Happy April and happy Earth Month! Thursday, April 22, marks the 51st Anniversary of the first Earth Day. Responding to our call to care for God's creation and to build a just and sustainable world, Episcopalians and our partners are coming together and taking action. We hope you will join us!
The Diocese has formed a Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Justice with the aim to:
- make available practical tools for Hawai’i based Episcopal institutions as we work toward sustainability, help people find their voice in advocating for Creation Care, and
- to provide a theologically grounded education and formation about Creation Care. We hope to share information about how each of our congregations are living into God’s call for us to care for Creation and each other.
The Task Force will be contacting congregations throughout the diocese to gather information to share with one another about what we are doing. We hope to participate in The Episcopal Church’s efforts to build “asset maps” ( https://www.episcopalassetmap.org/) which will highlight issues of environmental justice and inform future work.
We will also share liturgical resources and other programs from The Episcopal Church and faith-based environmental organizations so that our worship and community life can reflect our love for God’s handiwork. Below we share just two examples of active work taking place in our Diocese:
Epiphany Episcopal Church formed a Green Team in 2017. Since then, we have heard talks by the Rev. David Turner who, at that time, was the Executive Director of Camp Mokule'ia, and Travis Idol, Ph.D. and President of Hawai'i Interfaith Power and Light. They both spoke on what is known as “Stewardship of Earth’s Resources” and the “Care of Creation.”
Epiphany has published at least annually an article in its newsletter on various aspects of protecting and conserving Earth’s resources and every year except for 2020, has held an observation of Earth Day in testimonials from those most especially affected by rising sea levels in our Pacific Ocean, video and song. Epiphany extends a willingness to share its resources with all, regardless of where your congregation is on the path toward full acceptance of our responsibility to care for this most precious of God’s gifts, our Island Earth.
Epiphany's 2021 Observance will feature a presentation by Albie Miles, Ph.D. and Assistant Professor of Sustainable Community Food Systems (SCFS) University of Hawai'i West Oahu on Hawai'i's Food System: Pressing Ecological, Social and Moral Issues to advocate the necessities of changing our consumption and production of food to reduce waste and support those most needy.
Do you believe there is enough food to feed all humans if only we would share? Knowing we live with a climate in crisis, is it okay to continue polluting with the waste of our massive food production systems, and wasteful consumption habits? Is there a way out of the systems we have constructed, to be more responsible stewards of Earth, without making things worse?
Please attend this presentation at Epiphany Episcopal Church from 8:00 to 9:00 AM to hear his ideas about how we may provide food while considering the effects of its production and consumption on a variety of issues, not just hunger. All proper COVID-19 protocols will be in place. Professor Miles’ presentation will be videotaped, but attendance by many will be appreciated to show our support of and appreciation for his presentation, and to encourage him in his difficult work. Learn how you can take part in this important challenge.
Epiphany Episcopal Church is located at 1041 10th Avenue in Kaimuki. For more information, call the church office at (808) 734-5706, or email HERE.
At the beginning of this year, a handful of members of Lutheran Church of Honolulu gathered to begin a small, community garden on their church grounds. The seeding and building of the beds has become a small, ecumenical project, with neighborhood partners, including members of the Episcopal Church helping with construction.
The garden currently serves as a safe place to gather and connect outdoors, as well as an educational opportunity for children to learn about growing and tending the plants that nourish us. It is a project beginning and is open to possibility. If you live in the neighborhood (Makiki) and would like to participate or have other ideas about partnerships, visit their website HERE..
Presiding Bishop Curry Sermon Kicks-off Ecumenical Advocacy Days
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry kicked off Ecumenical Advocacy Days, the annual gathering of American Christian groups focused on pushing for social justice causes through political action, at a virtual worship service on April 18, in which he framed this year’s theme of climate justice as a fundamentally Christian mission.
Building on the event’s goal of uniting Christian denominations through shared values and goals, Curry talked about creation care in the context of John 3:16 – perhaps the most widely quoted Scripture passage across the Christian world.
To view Presiding Bishop's sermon message, click HERE.
Online via Zoom this Thursday!
The Global Episcopal Mission Network's conference will be held online via Zoom on Earth Day – Thursday, April 22, and the following Friday and Saturday, April 23 and 24. - Register HERE.
The conference theme is “Earthkeeping: Creation Care in Global Mission,” and it will feature a number of speakers including:
- Canon Dr. Rachel Mash of Green Anglicans in South Africa and the Anglican Communion Environmental Network, who will speak on forming mission companionship for climate justice
- The Rev. Melanie Mullen, Director of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care for the Episcopal Church, who will will relate creation care to racial justice and global mission
- The Rev. Leon Sampson of the Episcopal Church in Navajoland, who will share how Native American spirituality can inform missional creation care
- The Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas from Massachusetts, who will explore a theology and spirituality of creation care
- The Rt. Rev. Orlando Gomez of Costa Rica, who will share from the experience of his diocese in caring for the creation and promoting climate justice in Latin America.
Interfaith Power and Light offers a week of action items for those wanting to connect their faith with learning and advocacy. To visit their website, click HERE or on their logo shown.
Hawaii has its own chapter of Interfaith Power and Light. Visit their website HERE.
The Episcopal Church has programs that are focused on caring for our environment. Information can be found HERE about the following programs:
CREATION CARE GRANTS - Do you have a good idea about how to connect advocacy work for environmental justice to your faith but need funding to make it happen? These grants from the national church are available and there are people on the task force who are happy to help with applications. Click HERE to visit the webpage. This year’s application deadline has just passed, though if you have an idea it’s not too early to start thinking and planning for next year’s grant application.
CARBON TRACKER - Every action we take makes a difference. You can sign up your household to track your carbon footprint and make efforts to reduce your impact. Click HERE to go there now.
GOOD NEWS GARDENS - Does your church have space for a garden? Or do you already have a garden? Join the Episcopal Church’s Good News Garden Movement to share the good news while growing both fresh produce and relationships with the community around you. Click HERE to learn more.
What is the Season of Creation?
The Season of Creation is a special liturgical time in which we recognize our responsibility for caring for God’s Creation and our past neglect of that care. Through worship that uses the language of our love for what God has made, we may be formed and inspired to be better stewards of that creation. In the Season of Creation we join our ecumenical siblings in a global effort.
We hope to promote participation in this liturgical season within the diocese by making resources available and coming together for education, advocacy, and action.
Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776