January 2021
Waterville UMC Ambassador
Dear Church Family,
2020 has come to a close. This has been a challenging year with stay at home orders, wearing mask’s requirements, not being able to visit loved ones in many facilities, the list goes on. One of many bright spots is the number of our congregational family that have taken up the challenge to read through the Bible in a year.
Several have found that with being in God’s Word each day that a sense of peace is upon them. Hebrews 4:12 reveals an important truth of God’s word, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
First, “God’s word is alive and active.” A couple of folks have shared with me their experience while reading the scripture that they encountered God. These encounters were life changing and God’s truth became real, alive and active bringing about new insight in God’s word and in their personal lives.
Are you willing to take up the commitment of reading through the bible in 2021? I have heard many share that there are portions of scripture that are hard to get through, they can’t pronounce the words correctly and they don’t have time.
Reading some of the old testament is trying. Be patient for God can speak to you in the midst of any scripture we read and study.
Some words are difficult to pronounce, don’t worry about getting the pronunciation correct for God will still be with you.
Not having enough time or I’m too busy...Ephesian 5 contains the description of how a husband is to love his wife. In verse 26 we read, “ to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.” It is clear that the truth revealed in the word cleanses our spirit just as water cleanses our bodies. We all have time to shower or bathe. 2021 may be your time to discover the power of God’s word.
As we do not know what 2021 holds for any of us, we do know that God is with us and that through God’s word we will be refreshed and cleansed. Take a step of faith and commit to God the reading of the bible daily. If you have never read through the bible completely this may be the place to start. The key is to get into God’s word to have your spirit refreshed and cleansed.
When God refreshes our spirit we are able to serve God in greater ways and know God’s peace more completely. I can’t think of anything that is more desirable moving into 2021 than knowing God’s peace in every area of our lives.
May you be blessed by God’s word and presence, Happy New Year.
Pastor Mike
We will provide a monthly Bible reading list in each Ambassador. There are also apps through Bible Gateway and You Version to help guide you through this experience. Choose the one that works for you!
The Youth Group Challenge to Read the Bible in 2020!
The youth will be finishing the "Bible Reading Challenge" at the end of January as we started in last February. We have had 10 youth participate in the challenge with 5 of them reading consistently and not missing a month!
We were able to provide the youth with brand new Life Application Bibles if they did not have a Bible that included summary notes. The Life Application Bible provides some extra explanation about most verses. We encouraged the youth to look at these notes to help them better understand any tricky verses that they read.
We hope to continue the Bible Reading Challenge for 2021 and hope some new youth will give it a try or maybe some will choose to participate for a second time.
So let us join our youth in the challenge!!!!
Our Vision – Share, Celebrate, and Teach God’s Love
Our Mission – Serve. Connect. Love. Give.
We have included the January HomeTouch which is another source of reading the Bible throughout the year. Click on HomeTouch picture to open.
Worship with Waterville UMC
Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
Park in car near the church at 11 AM Sunday and listen to the service on FM 90.5.
Virtual Read Alouds with Mrs. Shelton
Each week watch for the link in Friday's eBLAST for kids and grandkids to enjoy listening to a Christian Children's book read by Stephanie. Adults will enjoy it too!!!
Ground Solutions (Perrysburg Site Work sub-contractor) advised the General Contractor they can start the site work in 4 weeks, weather permitting.""
New Beginnings Building Update
We are quickly approaching the final Budgeting phase sometime in January where the GMP (Guaranteed Maximum project Price) will be set. The Civil Engineer has recently completed the Site drawing changes to accommodate the building square footage reduction and leaving the east parking lot surface unpaved.
The City of Waterville reviewed and approved the Site changes on December 22nd. Ground Solutions (Perrysburg Site Work sub-contractor) advised the GC (General Contractor) they can start the site work in 4 weeks, weather permitting.
The GC is applying the first week of January for the Waterville zoning permits (which includes zoning, driveway/sidewalk permit, storm sewer permit, sanitary permit, water permit, street tree & public way open permit all in one) and also providing the Lucas County engineer’s office all the required information needed to start our project.
We will shortly see a Change Order from the GC for costs of all the tap fees and a pre-construction contract required to start the preliminary site work by Ground Solutions.
Such exciting News!!!!
A little bit of other recent actions since our last Church Conference. Recall that our congregation voted to approve several cost-cutting changes to the building project design. Among the higher cost-saving changes was removal from the project of the proposed folding clear glass wall between the Narthex and Sanctuary (-$82,360 plus an added $18,600 for a temporary stud wall consisting of drywall, window glass, and 2 doors for an actual smaller realized savings to us of $63,760), a reduction in the building square footage of 309 square feet (-$72,615), and not to pave the east parking lot surface (-$40,000 plus a recently determined additional $10,475 to meet EPA standards. See next line for more details).
After review of this requested parking lot paving change by the Civil Engineer, due to storm water drainage issues this would actually require us to bring that unpaved parking surface up to the same grade as all the other paved surfaces with 3” of added stone initially and then scrape that stone surface down 3” at a later date when we are ready to pave. This causes an additional cost to us of $10,475 for stone aggregate and installation to be spent this spring. We believe this added $10,475 is still within our present budget but will be looking for ways to possibly fund the east parking surface paving so as not to be burdened with $10,475 in additional costs.
Thank you all and please continue to keep our New Beginning building project in your prayers and devotions.
Steve Crandall
Susie's Coats for KIDS!
Our January Mission Focus continues with Susie's Coats for KIDS. Their mission is to provide NEW coats, hats, scarves, gloves and blankets to needy children in NW Ohio and SE Michigan. There is a box by the community room door to put the items in. Money is also needed to purchase items as needed.
WUMC is partnering with Waterville Primary School to serve the children of our community! This new ministry fulfills every part of our mission to Serve, Connect, Love & Give. To share God’s love to all.
As explained in the recent communication, after meeting with Waterville Primary (WP) school leaders, we have learned that there are items needed that will help provide the best learning environment for the WP KIDS during virtual classes.
Here are the items and a little bit about how they will help:
EARBUDS w/MICROPHONE - Will allow kids to learn in a quieter environment.
DOCUMENT CAMERA - Will allow teachers to use ONE on ONE virtual tutoring.
CHROMEBOOKS - Critical for virtual learning.
TARGET REGISTRY - Children's clothing for the nurse to distribute in an emergency.
Below is a list with how many of each item that is needed and the cost per item:
Earbuds with Microphones
# Needed: 30
Cost Per Item $10.40
Document Camera
# Needed: 3
Cost per item: $69.00
Document Camera Holder for Cell Phone
# Needed: 5
Cost per item: $19.99
# Needed: 13
Cost per item: $244.00
Target Registry
Children's clothing for emergencies
$2,329.40 has been collected in just the first few weeks; along with many purchases from Target. Early on, WUMC stepped out in faith and purchased the 13 Chromebooks. $1,750 of the contributions were designated to Chromebooks which is over HALF of the original faith purchase!
Next week, with the additional $529.40 contributions, we will purchase ALL 3 document cameras, ALL 5 cell phone holders and 26 pairs of earbuds!
WOW, how exciting, we can make a difference for learning for our children and teachers and staff of Waterville Primary!!!
Want to help purchase an ear bud for $10.40 or help with the Chromebooks?
HOW to give?
For the hardware items, please mail your contributions to Waterville UMC at 102 North 5th Street; Waterville, OH 43566. IMPORTANT! Make sure and write "WP" in the memo.
For the Target Registry, click on the button below:
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.
January Focus - A Divided World
January 17: Industrial/Labor Division
January 24: Domestic/Marriage and Family Division
January 31: Division of Spiritual Beliefs
We also have an opportunity for you to sign up to be a Prayer Partner for a week. With this, you are committing for one week to pray each day for Pastor Mike, our Youth Group, our Church Leaders, and our Church. Praying may be done wherever you are, at home, in your car, at work during your break. Totally up to you.
Choose a week (Jan 3, Jan 10, Jan 17, Jan 24 or Jan 31) and sign up for by emailing the office at wumcoffice@watervilleumc.org.
