A Place of Sanctuary
Bringing The Grotto to You
Daily Spiritual Reflection

“You are the light of the world” (Mt. 5:14).

These last eleven weeks of “stay home, stay safe” has helped to keep so many safe and healthy as the pandemic spread. We learned new methods of living, learning, working and being Church.

This time has given many the opportunity to slow life’s pace a bit and look into one’s heart. The heart is the keeper of many things: God’s love; joys and blessings; wounds and hurts, sadness and doubts; healings and joys; sin and forgiveness.

In each moment that we acknowledge the depth of our lives, the opportunities for healing and new life can take place. Among all the many things that fill our hearts and among the memories it keeps, there is the light of goodness. Our goodness is the reflection of God that shines more brightly than numerous suns. This light shines over all that fills the heart to remind us that we are not the sum of our weaknesses and shortcomings. We are the sum of God’s love.

When Jesus tells that we are the light of the world He is reminding us that our light is His light. His light always brings with it the promise of love, mercy, forgiveness and healing. When we allow God’s light to do all of this for us, we begin to see that we can rise from what ails us to the freedom to live as we were created to be: confident, hopeful, courageous and abundantly blessed. When we live from the newness that God’s light brings to our lives then we easily shine hope to the world around us. The light of our life’s story blessed by God can help others to find their hope in God also.

Fr. Don Siple, OSM, Rector of The Grotto
Volunteers Needed for Reopening

We expect to reopen our gates and our gardens this Friday, June 12.

As we prepare to reopen, we must follow strict guidelines set out by the state and county.

We are in need of volunteer help to guide visitors and help keep areas clean. Shifts vary and we can work around your schedule.

If you would like to learn more about volunteering at The Grotto, please contact Vinci Paterson, our Director of Community Engagement. She can be reached at volunteer@thegrotto.org, or by phone at 503-261-2433. Or just click the button below.

Thank you for your continued support of The Grotto.
Sunday Mass

Under the guidelines set by the Archdiocese of Portland, The Grotto will celebrate Mass on Sundays at 10 a.m. and noon in the Chapel of Mary. Under these strict guidelines there is an attendance limit, and those attending must be registered in advance for contact tracing and crowd control. We can only sign up 21 people per Mass, so we ask that you please sign up for only one Mass per four week period.
The Grotto Gift Shop

The gift shop is now open from 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. daily, following the governor's strict operating guidelines. Click the button below for shopping instructions.
Red Cross Blood Drive

On Wednesday, July 8, we will roll up our sleeves and help save lives. Please join us for our quarterly blood drive. Since beginning these drives in 2019, we have collected 107 units of blood.

Each pint of blood we collect can save up to three lives and will touch the lives of so many more. What a great way to pay it forward and make an impact on people in our community.
Bringing The Grotto to You

Until we fully open, we hope you continue to enjoy our daily email feature, "Bringing The Grotto to You."

Was this email forwarded to you? Would you like to receive our emails on a regular basis? Please click the button below to sign up.
Day 86: Whatever the Weather
Whether the Weather ...

Whether the weather is sunny and dry, cool and misty, pouring with rain, or sparkling in the snow, The Grotto remains a peaceful sanctuary in all conditions.

Thank you, Tess Eusebio, for sharing the photo above.
No Matter the Weather You Accompany Me

Gracious and Eternal God,

You have created this beautiful world.

Every minute of every day you nurture the earth and tend to the needs of your people.

The warmth of the sun, a gentle breeze, a sudden down pour - all are your gifts.

Help me be mindful that no matter the weather you accompany me.

When the storms of life sneak up, help me cherish the gift of faith and my friends and family.

Help me to be a better steward of the people and the world around me.

No matter the weather may my heart be honest, and open, ready to share your generous mercy and love.

I ask this in union with Jesus and the Holy Spirit - One God forever and ever.

