September 20 Worship
“What Do You Do When You Have No Idea Where You’re Going?” Worship Service
After years of wandering, Abram had no idea how things could possibly work out. There was no certain direction. We're in a time like that now. There is no certain direction. It's frustrating and exhausting. But, there may be some wisdom for the days ahead. God may have something for us...

Sunday Worship Online
Connect to online live worship service at at 8:30 or 10:15 a.m. 
Or, you can watch our service anytime after 8:30 a.m. on Sundays via YouTube at 

Fellowship Time at 9:15 a.m. Immediately following our 8:30 online worship service, grab a mug and come over to our community's Coffee & Conversation online. You can connect at
Online Children's Sunday School.Camille Breckenridge teaches the week's Sunday School Bible story on Sunday mornings at 
If you know of kids who might enjoy taking part in our Sunday School, invite their parents to signup to be on the list to receive the weekly materials at
Congregational Meeting on September 27
A special congregational meeting by Zoom is scheduled at 9:15 (between services) on September 27 to ask for congregational approval for two items:
  • a person to provide technology assistance to Pastor Aaron during the COVID-19 crisis
  • an upgrade to our audio/visual systems.

The cost of these not come out of the operating budget but will be covered by tax refunds and the Pemberton Trust. The amounts are over $10,000 so the congregation must approve the expenditures.

Here are the basic proposals:
  1. Hire Mark Holland as a technology assistant through the end of the year to assist Aaron. He would not function as a minister to the Colonial Church community or as a worship leader or in pastoral care situations. The cost for Mark's services until the end of the year would be approximately $12,000. His salary would most likely be paid from a COVID payroll tax rebate from the State of Kansas for about $15,000.
  2. Hire Stark Raving Solutions to upgrade and change our audio/visual system so we can record a professional quality live service to better serve the needs of those watching from home–both in the congregation and in the community. This will save Aaron and Heather at least one day a week of sermon prep time and reduce their workload. The cost for this would be between $21,000 and $26,000 and may be paid from Pemberton family gifts. Deloras Pemberton donated the television screens a few years ago, so using her gift to enhance that system makes sense.

Cross-Lines Virtual Gala
Cross-Lines Community Outreach will host its first-ever virtual Gala fundraiser, Hope at Home, this Saturday, September 19.

Guests will have the opportunity to bid on silent and live auction items, watch a short, live-streamed program, and donate to our community in need – all from the comfort of home!

The gala is the organization's biggest fundraiser.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, Cross-Lines is serving more families in need and we need your involvement now more than ever! There are so many ways to get involved with this virtual event, so keep reading and learn how you can give back to those who need it.

Jim "Mr. Stinky Feet" Cosgrove will emcee the gala. You won't want to miss Jim and the 45-minute Live Stream Program that will feature stories, laughter, and some toe-tapping tunes!
“Woke” has a new meaning in the 21st century lexicon. To be woke is to understand that equality and justice for some is not equality and justice for all. The United Church of Christ calls us to be woke in this time, in this place. 

Therefore, Colonial Church librarians are assembling woke resources for all the folks who want to learn more about the history and cumulative consequences of inequality and injustice in the United States. We will be purchasing some resources, but we also are requesting donations which library friends might be willing to donate to the WOKE COLLECTION. 

Our ultimate goal when we gather again for worship will be to make the resources available for check out on Sunday mornings. Until that time we will be including brief summaries of adult and children’s books in the Crier for pick-up at the church upon request. Please leave your donation with your name in the bin outside the church office door. Also, we welcome your suggestions for books for all ages.  Send to or  

2020 is a time of discord and unrest, but it presents an opportunity to make change. Educating ourselves about past injustice and inequality can promote understanding of the present and lead to workable solutions for the future.

Hold Me Tight Online Couples Therapy
Hold Me Tight® Workshop, an 8-week online workshop that helps couples take troubling patterns of conflict and transform them into emotionally accessible, responsive and engaging interactions, is planned for Saturdays, September 26-November 14, 10:00 a.m.-noon, for Colonial families.

Based on the highly researched method of couples therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy by Dr. Sue Johnson, and her successful book, Hold Me Tight®: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love, the workshop is appropriate for couples of all stages of happiness or distress. It offers a non-judgmental, emotionally safe space for you and your partner to explore your relationship and the struggles that keep the two of you from either having a stronger relationship or having the relationship of your dreams.

