Modern Mediation Services, Tips & Humor by Tom

Beginning 2023

Since 2017, you've helped me be the first Texas mediator to introduce online mediation, online scheduling, modern mobile payments, free online CLE webinars, and more.

Beginning January 1st, I am taking a 2-year journey of American and Canadian national parks in my new RV (a) because today is my 60th birthday; and (b) so I can focus on mediation and how to further modernize it platform rollout in February.

Yes, I will continue to mediate as I will be equipped with Starlink Internet Satellite hotspots from T-Mobile and Verizon. First stop: Big Bend National Park and Carlsbad Caverns, then on to Glacier National Park!


Sad or funny stories to remind you family law is crazy!

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Q: What's the difference between an accountant and a lawyer?

A: Accountants know they're boring.

Q: What's the one thing that never works when it's fixed?

A: A jury.

Q: Why did God invent lawyers?

A: So that real estate agents would have someone to look down on.

Q: What's the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a lawyer on a motorcycle?

A: The vacuum cleaner has the dirt bag on the inside.

Q: What' the difference between a lawyer and a boxing referee?

A: A boxing referee doesn't get paid more for a longer fight.

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New Bookmark: Texas Jurisdictions' Resources

Bookmark our new "Texas Jurisdictions" page with resources for all 254 Texas counties and 60 Texas cities. Let us know if we need to add anything to your jurisdiction's resource page.


Our free, online, on demand, pandemic-free, Mediation CLE is 20 hours and it expires December 31St. Get 20 hours free now! 


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We will be offering mediation every day except for Thanksgiving Day Weekend and Christmas Eve & Day. If you need to do a weekend mediation, it is double the normal rate of $400 per party.

Book online and share with colleagues and courts. If you like our free CLE, resources, and newsletter. If you like all these free things, try Tom once and share him with judges and colleagues. See also our court appointment packet for judges.

Name This Symbol!

According to the Google Official Icon Collection, the symbol to the right is the universal icon for "Alternative Dispute Resolution" (ADR) and/or "Mediation". You'll see this in our new software branding next month.

2022 Harris County Family Courts & Contacts Helpsheet

It is back and updated! Click here to download, share, print and laminate. Courts and Contacts, send me any corrections!

New Partner: Paralegal.EDU

Paralegal.EDU offers live, face-to-face online paralegal certificate or degree classes that you can finish in 8 months. They also offer traditional classes in Houston weekday mornings and Saturdays. See

Recommend Tom King to Your Courts

Share Tom's court appointment packet with them! It includes proof that Tom has completed the statutorily required "Family Violence Dynamics" 4-hour training for mediators hearing custody cases (so your family MSAs don't get thrown out).

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Getting Bad MSAs Thrown Out

Filing in late on a case that has already a bad custody resolution in the MSA? Subpoena the mediator for a case involving custody to prove they meet these requirements at the time of mediation! Then schedule with Tom!

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Thank these partners who underwrite all our FREE resources and CLE events:

  1. Brazilco Litigation Services
  2. Brubaker & Associates property appraisals
  3. Children 4 Tomorrow: Supervised Visitation
  4. Co-Parenting Into the Future court accepted, bilingual co-parenting course
  5. J. Richard Claywell, CPA -
  6. Kane Title, LLC
  7. National Screening Centers
  8. Our Family Wizard
  9. QDRO Services, Inc.
  10. Paralegals Connect
  11. Soberlink
  12. The Mortgage Institute