1) Every list you (and I) are on is requesting worthy tax deductible end of year donations. Needless to say, if you are not tapped out, we hope you keep in mind our unique approach to bringing about full normalization of diplomatic, travel, cultural, educational and economic relations between the US and Cuba. For deductibility, contribute on line before midnight local time by clicking here;
otherwise, any time it is convenient.
2) The link to the on-line video of our informative December 17th webinar on travel to Cuba, bios of speakers and other resources is here.
3) While I believe personally that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will fulfill their commitment
to quickly restore President Obama's opening to Cuba, it is obvious that they are under pressure to impose new conditions on Havana for just going back to where we were four years ago. Yesterday, the Miami Herald published a strong editorial against Obama restoration. The Herald did not endorse Biden-Harris, so by itself their opinion may not be significant but it contributes to an atmosphere of conflict avoidance instead of momentum in Washington.
We are asking everyone who has direct or indirect access to the new Administration and the Transition Team, or to the media, to argue for decisive announcements and action in the first weeks if not days after Inauguration.
4) We are also launching on Monday a new petition to the Biden-Harris Transition and Administration so Americans and Cubans can renew without delay their collaboration and friendship and to support the travel, business, cultural and educational sectors of both countries:
We ask you to confirm during the first days of the Biden-Harris Administration
your plan to restore President Obama's opening with Cuba including
general licenses for all travel; cultural, sports and educational exchanges;
flights to regions and cruises; unrestricted remittances and personal transfers;
agricultural sales; business agreements;
and renewal of full embassy and consular services.
The petition can be signed by clicking here.
Circulate it to colleagues and clients by sharing this link https://tinyurl.com/BidenCuba Additional organization, academic or business cosponsors are most welcome. Please help the petition go viral in the non-covid sense.
Happy 2021
John McAuliff