The month of November 2022 is a power point of grand alignment within the domain of the Heavenly and Earthly realms. Much that has been hidden or disguised from public view will be coursing the airwaves of TV, social media, and your local coffee shop. This new dimension of information will have a very liberating effect on people’s lives, and at the same time, there will be a few “tough nuts” who refuse to read the writing on the wall. We will pray for them.
The number 11 represents the themes of integrity, balance within, higher values, inspired leadership, and an electrical kind of energy that can work efficiently at lightning speed. Like a sprinter at the starting line, we will feel the urge to spring forward and engage with our lives in a new and creative way. There will be an abundance of what is popularly called “spiritual downloads” occurring for anyone who is open to a step toward spiritual destiny. What is spiritual destiny, you might ask?