News From the Board
Irene Vlach, Secretary
As we are inaugurating an updated format for our newsletter, we are introducing what will become a regular feature of each issue: news from the board. Our newsletter highlights our achievements and successes, but most members don’t know how we get there. Hence, going forward we will keep you abreast of salient conversations at the board level.
The board spent the pandemic reorganizing the functioning of the organization, creating, reviving and populating committees.
Have you been curious about the workings of the board and toying with the idea of engaging with the organization on a deeper level without making the commitment to join the board?
The Friends of Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex manage the organization and its programs by the means of the committees listed below. If you are interested in joining as we transition from the pandemic behind-the scenes work to opening outward to the community, please contact us for more information.
Recently, we took a deep dive into the Friends' Committee structure and evaluated what tasks each committee would do. We are a working Board, which means we stay active and engaged! Our Friends' President Michelle Miller says" The time I have spent on the Board has made me feel that I have a more meaningful voice, purpose and impact on the mission of the Friends and the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge".
We need Friends members to step forward and help get this important work done and share your unique perspective. Some committees meet monthly while others meet less often depending on topic. Please consider this opportunity to support the Friends. The committees accepting new members are:
• Membership
• Special Events
• Finance –looking for a treasurer- in- training
Committees that we are currently forming include
• Fundraising, Marketing and Outreach
• Photo Society
We are also looking for Friends' volunteers to work in our Nature's Overlook Store and the Visitor Center as we re-open to the public.
Please contact Bonnie Anderson at Subject Line FOR Committee Information and let us know your interest and she will set you up with the right committee or contact.