Talking with RPT Vice Chair Cat Parks
I was excited to sit down with newly elected Republican Party of Texas Vice Chair Cat Parks this week. Let me tell you, Cat is an incredible woman. The RPT has been so blessed with such talented Vice Chairs in recent years and Cat is certainly no exception.
We discussed Cat's background and how she is uniquely qualified to take advantage of the incredible opportunities that 2020 presents. The strength of the Republican Party is the people - the grassroots. When we harness that energy and the power of our volunteers working towards one goal, we are unstoppable. Effectively organizing and motivating this great force is a passion of our new Vice Chair.
Please take a moment to listen to this special Talking with Tad and I hope it inspires you to get involved and join us in this fight to Keep Texas Red!
Republican National Convention Officially
Re-Nominates President Trump and Vice President Pence
CHARLOTTE - Today, delegates of the Republican National Convention officially declared Donald J. Trump and Michael R. Pence the 2020 Republican Nominees for President and Vice President of the United States.
“This is an historic moment in the life of our nation as we re-nominate Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President and set our Party on a path to victory. Today’s unanimous re-nomination is a reflection of the unified support for the Trump-Pence ticket. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are running on the most radical, socialist, extreme-left ticket in American history, and we must vote like our lives and our country depend on it this November. Our Party is unified, our supporters are energized, and we go forward confident in our cause of re-electing President Trump and Vice President Pence 70 days from now!” – RNC Chairman Ronna McDaniel
North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Michael Whatley delivered the official nominating speech for President Trump, with Florida Republican Party Chairman Joe Gruters seconding the motion. These nominations were a tribute to North Carolina, the host state of the Convention, and Florida, President Trump’s home state.
Former Governor Scott Walker from Wisconsin delivered the nominating speech for Vice President Mike Pence, with his home state Chair, Indiana Republican Party Chairman Kyle Hupfer, formally nominating him on the floor. The state delegates then unanimously voted by acclamation for Vice President Pence as the Vice-Presidential nominee.
Today’s formal nominations took place in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Republican National Convention under Rule 37(e), which provided that in-person delegate participation in Charlotte included six delegates from each state and territory for a total of 336 delegates to abide by COVID-19 state health regulations. Each state and territory delegation typically included the State Party Chairman, National Committeeman, National Committeewoman, the two Credentials Committee members, and the State Delegation Chairman. All delegates, regardless of whether they were physically present in Charlotte, could still vote for the President and Vice President nominations.
The Republican National Convention will continue this week with exciting primetime programming and speeches. Vice President Pence will formally give his acceptance speech on Wednesday, with President Trump closing the Convention on Thursday with his official acceptance speech.
*The full RNC Pundit Prep will be posted on my website. For more information, please click here.
RNC Convention Offers Optimistic View of America
Over 4 nights, the Republican National Convention celebrated America – the land of promise, opportunity, heroes, and greatness. The RNC offered a stark contrast from the DNC – where it was clear Democrats believe we live in a deprived nation. Americans have benefitted thanks to President Trump’s leadership, and with him in the White House for another four years, the best is yet to come.
What you need to know:
- During the RNC Convention, the American people heard real stories from our heartland – not Hollywood elites. These real Americans all know that President Trump is fighting for us every single day.
Alice Johnson highlighted President Trump’s criminal justice reform efforts explaining, “six months after President Trump granted me a second chance, he singed the First Step Act into law.”
Carl Mueller, father of Kayla, who was murdered by ISIS said: “What a difference a president makes...the Obama administration said it was doing everything it could, the Trump administration is.”
Stacia Brightmon, a military apprenticeship program graduate said: “If you find yourself in a situation like mine, where you feel you have nowhere to turn, nothing to really fall back on, and feel like no one believes in you, go online to “Find Something” and see that President Trump believes in you.”
Wisconsin business owner Debbie Flood reminded the American people that President Trump “actually fought for American workers and American craftsmen.”
Maine Lobsterman Jason Joyce shared how “as long as Trump is president, fishing families like mine will have a voice.”
Wisconsin dairy farmer Cris Peterson reminded America how President Trump took action to save American agriculture in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Tera Meyer, whose son has Down Syndrome, praised President Trump for supporting school choice: “President Trump did not dismiss my son. He showed Samuel he valued him and was proud of what he accomplished. President Trump gave Samuel an equal seat at the table.”
Human Rights activist Chen Guangcheng, who was persecuted, beaten, and put under house arrest by the Chinese Communist Party for speaking out against their injustices, said, “President Trump has led” to “stop the CCP’s aggression.”
Sister Deirdre Byrne, active missionary sister, Army colonel, and double board-certified in family medicine and general surgery, referred to President Trump as “the most pro-life President that this nation has ever had.”
First Lady Melania Trump’s speech was widely praised as “important,” and “moving.” The First Lady spoke directly to those affected by COVID-19 and reiterated that the President is fighting for all Americans.
Vice President Pence accepted the nomination from Ft. McHenry and warned that a Biden-Harris Administration would mean more government control, more taxes, and less law enforcement.
- On Thursday, President Trump made his argument for re-election and during his remarks, highlighted the accomplishments of his first term, the bold whole-of American response his administration led during the global pandemic, and how we will restore our country back to greatness.
President Trump laid out his agenda for his second term from “expand[ing] charter schools and provide school choice to every family in America” to cutting taxes, creating jobs, protecting Medicare and Social Security, and ensuring there are strong borders as well as equal justice for citizens of every race, religion, color and creed.
- President Trump is working to undo the damage caused by a creature of Washington for 47 years – Joe Biden. In a Joe Biden Administration, we would return to the old, tired Washington way.
- The Biden-Harris ticket is the most extreme in our nation’s history.
- Joe Biden Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and the Democrats would:
- Increase taxes by $4 trillion on hardworking Americans. 82% of Americans would see a tax increase under a Biden Administration.
- Defund, dismantle, and dissolve police departments.
- Implement a radical immigration agenda that includes open borders, health care for illegals, and citizenship for 11 million migrants.
- Reduce America’s standing in the world with a foreign policy agenda that is weak on China.
Bottom line:
The choice could not be clearer in November and President Trump said it best: “How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?" On November 3, we must re-elect President Trump to a second term and vote for Republicans up and down the ballot to keep our communities safe.
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Keep Texas RED!
Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas