September 18, 2021

Dear Beloved St. Paul’s UMC and Wesley Foundation Family,

Grace and peace to you, my dear friends.

Last week we talked about how denying ourselves is a part of the humility which is a real way forward for us as the church. This weekend we are talking about being a servant, and in particular we are talking about what it means to ask questions. Here is the schedule for tomorrow, September 19th:
9:00 AM
In-person Sunday School for children and adults

9:00 AM
In-person Service of Word and Table in the sanctuary

10:30 AM
Hybrid worship service in-person and livestreamed here.

11:30 AM
Discussion Group in-person and on Zoom
(join by clicking here, or use Meeting ID- 859 0584 5591 and Passcode- stpauls)
Please remember that masks are required inside our building at all times, regardless of vaccination status. As we all continue to make our way through this chapter of the pandemic, we want to invite you to be connected to one another in whatever way you can. Together we are finding our way forward!

Pastor Greg
Order of Worship
Mary Bahnfleth

Rev. Greg Milinovich

Call to Worship
One: Lord, whose mercy saves us:
All: we come to worship you in Spirit and in truth!
One: Lord, whose grace is amazing:
All: we come to lift up your name!
One: Lord, whose way is servant love:
All: we come to learn your posture, to live in your love!

Opening Hymn: “Lord Whose Love Through Humble Service” (UMH 581)

A Modern Affirmation
Rev. Sarah Voigt
One: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true Church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith let us now declare:
All: We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power and love, whose mercy is over all his works, and whose will is ever directed to his children's good.
We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, the gift of the Father's unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death.
We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ, and find strength and help in time of need.
We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth.

Passing the Peace

Children’s Message
Linda Keisling

Scripture: Mark 9:30-37 (NRSV)
Julia Briselli

Message: “Be a Servant”
Rev. Greg Milinovich
Song: “Make Me a Servant” (FWS 2176)

Pastoral Prayer

Rev. Greg Milinovich

Mission Moment: Nicaragua
Barb Taylor

Closing Hymn: “Lord, You Gave the Great Commission” (UMH 584)


Mary Bahnfleth
Discussion Questions:

  • Have you ever been afraid to ask a question, or didn’t ask a question that you wanted to? Can you think of any examples? What keeps us from asking?

  • How do you see a connection between being a servant (humility) and asking questions? How are children a good example of this?

  • This current season is inviting us to see that humility is a way forward for us as the/a church. How do you see servanthood (and asking questions!) being a part of that?

St. Paul's United Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation
250 East College Avenue | State College, PA 16801 | 814-237-2163 |