Rondout School
The Falcon Flyer - Website Edition 
 March 4, 2022

Dear Rondout Families and Faculty,

We have enjoyed a busy week here at Rondout. Encouraging signs of Spring are emerging each day and our students have enjoyed the start of more outdoor learning activities. Soon it will be time for work in the garden to begin. We will once again be recruiting interested families to join us in tending the garden this summer.

We are reprising the Sunflower Project that began during the first year of COVID and are looking to expand our planting on the grounds and across the community. More information and starter seeds will be sent home with report cards. We are looking forward to brightening our community with these bursts of sunshine throughout our neighborhoods. We will be reaching out to businesses in the area as well to join the project. If you have a connection with a local business, please let us know. 
Looking ahead to the final trimester, there are a few special events/activities on the horizon.  

We are actively working on the track program with several interscholastic meets in the works.  More information will be forthcoming from Mr. Williams in the days ahead. 
We will be hosting the spring band concert live on March 12th at 6:30 p.m. and a special arts night open house on May 5th from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

We hope to have the “grand opening” of the wetland project before the school year is out. We have been waiting for some components of the decking that have been delayed due to supply chain issues. Thanks again to our corporate partners, Impact and Integrated Lakes Management for their support of this project. On another ecological note, Mrs. Parkerson will be sponsoring the “Green Club” after school for Upper School students later this spring.

 Report cards for the second trimester will be mailed home next weekend and Junior National Honor Society invitations will be sent to 7th and 8th grade students who meet the eligibility requirements.  That NJHS ceremony will take place in person in May.  Eighth grade graduation is coming up in person on May 18th with more details to follow related to times and additional special activities for the graduates. 

Spring has sprung and life at Rondout is blooming. Let’s all count our blessings as we are free to enjoy this beautiful weekend ahead. Our thoughts are with all those who are impacted by the tragedies of war. Throughout the world, people have been touched by the visual images of the horrors of war. We hope that peace will emerge in the days ahead. Please reach out with support to those you know who have been personally impacted.

The school districts in Lake County are working together to support humanitarian relief efforts. We will keep you posted regarding ways you can join these efforts as more details are finalized.
Thank you for your on-going support and engagement. 
Take care… Until next time...

Dr. Jenny Wojcik                           

Ms. Elizabeth Davis
5 Essentials Survey
You have been invited to complete the Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey. The information you provide will help guide improvement as we strive to inspire each student to realize their potential through the education and opportunities we provide at Rondout. Your participation in this survey is voluntary but crucial. We can’t receive results from the survey unless at least 20 percent of parents respond. The more responses parents provide, the more we will know how to focus our efforts toward the improvements you want. 
·        Go to: to take the survey
·        Select “Parent Survey.” 
·        You may enter your email address if you would like to receive confirmation of your submission, but it is not required. 
·        Then enter “Lake” into the county field and “Rondout” to find our school. 
You will then be asked a series of questions to provide input regarding your family’s experience here at Rondout. Please remember to click “submit” once you are done so your responses can be counted. 
Please know that your identity and responses will be kept confidential and will not be connected with your child. If you have multiple children who attend Rondout, you may complete one survey for each child. However, only one parent per household may submit a survey for a given child. The survey closes on March 11, so please submit your responses this week! 
Thank you SO much for your support this year for the Kids Heart Challenge. Our school had 26 students take a challenge to stay healthy, 4 families completed Finn’s Mission together to learn how to save lives and raised (drumroll please….) $2,106 for the American Heart Association!! WOW. We are so thankful for your support. Our school has saved and changed so many lives!
There are more people than just us and the American Heart Association that are thankful for your support… We have a short thank you video from our friend Everly for you:
Notes from Nurse Kellie
REMINDER: Grades K,2 & 6 students need to have an updated Dental Form turned in to Nurse Kellie by May
Shield Testing is Tuesday mornings starting at 8:00 a.m.
  • Please remember you must refrain from eating or drinking or brushing your teeth 45 minutes prior to testing. Students must wear a mask when entering the testing area according to Shield testing protocols.
Find a free COVID Testing Site:
We have revised this information due to concerns regarding recent issues with pop-up fraudulent testing sites. Checking with your own medical provider and or use the testing locator on the Lake County Health Department Site will provide you with more reliable information. The link is provided here.
Lake County Health Department
Testing Locator
Lost & Found
Student Lunch
Lunch+Milk $3.15
Milk Only $0.40
Lunch Menu
week of 3/7/2022
Milk is included with Hot Lunch
Vegetarian Option Available Daily
Menu Subject to Change without Notice
Order the Rondout 2022 Yearbook securely online via the link below!
The final date to order is April 8th
Wednesday Evenings
8:00-8:30 p.m.
Rondout PTSA
Capturing Learning
Looking Ahead
March 7 3-5 Falcons Elite Skills Camp
March 9 3-5 Falcons Elite Skills Camp
March 14 3-5 Falcons Elite Skills Camp
March 15 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m.
March 16 3-5 Falcons Elite Skills Camp
March 25 Early Dismissal K-2 @ 2:00 p.m. & 3-8 2:30 p.m.
March 28 - April 1 No School - Spring Break
April 4 Classes Resume
April 5 Early Dismissal K-2 @ 2:00 p.m. & 3-8 2:30 p.m.
April 7-11 Grades 6-8 IAR Testing
April 11-13 Grades 3-5 IAR Testing
April 15 No School
April 19 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m.
April 29 Early Dismissal K-2 @ 11:00 a.m. & 3-8 11:30 a.m.
Happy Birthday to our students who are celebrating 
birthdays this month!

Coronavirus Resources
Community News
t: (847) 362-2021
f: (847) 816-2067