherwise they would be restricted to the four walls of their house, unable to fly towards a horizon of their own seeking.