
Yogic Living Newsletter

November 2022 - Volume 1

The nervous system is a central component of our overall health and well-being, informing all aspects of our body functions. A strong nervous system allows us to remain stable and steady despite the growing pressure of the times. 

Yet the times are marked by information overload, polarized social and political circles, emotional, environmental and financial stress. The individual and collective nervous system is under pressure like never before. 

It’s in times like these that we turn towards practice, embracing Kundalini Yoga for its capacity to strengthen the nervous system and allow us to thrive in these times. Explore this week’s Yogic Living for resources to regulate and strengthen your nervous system with Kundalini Yoga. 

Meditation to Strengthen the Nervous System

A strong nervous system helps us stay calm and steady through times of stress. This exercise is said to give your nervous system great strength. To begin, sit with a tall spine in a cross-legged position. Cup the hands slightly and clap them in front of the heart at the rate of one clap per second. Your hands must create a sound. The elbows are relaxed down. Breathe in rhythm with the motion through pursed lips, inhaling as the hands are spread, and exhaling as you clap the hands together.

Find the Full Practice Here

Wahe Guru Kriya for Nervous Balance

According to yogic tradition, this powerful meditation strengthens your nervous system so nothing bothers you, expands your intuitive sense, and makes the mind clear and decisive. It helps you have the strength to act on your ideals and to consciously direct yourself. The next time you have a big decision in front of you, try this for just three minutes sitting at your desk.

Find the Full Practice Here

Set for the Nervous System and Glandular Balance

This kriya is for reducing stress and fortifying the mind and body to effectively respond to change in a healthy way. The first exercise stimulates the pituitary to create a balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. Begin by sitting in Easy Pose with the arms extended straight out to the sides parallel to the ground. The palms are facing up. Move only your Saturn finger (the middle finger) up and down rapidly. Using a powerful breath, inhale as you raise your finger and exhale as you lower it.

Find the Full Practice Here

More Practices for the Nervous System

Kriya for Mood and Metabolism Balance

Kriya to Withstand the Pressure of Time

Parasympathetic Rejuvenation Meditation with the Gong

Adjust Your Flow - The Four U's

The Caliber of Life Meditation to Totally Recharge You

Numerology for November: A Grand Alignment

The month of November 2022 is a power point of grand alignment within the domain of the Heavenly and Earthly realms. Much that has been hidden or disguised from public view will be coursing the airwaves of TV, social media, and your local coffee shop. This new dimension of information will have a very liberating effect on people’s lives, and at the same time, there will be a few “tough nuts” who refuse to read the writing on the wall. We will pray for them.

The number 11 represents the themes of integrity, balance within, higher values, inspired leadership, and an electrical kind of energy that can work efficiently at lightning speed. Like a sprinter at the starting line, we will feel the urge to spring forward and engage with our lives in a new and creative way. There will be an abundance of what is popularly called “spiritual downloads” occurring for anyone who is open to a step toward spiritual destiny. What is spiritual destiny, you might ask?

Read the Full Forecast Here

Your Contribution Matters

Maybe a new teacher in Thailand is looking for a particular kriya. Or a lifelong student in Chicago wants a recipe for the weekend. Or someone who’s struggling in Australia and needi to hear about Seva and the solstice celebration. 3HO is for everyone, everywhere looking for connections to resources, inspiration, and community events as they engage in the path of Kundalini Yoga in their life.

Every day, someone gets on a yoga mat for the first or the thousandth time and uses 3HO resources — videos, posts, lives — to guide their practice. We are grateful for your support, as we expand our digital resources.

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