Thank you in advance for being a Prayer Partner!
Wish to celebrate a special occasion with flowers and beautify our Altar at the same time? Email the office at wumcoffice@watervilleumc.org with:
OCCASION: Ex. Our Wedding Anniversary; In Honor of Our Grandchildren
SUNDAY OF YOUR CHOICE: JAN 10, JAN 17, JAN 24, JAN 31 or any Sunday in the year; we can plan ahead!!!
Then drop off or mail a check to WUMC for $40. The office will place the order the week prior. You may then pick up your flowers the next week and share them with a loved one and brighten someone's day.
Last year, in February, WUMC hosted an IF Gathering 2020. Do you remember? Seems like ages ago, but it was a blessing to all involved. Want something to look forward to??
We plan to host it again this year...so save the dates March 5-6, 2021. It will be done via LIVESTREAM!
God is on the move. Yes, things will fall apart, and yes, things will shut down, but our God cannot be stopped. And we don't want to miss any part of that! More than ever before, we have got to come together! Be a part of IF:Waterville UMC, as we simulcast IF:Gathering 2021.
The theme of these two days is going to be "Even If". Even if the worst happens, we don't lose hope. Will you join us?
What is this again? Click on the button below to watch a video from Jennie Allen to explain more about our IF:Waterville UMC event. And, watch for future eBLASTS and emails for Registration Information!
To the Staff of Waterville UMC,
Thank you for all you do, especially in this Holy Season and this year of challenges in doing your job in different ways. You came through with flying colors. Advent/Christmas were certainly very different, yet made Holy and a blessing by all of you.
And to the unpaid staff, too many to mention, thank you for all you do to beautify our sanctuary and altar, share your musical talents, make it possible for us to see all this at home, and help in so many other ways.
To our finance people, thanks for all you do to keep our church afloat with your many responsibilities and detail to numbers.
Those working on the new building project, keep up the good work! We will see it come true next year.
Throughout Advent we were blessed to see so many children participate in worship with their art work, readings and lighting of the candles, musical talents, and especially through the adventures of Mortimer. What a blessing for the future of our church!
Pastor Mike, thank you for keeping us all focused on the Reason for the Season.
Blessings as we look forward to a New Year! We've enjoyed making new friends and look forward to seeing your faces soon.
Paul and Cherl Matla
A great big THANK YOU to all the Christmas elves who brought joy and beauty to our church this Advent Season. The decorations were beautiful! I thank all of the elves who put up the tree, hung wreaths on doors, put candles in the windows, hung garland from the balcony and wreaths in the altar area, set up the manger outside, and hung the shiny balls in the hallway. Our church was festive inside and out!
Christmas Eve was the highlight of the season. Although we were not able to attend the service in person, the video gave us a feeling of "being there". Great appreciation goes to Melva and Jerry Robinson for setting up the altar and a multitude of candles and then lighting all of them. Pastor Mike's message and Olga's music highlighted the beauty and meaning of candlelight. All that participated to create that special recording did a job "well done".
Heartfelt thank yous to all who worked behind the scenes, and in front, so we could smile with a feeling of belonging this Christmas.
Ted and Terry Myers
Thank you for the beautiful mini-white poinsettia plant.It fits just right by my table by my chair. Blessings to all. Thank you again.
Elaine Larimer
December 6...120
December 13...123
December 20...125
December 24...210
December 27... 91
The January Card Ministry liasion is Amy Hankins. Please reach out to her at ahank0530@gmail.com if you know of someone who needs an encouraging words through a card.
Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
Thank you to the Card Ministry for their ministry!
Anna Banachowski January 6
Brett Vernon January 15
Tom Shoemaker January 17
Elaine Larimer January 19
Madelyn Varner January 22
Amelia Mazzarella January 23
Ann Nightingale January 25
Tehya Collinsworth January 27
Verna Rose January 29
Josh Shelton January 29
Tedd Munn January 30
Jim Simpson January 31
Happy Birthday to you!
(If you have a January Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need,
please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 .
Office hours are generally Monday through Friday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office. Staff will be working from home at varied times but can always be reached by email.
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages:
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |