Utilizing decades of industry experience, SeSo, Inc. goes beyond the norm to offer quality trainings developed and facilitated by bilingual and multicultural professionals to strengthen cultural and linguistic bridges with English Learner communities. As a social enterprise, SeSo, Inc. exists to achieve our social mission and empower communities, one training at a time.
Our SeSo, Inc. family wishes you a
Happy 2021!

Thank you for encouraging us to persevere, for supporting our mission, for helping us adapt, and for motivating us to continue strengthening cultural and language bridges in our communities! Our best wishes for a healthy and happy 2021!
Skill-Building Live Webinars and Practice Sessions
Nationally accredited by the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI) for 9 instructional hours and GaRID for 1.2 Professional Studies CEUs (12 hrs)

We are grateful for the bilingual school personnel, contract interpreters and translators, and English Learner parents who have registered to participate in our live webinars and practice sessions! Our first guest speaker will share information about simultaneous interpretation and using technology to support our schools during Board meetings, PTA sessions and more. We will then practice our simultaneous interpretation skills in small groups with language mentors. Our Live Webinar series will also feature:
  • A Speech Pathologist who will share helpful terminology and tools to practice interpretation
  • An experienced translator who will guide us through the creation of personalized glossaries to translate complex IEP and eligibility documents
  • A highly-qualified Professional Interpreter in Education who will share information about being a Cultural Mediator
  • A Special Education professional who will teach us about Functional Behavior Assessments, Behavior Intervention Plans, and Assistive Technology terminology
  • An Early Childhood Professional who will walk us through the assessment process and transition from IFSP to IEP, and more!

We look forward to practicing consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, sight translation, and note-taking with you soon! Click here to register
NAETISL is Now a Nonprofit!
2021 certainly started very well for NAETISL!! We are proud to announce that we are now a nonprofit entity organized and operated for a collective and social benefit. As a 501(c)(3) organization, our mission to establish a collective understanding of the standards, qualifications and accreditation requirements for educational translators and interpreters of spoken languages, will be a reality. Thank you to the school administrators, faculty and staff, interpreters, translators and English Learner parents who support our efforts and are our partners in this journey!
Check Out Our Blog!
Check out our interview with Maria Romero, a Bilingual Speech and Language Pathologist. In our virtual chat, she shared with us key information regarding her role as a professional, speech and language milestones, communication skills and more. Check it out.
An Update From Our Doctoral Student

A new semester will start soon and our Founder and CEO will continue her research on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse family engagement in the special education process and the role of interpreters. Qualitative research, legal principles applicable to educational institutions, social justice frameworks, and communication disorders are on the horizon. We can't wait to incorporate these concepts into our professional development of interpreters in education.
English Learner Parental Engagement Workshops

Our workshops are designed to give Educators, Parent Instructional Coordinators, Parent Liaisons, School Counselors and School Administrators, the tools needed to reach English Learner families and identify ways to create welcoming and inviting schools, while promoting parental involvement.
Cultural Humility Workshops

Through highly-interactive small group activities, we explore how cultural differences may impact the provider-client interaction and outcomes, and discover creative ways to strengthen cultural and linguistic bridges with diverse populations. Customized 2-hour, 4-hour or 8-hour workshops are available. 

Our team of qualified and trained Interpreters/Translators is growing! Now providing services in: Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, French, Gujarati, Haitian-Creole, Hindi, Japanese, Karen, Korean, Laotian, Mina, Nepali, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
Ana Soler, BSW, MPH - SeSo, Inc.