Rainy Days at The Grotto

Some of the most peaceful days at The Grotto are rainy days.
There are fewer visitors on rainy days ... sometimes you can feel that the sanctuary is there just for you.
The sound of the rain dripping off the branches of the tall trees is truly relaxing.
Rain at the Christmas Festival of Lights makes for some wonderful photographs.
Misty Days

If you time in right, a stroll though the gardens in the fog and mist is really something special.
These days provide great opportunities for some really wonderful photography.
Somehow everything feels quieter on a misty day.
Sunny Days

It's hard to beat a day of blue sky and sunshine in Portland.
The rays of sun beaming through the trees are glorious.
In the hot days of summer, The Grotto is one of the coolest places in town. The combination of the east winds and the canopy of the tall trees create a pleasant environment for a summer stroll.
Snowy Days

As they are fairly rare in Portland, snow days are really something special.
If the roads in the area surrounding The Grotto are safe to drive, we will open our grounds.
We will always post information about closures on our website at thegrotto.org.
If we have to close due to snow, we will try and send some photos of what it looks like, often taken by the Servite Friars, who reside in the Monastery of Our Lady of Sorrows at The Grotto.
As it is uncommon to see, here are a few more photos of The Grotto in the snow.
Light a Candle at The Grotto

Purchase a candle to be lighted at The Grotto while we are closed. Your candle will burn for seven days in the outdoor cradles by The Grotto.

Your support will help The Grotto continue its ministry through this difficult time.

Mass Enrollment Cards
Perpetual Enrollment in The Grotto’s Guild of Masses and Prayer honors yourself, your family or your loved ones, and provides support for The National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother.

The Series

We hope you are enjoying our daily feature A Place of Sanctuary: Bringing The Grotto to You.

Week 1
St. Francis of Assisi
Celebrating St. Patrick's Day
St. Anne's Chapel
St. Joseph's Grove
The Marilyn Moyer Meditation Chapel
Spring in the Garden
Our Lady's Grotto

Week 2
St. Jude Thaddeus
Statue of Mary, Our Mother
The Pollinator Garden
St. Philip Benizi's Retreat
Pathways of The Grotto
St. Peregrine Shrine
The Servites

Week 3
Here Light Shines
The Peace Garden
Looking Up
Feast of Our Lady at the Foot of the Cross
The Rose Garden
Palm Sunday, The Christus Garden

Week 4
Crosses and Crucifixes
Sacred Heart Statue
Angels of The Grotto
Holy Thursday of The Lord's Supper
Good Friday, Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday, Via Matris
Easter Sunday

Week 5
The Forest
Blessing of the Animals
Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine
Colors of The Grotto
Mysteries of the Rosary
Lighting a Candle
Chapel of Mary

Week 6
Come to the Water
Our Lady of Lavang Shrine
Celebrating God's Creation
Our Lady of Lourdes
The Labyrinth
Looking Out a Window
How The Grotto Began

Week 7
The Cliff and Elevator
Lithuanian Wayside Shrine
The Grotto by the Numbers
Music at The Grotto
May Flowers
Take a Closer Look
Outdoor Mass

Week 8
The Feast of St. Peregrine
Celebrating Your Favorites
A Year at The Grotto
The Seven Holy Founders
Views and Perspectives
The Rhododendrons
Mother's Day at The Grotto

Week 9
Twilight at The Grotto
The Peace Pole
Our Lady of Czestochowa Polish Shrine
A Seat Waiting for You
The Murals
Mosaics of The Grotto
The Chapel Saints

Week 10
The Grotto Gift Shop
The Servite Mission
Architecture of The Grotto
A Retreat at The Grotto
The Visitor Center
Arriving at The Grotto
Sr. Ruth's Well

Week 11
Celebrating Memorial Day
A Gallery in the Woods
Hope and Healing
The View
The Grotto Plaza
The Leaves
Celebrating Pentecost

Week 12
Then and Now
Meet Me at The Grotto
A Sanctuary of Peace
In Every Sense
A Parade of Roses
Volunteering at The Grotto

Week 13
Today: Whatever the Weather
The Grotto
The National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother

NE 85th & Sandy Blvd.
Portland, Oregon
