
Thanks to all who called the City's comment line in support of Bretton Woods. The Comments were an overwhelming display of the true purpose of the project. We were touched by the amount of people that called and the stories about why they support Bretton Woods. We had 43 support calls and only 3 "anti" calls (which appeared petty).

The meeting went five hours - until 12:15am Thursday morning. The Commission was too tired to take action, so Bretton Woods was continued to September 23rd.

There were two major areas of concerns brought up which will be addressed at the September 23rd meeting.

  1. Portions of the City Staff Report included conditions of approval and inconsistencies that need to be edited to avoid confusion in the future.
  2. It is likely we will have to provide concrete paths rather than asphalt. Although concrete does not have the comfort of asphalt and will unnecessarily add to cost of infrastructure, the staff would not budge.

We are not expecting any new major issues on the 23rd, so we are moving forward with construction drawings and going out to the builder marketplace as planned.

Thanks again for your support and good wishes to all,
Dave Taormino
If you missed the meeting, there is a 5 recording available.
(Make lots of popcorn & bring wine.)

You can visit the City of Davis website:

Or use this direct link to the video: