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Revised Procedural Safeguards Notice
The purpose of procedural safeguards is to inform parents about their rights and the protections they, and their children, have under the law and to outline options families and school districts have to resolve their disputes.

The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), Bureau of Special Education (BSE), has revised the Procedural Safeguards Notice (March 2021 Edition) and made it available on the CSDE website in English and
Spanish. Districts have been asked to begin using this updated version beginning March 31, 2021. 

The documents can also be found on the state's website on their Special Education Legal and Due Process Resources Page
Disability Rights Connecticut (DRCT) Shares Updated Fact Sheet on Expanded Eligibility for Special Education to Age 22
On July 10, 2020, the Court, in the class action lawsuit A.R. v. Connecticut State Board of Education, decided that the State of Connecticut must continue special education eligibility to students with disabilities until their 22nd birthday. 

If you are, or your child is, receiving special education services and the school district is exiting you or your child from special education before your 22nd birthday, please read this fact sheet and/or reach out for more information. Contact DRCT at (860) 297-4300 or CPAC at (860) 739-3089.

This document is currently being translated into Spanish.
Coming Together: Sesame Workshop's Commitment to Racial Justice
Coming Together is Sesame
Workshop's commitment to racial justice.
Designed to provide families with the tools they need to build racial literacy, have open conversations with young children, engage allies and advocates to become upstanders against racism, and more. Resources are researched and developmentally appropriate and include videos, articles, and book suggestions, with topics addressing Talking to Children About Race and Identity, Explaining Race, and a celebration of all races, ethnicities, and cultures. 
The CT Youth Advisory Board and
CPAC invite you to our:
Virtual Youth Chat
with members of CPAC's Youth Team

Join us for our youth chat by youth and for youth:

  • where we share information about CT Youth Advisory Board activities
  • how to connect with CPAC's youth team
  • provide space for youth and young adults with disabilities to talk about self-advocacy, youth leadership, and what is on the minds of youth today

Chats will be held every other week starting April 27 through June 22 at 3:00 p.m.
Let's Talk About
Best Practices in Education

Thursday 4/29/2021 - 6pm-7pm

Understanding Transition Assessment for Students with Disabilities

The use of age-appropriate assessments is a critical component of transition planning. Gathering and reviewing information about a student's academic and vocational abilities, interests, and skills must occur to inform the development of transition goals, objectives, and services. Discussion will include the role of transition assessment under IDEA, the transition assessment process and its impact on writing IEP goals and objectives. Relevant tools and resources will be shared.
Presented by Patricia L. Anderson, Ph.D. Transition Consultant, CCSU Instructor
For more events visit
our website!

Please visit our YouTube channel where you will find recordings of online workshops and Zoom sessions in English and Spanish.
Address: 338 Main Street
Niantic, CT 06357
Phone: (860) 739-3089