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Dear Synod Friends:

We are excited to be launching the LiVE Project in one week - on September 23. With a number of individuals and several congregations currently signed up it’s not too late for you to consider joining the cohort experience. 
How to think about the LiVE Project? 
  • As a way to deepen your discipleship calling with others
  • As an extension of your congregation’s faith formation
  • As an opportunity to find new partners across the synod experimenting with new ways of being church 
  • As a leadership development opportunity-form a team of lay leaders open and interested in learning and collaborating in new ways 
What you get when you sign on for the full cohort experience? 
  • Access to online courses, resources, and guided conversations from our community learning platform 
  • Access to as many congregational participants as you desire for 42 hours of content in the full cohort experience 
  • Bi-monthly coaching to accompany your learning with your congregational team 
Monday is the final day for congregational groups or individuals to register the full cohort experience OR for individuals to register for the fall course offering (the Bible Course). Note:

Find the 2021-2022 course catalog and tuition costs HERE
More info about The LiVE Project here: www.lutheransnw.org/ministries/the-live-project 
Here is our new online community platform: theliveproject.mn.co. (All can join this - please pass the invitation along to your congregational leaders, even if they don’t sign on for these courses, as future learning and formation events, groups, and resources for the synod will be housed here.)
You may register as an Individual for the COHORT
For those individuals seeking to be part of the year-long cohort ($350/person) - Register HERE
(You may add a second attendee on this form as well.)
You may register as a Congregational Group for the COHORT
For those congregations seeking to register 3 or more members ($1000 total) to be part of the year-long cohort (you are also able to add additional participants for individual courses / retreats along the way) - Register HERE
Not able to commit for the full cohort experience?
You may register for just the Bible Course - Register HERE.

Questions may be directed to Dr. David Hahn - david@lutheransnw.org

Northwest Washington Synod / ELCA
5519 Phinney Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103