Join Missio Seminary in Celebrating 50 Years
February 28, 2022
A Note from President Frank James
 As we conclude February and Black History Month, I'd like to share a few things that occurred this month that were especially meaningful and encouraging. I had the tremendous opportunity to sit down and talk with Sister Thelma White, the widow of Rev. Dr. Arthur R. White. Dr. White was a Missio alum whose name bears one of our prestigious scholarships and an influential figure for civil rights. We were joined by Dr. White's successor, another Missio alum, Rev. Dr. Kevin Haynesworth. Through the heartfelt and personal stories they shared, Dr. Haynesworth and Mrs. White allowed us to get to know Dr. White for the first time or all over again. You can view the discussion here.
Dr. Clarence E. Wright, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, moderated a phenomenal webinar on the history of the Black Church titled, Hand on the Gospel Plow. He and his four guest panelists, Rev. Dr. Bill Moore, Rev. Dr. J. Wendell Mapson, Rev. Dr. Natalie Alford, and Rev. Dr. William Shaw, engaged in powerful and insightful discussion that you do not want to miss. I hope you will join us for this premiere which will air on Monday, February 28 (please see additional information below).
Last, but certainly not least, we are making great progress as we prepare to launch the first certificate program through the Polis Center. The Polis Center has long been a vision for the seminary and we are excited to be able to offer certificates that will support and equip Christian businessmen and women and church leaders with the necessary tools and resources to thrive in their ministry or business ventures.
Please continue to pray for Missio and may God bless you.
Frank A. James III, DPhil, PhD
President and Professor of Historical Theology
New Videos and Video Premiere
Take an insightful journey with us as we delve into the missional history of the Black church moderated by Missio’s Assistant Professor of Practical Theology and Urban Initiatives, Dr. Clarence E. Wright, as he hosts a group of phenomenal panelists: Rev. Dr. J. Wendell Mapson; Rev. Dr. Bill Moore; Rev. Dr. Natalie Alford; Rev. Dr. William Shaw.  
A Heartfelt Discussion with Sister Thelma White and Pastor Kevin Haynesworth
One way we honor the legacy of the Reverend Dr. Arthur R. White is through his namesake scholarship at Missio Seminary. The other is to carry on his legacy through personal stories. Please enjoy this interview conducted by Missio President Dr. Frank A. James as he talks with Dr. White’s widow, Sister Thelma White, and Reverend Dr. Kevin Haynesworth, Pastor of Christ Community Baptist Church. Get to know a little more about Dr. White as they give you a glimpse into his loving spirit, compassionate heart, and missional theology.
Missio Students Share Why Missional is Critical in Ministry
Meet The Baldwin’s! Tim Baldwin is a second year MDiv student and his wife, Shante, is a first year Diploma student. They took time to talk with us about the impact Missio Seminary is having on their ministry as well as their theological perspective.  
A Black History Month Video Message:
The Impact of Black Missional Leaders
As we celebrate Black History Month at Missio Seminary, President Frank James shares the impact Black missional leaders have had on him and his missional journey.
-Taste and See-
You are Invited to Attend a Virtual Zoom Class
We are inviting you, our beloved supporters, to sit-in on one lecture this semester for a rare opportunity to "Taste and See" the heart of academics at Missio. Classes begin at 6:00pm and end at 10:00pm on the dates listed below. When you register for a class, you will receive a one-time use Zoom link the Monday before the course as well as the course guidelines.

Enjoy one of the following courses:
  • Exegeting the City with Dr. Chad Hinson on May 10
  • Pentateuch Book Study - Exodus with Dr. Dave Lamb on June 14
  • Gospels Book Study - Mark with Dr. Steve Taylor on June 14
  • The Theology & Practice of Worship with Dr. Clarence Wright on June 14
Register soon as spaces will fill quickly!
News from Development
Your Gifts Mean So Much
“Drs. Allan MacRae and Jack Murray envisioned a theological seminary that would conjoin a deep understanding of the Bible with evangelistic and missional action. Graduates of then Biblical, now Missio Seminary, have demonstrated over these fifty years that lovers of the Word are also doers of the Word. The name has changed, but the essential mission remains the same. There can be no seminary without students or faithful friends who actively support this ministry—and so we remember and remain deeply grateful to all those in our giving community.” 
Give In Honor Of or In Memoriam
Is there someone at Missio you’d like to honor? Or a loved one you would like to remember? Leave a lasting legacy with a gift to Missio.
1.    Go to
2.    Check the box “In Honor/Memoriam”

