One City Elementary School
1707 W. Broadway, Monona, WI
July 16, 2021

Dear One City 5K - 4th grade Families of 2021-22 school year,

We hope you are enjoying your summer as we continue to prepare for your arrival on September 1st, 2021 at 1707 W. Broadway, Monona, WI.

If you missed our 1st Family Update (dated July 1st) that contained our school calendar, Before/After School interest forms, etc, just click HERE.

For this 2nd Family Update, please review the following:

  1. Uniform Guidelines - please read carefully.
  2. Indicate your child/ren sizes for uniform - DEADLINE: TUES, July 20th
  3. Sign up your child for MAP Testing (reading & math) - by FRI, July 30th
  4. Back-to-school supply list - OPTIONAL
  5. Zoom link: Thurs, August 19th @6P School Orientation - MUST ATTEND

Finally, if you know of other families who may be interested in enrolling their child/ren into 2nd, 3rd &/or 4th grades for the 2021-22 school year as noted on this flier, please direct them to fill out our pre-application form directly on our website here! (Our 4K, 5K and Grade 1 classrooms are already FULL.)

If, however, your circumstances have changed and your child/ren will NOT be attending this fall, please let me/us know as soon as possible by emailing Marilyn Ruffin at or calling our Front Desk at 608.268.8004

Elementary School Principal, Faren D'Abell

& your F.A.C.E. Team: Family And Community Engagement
Ms. Marilyn Ruffin, VP Family & Community Initiatives
Ms. Lucy Greimel, Academies Manager
Ms. Latisha White, School Social Worker
"Children are the Light of the World." Let's prepare them to be beacons of hope 4 future generations.
Your gift will help One City achieve its mission and prepare the next generation for success.