The presentation uses video clips to aid in understanding the lessons. Jessica Schroeder, a Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in Leavenworth, Kansas, will facilitate the course. Cost is $299 per couple.

Celebration Brigade at Work
The Celebration Brigade has been spreading cheer for several weeks. At left Jane Pronko and Judy Schuck were celebrated.

Celebration Brigade is a Colonial volunteer crew that will bring a motorcade past your house, provide a serenade at your window, or perform a surprise ballooning on your yard! It is up to you which path to take. If you would like to volunteer to be part of the brigade, please contact Julie at or text her at 913-749-7415 and start having fun! 
CTS Class to Study World Religions
Class Begins September 20

Several of our CTS (Colonial Tween Squad) kids have expressed curiosity about religion generally. What is religion? Are they in competition? How are they alike and different?

This fall under the direction of Jeremy Braithwaite and Dan Lu, CTS will begin a series of conversations based on a book - Comparative Religion: Investigate the World Through Religious Tradition. The Board of Christian Education will purchase a copy for each kid participating in CTS. They will be ordered and sent directly to them. Participants also have the option to have a Kindle version or not to receive one. Contact Pastor Aaron to let him know what you would like.

Discussions will begin via Zoom on Sunday, September 20 at 7:00 p.m. (
The discussion will continue on the 3rd Sunday of each month. We also are planning some fun events (movies, etc). We're going to invite leaders from the various religious traditions to answer questions directly.

If you know kids who might be interested in taking part in CTS this year, contact Heather in the office to have them, and their parents, added to the email list.
Drive-In Movie Night
The movie, Hidden Figures, was shown on Gathering Sunday, September 13. It was a beautiful evening for the movie. About 20 people participated including the Woffords' dog. A shout out to Austin Henley and Chad Leabo for their help setting up and taking down all elements for an enjoyable evening.
Watch Our Weekly Services and Sermons 

Livestream: Sundays at 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. at

On Demand: worship services are on YouTube here. Sermons are available here.

Daily Devotionals
Our denomination, the United Church of Christ, provides an excellent daily devotional, written by the "Still Speaking" writers group. To have the devotions emailed to you daily go to:

Artists Helping the Homeless Support
For the past few years, members of Colonial have purchased, prepared and helped serve an evening meal on the fourth Sunday of the month to support the program of Artists Helping the Homeless. We look forward to returning to our former way of contributing to this program soon, but until that time, please support our homeless population with a donation to cover the cost of the meal. Pay through our website by going to Select "AHH" from the dropdown menu.

Contributions to the fund also support VANishing the Void, the new project to provide nonperishable food for Kar Woo's Be the Change van.
Your Support Matters
Our work together matters - to each other and to the community. We are needed more than ever in this difficult time. 
Your pledges help Colonial to do its work. Counters are counting and we are making deposits. You may mail in your pledge checks or any other payments. An easier alternative is to make contributions online. You just fill in your banking information or provide a credit card and your name and email and what fund you are paying (Stewardship, food pantry, etc.) and the amount. Go to:

If you have any questions, you may email or call Heather in the office or Jayne Quimby, Financial Recorder.
In this time of staying connected remotely, please remember these folks who are celebrating milestones.
Happy Birthday! 
16 Nora Brasel, Diana Marston
20 Billy Fairchild, Russ Townsley
21 Susan Hendee, Hope Krebill
22 Matt Keane, Miles Roberts

Happy Anniversary!
19 Tim & Donna Owens


Thursday, September 17
10:30 a.m.-Study Group via Zoom

Sunday, September 20              
8:30 a.m. Worship Online  
9:30 a.m. Online Children's Sunday School.
9:15 Fellowship Time via Zoom. 
10:15 a.m.-Worship Online  
7:00 p.m.-CTW Study Group via Zoom

Tuesday, September 22
9:30 a.m.-Book Group via Zoom
Wednesday, September 23   
9:30 a.m.-Coffee with Pastor Aaron at Einstein Brothers in Prairie Village Shops
11:00 a.m.-Voter Webinar via Zoom

Thursday, September 24
10:30 a.m.-Study Group via Zoom
Full calendar at Colonial Calendar.  

Colonial Staff

Senior Minister: Rev. Aaron Roberts
Bell Choir Director: Hayden Ferguson
Organist: Dr. Joseph Kern
Youth Leader: Michelle Turpen
Communications Manager: Sally Huggins
Building Maintenance: Edson Palacios-Castrejon