Make your donation in someone’s honor or memory today!
Missio gratefully acknowledges the gifts that have been given in honor/memory of through January 31, 2022.
Missio Seminary Reaches the $100,000 Matching Gift for Arthur R. White Scholarship
Last month, we shared that we were a few thousand dollars shy of reaching our matching goal. This month, we are pleased to share that your contributions allowed us to reach the $100,000 matching goal! Let’s keep going so we can unlock the entire matched pledge of $500,000. We are truly grateful for you and your support of Missio and our students.
Lunch and Learn: Free Virtual Webinar
March 24, 2022, 11:00a - 1:00p
It’s been two years since the start of the COVID pandemic and many are still trying to find some sense of normalcy. Between the loss of jobs, empty sanctuaries, disappearing friends and congregations, unfamiliar ministry settings, the disruption of rituals, and more, you need a sacred and wholistic healing space.

Join Rev. Dr. Jamie Eaddy Chism to receive the tools you need to safely travel this healing journey as she helps you Remember and Re-member yourselves whole.
Registration Required to Receive Zoom Link
We believe in the power of prayer and remain in prayer for Missio, our students, alum and constituents. If you have a specific prayer request and would like for us to pray for you, please submit your request below.
Save the Date: PULPIT Open Houses
Register Today!
From Our Missio Community
Colloquium: Educating Urban Ministers After 2020
With Dr. Kyuboem Lee
There are many issues that have the potential to challenge and disrupt the cohesion of our ministries. This colloquium deals with some of those issues including the COVID crises, the implications of racial unrest, and the role of women in the church. Join Dr. Larry Anderson, Dr. Daniel Hyun, Dr. Kimberlee Johnson, Dr. Kyle Canty, Ms. Esther Chiang, and Pastor Shayna Harvey as they speak to these challenges and offer solutions.
Associate Professor Dr. Clarence E. Wright Becomes President of the BPMC
On January 23, 2022, Missio alum and Associate Professor, Dr. Clarence Wright, was installed as President of the Baptist Pastors and Ministers Conference for Philadelphia and Vicinity. God is doing tremendous things in the City and using our Seminary to make humbling contributions to the Kingdom. You may view the installation service here.
Welcome New Missio Staff
Sam is our new Student Services Coordinator. In addition to serving as the key liaison to our students, he will also support the Registrar's office and play a key role in helping students navigate the best course registration options for their academic program.

Andre is joining the Missio family as the new Controller operating in the business office. Andre previously served as the controller of the American Baptist Foundation and has many years of experience in the non-profit sector.
Professor of Missional Theology Serves on Vocatio School Board
The Vocatio Career Prep School recently welcomed our very own Dr. R. Todd Mangum as a member of the Board of Trustees. Praising God for opening doors for His servant-leaders to represent the Kingdom in a variety of ways.
Dr. Carolyn Custis James Shares Ruth in Uganda
Photo of Christian ezer leaders in Uganda. 
Adjunct professor and author, Dr. Custis James, with the help of Lifesprings International, provided copies of The Gospel of Ruth--Loving God Enough to Break the Rules to Ugandan students.

The Gospel of Ruth vests every woman’s life with kingdom purposes and frees us to embrace wholeheartedly God’s calling, regardless of our circumstances or season of life. This book contains the story of two women who have lost everything but reveals a profound message: God created women not to live in the shadowy margins of men or of the past, but to emerge as courageous activists for his kingdom.
You can purchase your copy on Amazon.
Missio Attends Jubilee
Dr. Michael Heath, Director of Admissions, and Keon Gerow, Admissions Recruiter, attended the Jubilee Coalition for Christian Outreach Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Jubilee is a campus ministry that shares the Gospel with college students to give them a vision for serving Jesus Christ in their studies, jobs, communities, and families. The conference brought students together for three days of workshops, speakers and worship to encourage students in every area of life.
Dr. Todd Mangum Invited to Participate in a Centrally Speaking Podcast
Dr. Mangum served as a guest on the Centrally Speaking podcast a little over one year ago titled, Covid-19: Is this Pandemic God's Prophesied Judgement? This extremely profound discussion became the most listened to episode and Dr. Mangum was asked to return to record Part 2. If you missed the original podcast, please take time to listen and explore what may prove to be a new perspective. We will make sure to inform you when Part 2 is available.
Alumni Check-in
We'd love to hear from you! Join us on our Facebook Student and Alumni Group page and share with your fellow Missio Community!
There are several internal and external employment and internship opportunities available, please take a look! Don't let an opportunity pass you by!
Missio Seminary
421 N. 7th St., Suite 700
Philadelphia, PA 19123
We are a Christian seminary located in Philadelphia, PA. Our focus on missional theology and missional training will help prepare you for ministry no matter where you serve.